
来源:互联网 发布:mac 终端 颜色 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 21:54

1.abstract  class     声明 初始化(init),创建h2缓存表(create),插入数据(insertData),初始化完成(inited),销毁(destroy)方法,并在类中存放共有方法



package com.dyna.report.config.abstracts;


import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.Map;


import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;


import com.dyna.report.config.enums.DataBaseType;

import com.dyna.report.config.tools.H2Column;

import com.dyna.report.config.tools.H2Table;


public abstract class AbstractH2LoadCache {

        protected TemplateFactory tf;


        public void setFc(TemplateFactory fc) {

               this.tf = fc;



        protected H2Table table;


        public void setTable(H2Table table) {

               this.table = table;




         * 判断传入的  表名称  在H2数据库中是否存在

         * @param tableName

         * @return


        protected Boolean existsH2Table(String tableName) {

               String sql = "SELECT count(*) tableNum FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_name = upper(?)";

               Integer num = tf.getJdbcTemplate(DataBaseType.H2).queryForObject(

                               sql, new Object[] { tableName }, new RowMapper<Integer>() {

                                      public Integer mapRow(ResultSet res, int arg1)

                                                     throws SQLException {

                                              Integer num = res.getInt("tableNum");

                                              return num;



               if (num <= 0) {

                       return false;


               return true;




         * 根据配置列信息组装  创建H2数据库的sql语句

         * @param columns

         * @return


        protected String splitTableColumns(Map<String,H2Column> columns){

               StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

               String[] strclm = new String[columns.size()];

               Iterator it = columns.keySet().iterator();


                       String key = it.next().toString();

                       H2Column column = columns.get(key);

                       strclm[Integer.parseInt(column.getOrder())]=column.getKey()+" "+column.getType();


               for(String clm :strclm){



               return sb.substring(0, sb.length()-1);


        public abstract void init();


        public abstract void create();


        public abstract void insertData();


        public abstract void inited();


        public abstract void destroy();


2.  LoadH2Cache.java   ,在listener 中调用,执行H2缓存表的生成创建,插入数据,销毁缓存等


package com.dyna.report.config.tools;


import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.Map;


import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;


import com.dyna.report.config.abstracts.AbstractH2LoadCache;

import com.dyna.report.config.abstracts.TemplateFactory;

import com.dyna.report.config.enums.DataBaseType;

import com.dyna.report.config.exceptions.BussException;

import com.dyna.report.config.util.SysUtil;


public class LoadH2Cache {

        private static Logger logger = Logger


        private TemplateFactory tc;


        public void setTc(TemplateFactory tc) {

               this.tc = tc;




         * 创建H2缓存


         * @param map


        public void loadH2Map(Map map) {

               try {

                       if (map == null || map.size() <= 0) {



                       if (SysUtil.H2Cache.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) {

                               throw new BussException("h2缓存数据库功能关闭,请确认");



                       String sql = "SELECT count(*) usercount FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.USERS ";

                       try {

                               int num = tc.getJdbcTemplate(DataBaseType.H2).queryForObject(

                                              sql, new RowMapper<Integer>() {

                                                     public Integer mapRow(ResultSet res, int arg1)

                                                                     throws SQLException {

                                                             Integer num = res.getInt("usercount");

                                                             return num;



                       } catch (org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {

                               SysUtil.H2Cache = "G";

                               logger.error("h2初始化发生错误:" + e.getMessage() + ",不能使用h2数据库缓存");




                       Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator();

                       while (it.hasNext()) {

                               String key = it.next().toString();

                               H2Table table = (H2Table) map.get(key);

                               try {

                                      AbstractH2LoadCache h2cache = table.getLoadClass();







                                      logger.info("h2缓存初始化" + table.getText() + "完成");

                               } catch (BussException e) {

                                      logger.error("初始化h2 " + table.getText() + "缓存发生业务错误:"

                                                     + e.getMessage());


                               } catch (Exception e) {

                                      logger.error("h2初始化发生错误:" + e.getMessage() + ",不能使用h2数据库"

                                                     + table.getText() + " 缓存");




                               logger.debug("初始化好H2数据库表 name==" + table.getName() + " TEXT=="

                                              + table.getText());


                       SysUtil.H2Cache = "Y";

               } catch (BussException e) {

                       logger.error("初始化h2缓存发生业务错误:" + e.getMessage());


               } catch (Exception e) {

                       logger.error("h2初始化发生错误:" + e.getMessage() + ",不能使用h2数据库缓存");






         * 销毁H2缓存


         * @param map


        public void destroyH2Map(Map map) {

               try {

                       if (map == null || map.size() <= 0) {



                       if (SysUtil.H2Cache.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) {

                               throw new BussException("h2缓存数据库功能关闭,请确认");



                       String sql = "SELECT count(*) usercount FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.USERS ";

                       try {

                               int num = tc.getJdbcTemplate(DataBaseType.H2).queryForObject(

                                              sql, new RowMapper<Integer>() {

                                                     public Integer mapRow(ResultSet res, int arg1)

                                                                     throws SQLException {

                                                             Integer num = res.getInt("usercount");

                                                             return num;



                       } catch (org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {

                               SysUtil.H2Cache = "G";

                               logger.error("h2初始化发生错误:" + e.getMessage() + ",不能使用h2数据库缓存");




                       Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator();

                       while (it.hasNext()) {

                               String key = it.next().toString();

                               H2Table table = (H2Table) map.get(key);

                               try {

                                      AbstractH2LoadCache h2cache = table.getLoadClass();



                                      logger.info("h2缓存销毁" + table.getText() + "完成");

                               } catch (BussException e) {

                                      logger.error("销毁h2 " + table.getText() + "缓存发生业务错误:"

                                                     + e.getMessage());


                               } catch (Exception e) {

                                      logger.error("h2销毁发生错误:" + e.getMessage() + ",不能使用h2数据库"

                                                     + table.getText() + " 缓存");




                               logger.debug("销毁H2数据库表 name==" + table.getName() + " TEXT=="

                                              + table.getText());


                       SysUtil.H2Cache = "Y";

               } catch (BussException e) {

                       logger.error("销毁h2缓存发生业务错误:" + e.getMessage());


               } catch (Exception e) {

                       logger.error("h2销毁发生错误:" + e.getMessage() + ",不能使用h2数据库缓存");





3.   H2Column.java

package com.dyna.report.config.tools;


import java.io.Serializable;


import com.dyna.report.config.abstracts.AbstractCommonPoJo;


public class H2Column extends AbstractCommonPoJo implements Serializable{


        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


        private String key;

        private String text;

        private String tablename;

        private String type;

        private String order;


        public String getType() {

               return type;


        public void setType(String type) {

               this.type = type;


        public String getOrder() {

               return order;


        public void setOrder(String order) {

               this.order = order;


        public String getKey() {

               return key;


        public void setKey(String key) {

               this.key = key;


        public String getText() {

               return text;


        public void setText(String text) {

               this.text = text;


        public String getTablename() {

               return tablename;


        public void setTablename(String tablename) {

               this.tablename = tablename;




4.   H2Table.java 


package com.dyna.report.config.tools;


import java.io.Serializable;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;


import com.dyna.report.config.abstracts.AbstractCommonPoJo;

import com.dyna.report.config.abstracts.AbstractH2LoadCache;


public class H2Table extends AbstractCommonPoJo implements Serializable{


        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


        private String name;

        private String text;

        private String database;

        private AbstractH2LoadCache loadClass;

        private Map<String,H2Column> columns = new HashMap<String, H2Column>();


        public String getName() {

               return name;


        public void setName(String name) {

               this.name = name;


        public String getText() {

               return text;


        public void setText(String text) {

               this.text = text;


        public String getDatabase() {

               return database;


        public void setDatabase(String database) {

               this.database = database;


        public AbstractH2LoadCache getLoadClass() {

               return loadClass;


        public void setLoadClass(AbstractH2LoadCache loadClass) {

               this.loadClass = loadClass;


        public Map<String, H2Column> getColumns() {

               return columns;


        public void setColumns(Map<String, H2Column> columns) {

               this.columns = columns;





5.  BeanHelper .java    

public class Beanhelper {

        private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Beanhelper.class.getName());



         * 根据类全名 生成类

         * @param s

         * @return


        public static Object getClass(String s) {

               try {

                       return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(s)


               } catch (Exception e) {


               try {

                       return Class.forName(s).newInstance();

               } catch (Exception e) {

                       throw new BussException(e.getMessage());




6.   ZgCodeLoadCache.java


package com.dyna.report.config.H2load;


import java.util.List;


import net.sf.json.JSONObject;


import org.apache.log4j.Logger;


import com.dyna.report.config.abstracts.AbstractH2LoadCache;

import com.dyna.report.config.control.CommonConfigDao;

import com.dyna.report.config.control.CommonRowMapper;

import com.dyna.report.config.enums.DataBaseType;

import com.dyna.report.config.exceptions.BussException;


public class ZgCodeLoadCache extends AbstractH2LoadCache {

        private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ZgCodeLoadCache.class



        public void init() {

               if (existsH2Table(table.getName())) {

                       throw new BussException("缓存表 name:" + table.getName() + " TEXT:"

                                      + table.getText() + "已经存在,请确认");




        public void create() {

               StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

               sb.append(" create table ").append(table.getName()).append("(")


               logger.info("create table " + table.getText() + " sql:" + sb.toString());




        public void insertData() {

               int count = 0;

               String csq = " select aaa100,aaa102,aaa103,aaz093 from aa10 where  (aae031 is null or(length(aae031)=8 and to_date(aae031,'yyyymmdd')>sysdate)) order by aaz093";

               CommonConfigDao dao = new CommonConfigDao();


               List<JSONObject> jsons = dao.getTf()


                               .query(csq, new CommonRowMapper());

               String sql = "insert into " + table.getName() + " values (?,?,?,?)";

               for (int i = 1; i <= jsons.size(); i++) {

                       count = i;

                       JSONObject json = jsons.get(i - 1);



                                      .update(sql, new Object[] { json.get("aaa102") ,

                                                     json.get("aaa103"), json.get("aaa100"), i});



               csq = "select aaa027,aaa129,aab301 from aa13 ";

               jsons = dao.getTf()


                               .query(csq, new CommonRowMapper());

               for (int i = 1; i <= jsons.size(); i++) {


                       JSONObject json = jsons.get(i - 1);



                                      .update(sql, new Object[] { json.get("aaa027") ,

                                                     json.get("aaa129"), "AAA027", json.get("aab301")});



               csq = "select distinct aaa102,aaa103 from Aa23 aa23 where aae140 = 310  ";

               jsons = dao.getTf()


                               .query(csq, new CommonRowMapper());

               for (int i = 1; i <= jsons.size(); i++) {


                       JSONObject json = jsons.get(i - 1);



                                      .update(sql, new Object[] { json.get("aaa102") ,

                                                     json.get("aaa103"), "AAC066", count




               logger.info("缓存表 name:" + table.getName() + " TEXT:" + table.getText()

                               + " 缓存完毕,共插入数据" + count + "条");



        public void inited() {



        public void destroy() {




7.    JmCodeLoadCache.java


package com.dyna.report.config.H2load;


import java.util.List;


import net.sf.json.JSONObject;


import org.apache.log4j.Logger;


import com.dyna.report.config.abstracts.AbstractH2LoadCache;

import com.dyna.report.config.control.CommonConfigDao;

import com.dyna.report.config.control.CommonRowMapper;

import com.dyna.report.config.enums.DataBaseType;

import com.dyna.report.config.exceptions.BussException;


public class JmCodeLoadCache extends AbstractH2LoadCache {

        private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JmCodeLoadCache.class



        public void init() {

               if (existsH2Table(table.getName())) {

                       throw new BussException("缓存表 name:" + table.getName() + " TEXT:"

                                      + table.getText() + "已经存在,请确认");




        public void create() {

               StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

               sb.append(" create table ").append(table.getName()).append("(")


               logger.info("create table " + table.getText() + " sql:" + sb.toString());




        public void insertData() {

               int count = 0;

               String csq = " select aaa100,aaa102,aaa103,aaz093 from aa10 where  (aae031 is null or(length(aae031)=8 and to_date(aae031,'yyyymmdd')>sysdate)) order by aaz093";

               CommonConfigDao dao = new CommonConfigDao();


               List<JSONObject> jsons = dao.getTf()


                               .query(csq, new CommonRowMapper());

               String sql = "insert into " + table.getName() + " values (?,?,?,?)";

               for (int i = 1; i <= jsons.size(); i++) {

                       count = i;

                       JSONObject json = jsons.get(i - 1);



                                      .update(sql, new Object[] { json.get("aaa102") ,

                                                     json.get("aaa103"), json.get("aaa100"), i});



               csq = "select aaa027,aaa129,aab301 from aa13 ";

               jsons = dao.getTf()


                               .query(csq, new CommonRowMapper());

               for (int i = 1; i <= jsons.size(); i++) {


                       JSONObject json = jsons.get(i - 1);



                                      .update(sql, new Object[] { json.get("aaa027") ,

                                                     json.get("aaa129"), "AAA027", json.get("aab301")});




               logger.info("缓存表 name:" + table.getName() + " TEXT:" + table.getText()

                               + " 缓存完毕,共插入数据" + count + "条");



        public void inited() {



        public void destroy() {







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