
来源:互联网 发布:电脑恢复数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 21:25


If you are addicted to Notepad++ text editor (actually its more than text editor) on Windows and would like to use it on Linux, its pretty simple. Install wine.

On Ubuntu you can install wine as follows

sudo apt-get install wine

enter the password when it asks. On other Linux platforms install using its package manager eg. yast for Suse.

Then download Notepad++. Then open a console/terminal and run the notepad insatller executable as follows

wine /media/Setup/npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe

I was using the notepad++ 5.3.1 installer. Note that you should replace /media/Setup with your installation path. The usual windows installation will pop up. Select the default path to install (ie C:Program files) and change other options if you want. I selected all the default options. So not sure whether customizing options will work. After installation dont choose the ‘Launch notepad’ option, instead close the installation wizard. By now Notepad would have got added to your Linux menu. On Ubuntu 9.04 it was under Applications->Other. Just click on it to launch it.

Alternatively you can launch it from the console as follows. Make sure that you replace srixu with your username

wine /home/srixu/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe

Note: Right click doesnot work on the tabs in Notepad++ on ubuntu 9.04

- See more at: http://www.technosrix.com/notepad-exe-on-ubuntu-linux/#sthash.AvyuqlJa.dpuf
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