
来源:互联网 发布:单片机的发展趋势 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 09:35



function p = randperm(n);
%RANDPERM Random permutation.
% RANDPERM(n) is a random permutation of the integers from 1 to n.
% For example, RANDPERM(6) might be [2 4 5 6 1 3].
% Note that RANDPERM calls RAND and therefore changes RAND's state. %
% See also PERMUTE. % Copyright 1984-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 5.10 $ $Date: 2002/04/09 00:26:14 $
[ignore,p] = sort(rand(1,n));

1. rand(1, n)产生1行n列的0-1之内的随机数矩阵。
2. sort()把这个矩阵排序,返回的ignore是排序后的序列,p是排序后的序列的各数原来的索引,这个索引肯定是随机的,而且是在1到n间无重复的整数。


>> a = rand(10,4)a =    0.9516    0.3015    0.0326    0.6448    0.9203    0.7011    0.5612    0.3763    0.0527    0.6663    0.8819    0.1909    0.7379    0.5391    0.6692    0.4283    0.2691    0.6981    0.1904    0.4820    0.4228    0.6665    0.3689    0.1206    0.5479    0.1781    0.4607    0.5895    0.9427    0.1280    0.9816    0.2262    0.4177    0.9991    0.1564    0.3846    0.9831    0.1711    0.8555    0.5830>> RandIndex = randperm( length( a ) );   % 随即打乱数组索引a = a( RandIndex,: );   % 用新的索引构造打乱后的数组>> aa =    0.9831    0.1711    0.8555    0.5830    0.9516    0.3015    0.0326    0.6448    0.7379    0.5391    0.6692    0.4283    0.9203    0.7011    0.5612    0.3763    0.9427    0.1280    0.9816    0.2262    0.4177    0.9991    0.1564    0.3846    0.0527    0.6663    0.8819    0.1909    0.5479    0.1781    0.4607    0.5895    0.2691    0.6981    0.1904    0.4820    0.4228    0.6665    0.3689    0.1206

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