Hadoop Compression解压缩架构的学习

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么设置客服 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:20

           Hadoop的Compressor解压缩模块是Hadoop Common IO模块中又一大的模块。虽然说在现实生活中,我们使用压缩工具等的使用场景并不是那么多。或许在我们潜在的意识里,压缩的概念就停留在一些压缩种类上,zip,gzip,bizp等等不同类型的压缩,分别具有不同的压缩比,效率比等等。也许当你看完本篇本人对于Hadoop的压缩框架的学习之后,你一定会有所收获。

          压缩对于数据的传输室至关重要的,同样对于存储来说也大大的提高了效率,在Hadoop系统中目前支持的压缩算法包括1,gzip 2.bzip 3.snappy4.default系统默认算法。这些压缩工具的体现都是通过一个叫CompressionCodec的对象来体现的。先来看看这个类:

/** * This class encapsulates a streaming compression/decompression pair. */public interface CompressionCodec {  CompressionOutputStream createOutputStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException;    CompressionOutputStream createOutputStream(OutputStream out,                                              Compressor compressor) throws IOException;  Class<? extends Compressor> getCompressorType();    Compressor createCompressor();    CompressionInputStream createInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException;    CompressionInputStream createInputStream(InputStream in,                                            Decompressor decompressor) throws IOException;  Class<? extends Decompressor> getDecompressorType();    Decompressor createDecompressor();    String getDefaultExtension();}





public class CompressionCodecFactory {  public static final Log LOG =    LogFactory.getLog(CompressionCodecFactory.class.getName());  /**   * A map from the reversed filename suffixes to the codecs.   * This is probably overkill, because the maps should be small, but it    * automatically supports finding the longest matching suffix.   * 所有的解压缩编码类放入 codecs Map图中,CompressionCodec是一个基类,   * 允许添加上其所继承的子类   */  private SortedMap<String, CompressionCodec> codecs = null;

/**   * Find the codecs specified in the config value io.compression.codecs    * and register them. Defaults to gzip and zip.   * 根据配置初始化压缩编码工厂,默认添加的是gzip和zip编码类   */  public CompressionCodecFactory(Configuration conf) {    codecs = new TreeMap<String, CompressionCodec>();    List<Class<? extends CompressionCodec>> codecClasses = getCodecClasses(conf);    if (codecClasses == null) {      //如果没有编码类的设置,则加入gzip,defaultCode      addCodec(new GzipCodec());      addCodec(new DefaultCodec());          } else {      Iterator<Class<? extends CompressionCodec>> itr = codecClasses.iterator();      while (itr.hasNext()) {        CompressionCodec codec = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(itr.next(), conf);        addCodec(codec);           }    }  }
然后是从工厂中取出压缩算法工具的时候了,通过名字获取,其实这种模式类似于享受 模式,达到对象的复用效果了。

 /**   * Find the relevant compression codec for the given file based on its   * filename suffix.   * @param file the filename to check   * @return the codec object   */  public CompressionCodec getCodec(Path file) {    CompressionCodec result = null;    if (codecs != null) {      String filename = file.getName();      String reversedFilename = new StringBuffer(filename).reverse().toString();      SortedMap<String, CompressionCodec> subMap =         codecs.headMap(reversedFilename);      if (!subMap.isEmpty()) {        String potentialSuffix = subMap.lastKey();        //根据比对名字,从codecs Map中取出对应的CompressionCodec        if (reversedFilename.startsWith(potentialSuffix)) {          result = codecs.get(potentialSuffix);        }      }    }    return result;  }

/** * Specification of a stream-based 'compressor' which can be   * plugged into a {@link CompressionOutputStream} to compress data. * This is modelled after {@link java.util.zip.Deflater} *  */public interface Compressor {  /**   * Sets input data for compression.    * This should be called whenever #needsInput() returns    * <code>true</code> indicating that more input data is required.   * 输入待压缩的数据   *    * @param b Input data   * @param off Start offset   * @param len Length   */  public void setInput(byte[] b, int off, int len);    /**   * Returns true if the input data buffer is empty and    * #setInput() should be called to provide more input.    * 判断缓冲区中能否再输入数据   *    * @return <code>true</code> if the input data buffer is empty and    * #setInput() should be called in order to provide more input.   */  public boolean needsInput();    /**   * Sets preset dictionary for compression. A preset dictionary    * is used when the history buffer can be predetermined.    *   * @param b Dictionary data bytes   * @param off Start offset   * @param len Length   */  public void setDictionary(byte[] b, int off, int len);  /**   * Return number of uncompressed bytes input so far.   * 返回未压缩的数据的字节长度   */  public long getBytesRead();  /**   * Return number of compressed bytes output so far.   * 返回已压缩字节的大小   */  public long getBytesWritten();  /**   * When called, indicates that compression should end   * with the current contents of the input buffer.   * 代表输入的结束   */  public void finish();    /**   * Returns true if the end of the compressed    * data output stream has been reached.   * @return <code>true</code> if the end of the compressed   * data output stream has been reached.   * 判断压缩器中还有没有未取出的压缩后的数据   */  public boolean finished();    /**   * Fills specified buffer with compressed data. Returns actual number   * of bytes of compressed data. A return value of 0 indicates that   * needsInput() should be called in order to determine if more input   * data is required.   * 压缩处理方法,将输入的压缩数据压缩处理后输出到传入的输出缓冲中   *    * @param b Buffer for the compressed data   * @param off Start offset of the data   * @param len Size of the buffer   * @return The actual number of bytes of compressed data.   */  public int compress(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException;    /**   * Resets compressor so that a new set of input data can be processed.   * 压缩器重置方法   */  public void reset();    /**   * Closes the compressor and discards any unprocessed input.   * 关闭压缩器,一般在结束的时候调用   */  public void end();  /**   * Prepare the compressor to be used in a new stream with settings defined in   * the given Configuration   * 根据配置重新初始化压缩器的实现   *    * @param conf Configuration from which new setting are fetched   */  public void reinit(Configuration conf);}

public class ZlibCompressor implements Compressor {  //默认的缓冲区64k  private static final int DEFAULT_DIRECT_BUFFER_SIZE = 64*1024;  // HACK - Use this as a global lock in the JNI layer  private static Class clazz = ZlibCompressor.class;  private long stream;    /**   * 定义了压缩水平,可以是无损压缩,可以是追求效率的快速的压缩等等类型   */  private CompressionLevel level;    /**   * 定义了压缩策略,有比如常见的哈弗曼编码方式,filterd方式,或者其他   */  private CompressionStrategy strategy;    /**   * 定于了压缩的头部格式信息,比如一般前面都会有个checksum校验和的信息,当然可以选择NO_HEAEDER   */  private final CompressionHeader windowBits;

  private int directBufferSize;  private byte[] userBuf = null;  private int userBufOff = 0, userBufLen = 0;  //未压缩的缓冲  private Buffer uncompressedDirectBuf = null;  private int uncompressedDirectBufOff = 0, uncompressedDirectBufLen = 0;  //已压缩缓冲数据  private Buffer compressedDirectBuf = null;  //输入结束标识,压缩结束标识  private boolean finish, finished;

/**   * Creates a new compressor with the default compression level.   * Compressed data will be generated in ZLIB format.   * 默认构造出压缩器,压缩水平,策略等都是默认值   */  public ZlibCompressor() {    this(CompressionLevel.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,         CompressionStrategy.DEFAULT_STRATEGY,         CompressionHeader.DEFAULT_HEADER,         DEFAULT_DIRECT_BUFFER_SIZE);  }

public ZlibCompressor(CompressionLevel level, CompressionStrategy strategy,                         CompressionHeader header, int directBufferSize) {    this.level = level;    this.strategy = strategy;    this.windowBits = header;    stream = init(this.level.compressionLevel(),                   this.strategy.compressionStrategy(),                   this.windowBits.windowBits());    //设置直接缓冲区的大小为64*1024个字节    this.directBufferSize = directBufferSize;    //申请2个一样大小的64k的缓冲区    uncompressedDirectBuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(directBufferSize);    compressedDirectBuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(directBufferSize);    //把压缩缓冲的位置挪到最后面    compressedDirectBuf.position(directBufferSize);  }






public synchronized void setInput(byte[] b, int off, int len) {    if (b== null) {      throw new NullPointerException();    }    if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off > b.length - len) {      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();    }        //设置用户缓冲数据变量    this.userBuf = b;    this.userBufOff = off;    this.userBufLen = len;    setInputFromSavedData();        // Reinitialize zlib's output direct buffer     //重新初始化已压缩缓冲的位置    compressedDirectBuf.limit(directBufferSize);    compressedDirectBuf.position(directBufferSize);  }

synchronized void setInputFromSavedData() {    uncompressedDirectBufOff = 0;    //更新未压缩缓冲数据的长度为用户buf的长度    uncompressedDirectBufLen = userBufLen;    if (uncompressedDirectBufLen > directBufferSize) {      //如果超过最大值,则变为最大值      uncompressedDirectBufLen = directBufferSize;    }    // Reinitialize zlib's input direct buffer    uncompressedDirectBuf.rewind();    //将用户数据存入uncompressedDirectBuf    ((ByteBuffer)uncompressedDirectBuf).put(userBuf, userBufOff,                                              uncompressedDirectBufLen);    // Note how much data is being fed to zlib    //加上用户缓冲区的偏移量    userBufOff += uncompressedDirectBufLen;    //减少用户缓冲区的数据长度    userBufLen -= uncompressedDirectBufLen;  }

public boolean needsInput() {    // Consume remaining compressed data?    if (compressedDirectBuf.remaining() > 0) {      //如果已压缩缓冲区中有数据,必须先取出其中的数据,才能输入      return false;    }    // Check if zlib has consumed all input    if (uncompressedDirectBufLen <= 0) {      //判断未压缩缓冲的大小是否小于等于0      // Check if we have consumed all user-input      if (userBufLen <= 0) {    //判断之前用户的缓冲数据都已经出来完毕了        return true;      } else {        setInputFromSavedData();      }    }        return false;  }


public synchronized void finish() {//输入结束标识改为true    finish = true;  }

public synchronized int compress(byte[] b, int off, int len)     throws IOException {    if (b == null) {      throw new NullPointerException();    }    if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off > b.length - len) {      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();    }        int n = 0;        // Check if there is compressed data    //判断已压缩缓冲区中是否还有数据    n = compressedDirectBuf.remaining();    if (n > 0) {      n = Math.min(n, len);      //取出放入传入的输出缓冲中      ((ByteBuffer)compressedDirectBuf).get(b, off, n);      return n;    }    // Re-initialize the zlib's output direct buffer    //如果已压缩缓冲中没有数据了,重新设置compressedDirectBuf    compressedDirectBuf.rewind();    compressedDirectBuf.limit(directBufferSize);    // Compress data    //调用压缩数据的native方法,最后未压缩的数据就会被压缩后转入已压缩的缓冲中    n = deflateBytesDirect();    compressedDirectBuf.limit(n);        // Get atmost 'len' bytes    n = Math.min(n, len);    //将此时压缩好后的数据再从已压缩缓冲中取出    ((ByteBuffer)compressedDirectBuf).get(b, off, n);    return n;  }




private native static void initIDs();  private native static long init(int level, int strategy, int windowBits);  private native static void setDictionary(long strm, byte[] b, int off,                                           int len);  private native int deflateBytesDirect();  private native static long getBytesRead(long strm);  private native static long getBytesWritten(long strm);  private native static void reset(long strm);  private native static void end(long strm);


public synchronized boolean finished() {    // Check if 'zlib' says its 'finished' and    // all compressed data has been consumed//判断压缩过程是佛结束,判断已压缩缓冲中是否还有未取出的数据    return (finished && compressedDirectBuf.remaining() == 0);  }


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