
来源:互联网 发布:安徽11选五任3遗漏数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 11:00










Xml代码  收藏代码
  1. <!--applicationContext.xml配置:-->  
  3. <bean id="personService" class="cn.mytest.service.impl.PersonServiceBean"></bean>  




Java代码  收藏代码
  1. public void instanceSpring(){  
  2.                 //加载spring配置文件  
  3.         ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(  
  4.                 new String[]{  
  5.                         "/conf/applicationContext.xml"  
  6.                 });  
  7.         //调用getBean方法取得被实例化的对象。  
  8.         PersonServiceBean psb = (PersonServiceBean) ac.getBean("personService");  
  10.         psb.save();  
  11. }  







Java代码  收藏代码
  1. package cn.mytest.service.impl;  
  3. /** 
  4. *创建工厂类 
  5. * 
  6. */  
  7. public class PersonServiceFactory {  
  8.     //创建静态方法  
  9.     public static PersonServiceBean createPersonServiceBean(){  
  10.          //返回实例化的类的对象  
  11.         return new PersonServiceBean();  
  12.     }  
  13. }  



Xml代码  收藏代码
  1. <!--applicationContext.xml配置:-->  
  3. <bean id="personService1" class="cn.mytest.service.impl.PersonServiceFactory" factory-method="createPersonServiceBean"></bean>  




Java代码  收藏代码
  1. public void instanceSpring(){  
  2.                 //加载spring配置文件  
  3.         ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(  
  4.                 new String[]{  
  5.                         "/conf/applicationContext.xml"  
  6.                 });  
  7.         //调用getBean方法取得被实例化的对象。  
  8.         PersonServiceBean psb = (PersonServiceBean) ac.getBean("personService1");  
  10.         psb.save();  
  11. }  





Java代码  收藏代码
  1. package cn.mytest.service.impl;  
  3. /** 
  4. *创建工厂类 
  5. * 
  6. */  
  7. public class PersonServiceFactory {  
  8.     //创建静态方法  
  9.     public PersonServiceBean createPersonServiceBean1(){  
  10.          //返回实例化的类的对象  
  11.         return new PersonServiceBean();  
  12.     }  
  13. }  



Xml代码  收藏代码
  1. <!--applicationContext.xml配置:-->  
  3. <bean id="personServiceFactory" class="cn.mytest.service.impl.PersonServiceFactory"></bean>  
  5. <bean id="personService2" factory-bean="personServiceFactory" factory-method="createPersonServiceBean1"></bean>  






Java代码  收藏代码
  1. public void instanceSpring(){  
  2.                 //加载spring配置文件  
  3.         ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(  
  4.                 new String[]{  
  5.                         "/conf/applicationContext.xml"  
  6.                 });  
  7.         //调用getBean方法取得被实例化的对象。  
  8.         PersonServiceBean psb = (PersonServiceBean) ac.getBean("personService2");  
  10.         psb.save();  
  11. }  


4.3.2 Instantiating beans

A bean definition essentially is a recipe for creating one or more objects. The container looks at the recipe for a named bean when asked, and uses the configuration metadata encapsulated by that bean definition to create (or acquire) an actual object.

If you use XML-based configuration metadata, you specify the type (or class) of object that is to be instantiated in the class attribute of the <bean/> element. This class attribute, which internally is aClass property on a BeanDefinition instance, is usually mandatory. (For exceptions, see the section called “Instantiation using an instance factory method” andSection 4.7, “Bean definition inheritance”.) You use the Class property in one of two ways:

  • Typically, to specify the bean class to be constructed in the case where the container itself directly creates the bean by calling its constructor reflectively, somewhat equivalent to Java code using the new operator.
  • To specify the actual class containing the static factory method that will be invoked to create the object, in the less common case where the container invokes astatic factory method on a class to create the bean. The object type returned from the invocation of the static factory method may be the same class or another class entirely.

1、Instantiation with a constructor

When you create a bean by the constructor approach, all normal classes are usable by and compatible with Spring. That is, the class being developed does not need to implement any specific interfaces or to be coded in a specific fashion. Simply specifying the bean class should suffice. However, depending on what type of IoC you use for that specific bean, you may need a default (empty) constructor.

The Spring IoC container can manage virtually any class you want it to manage; it is not limited to managing true JavaBeans. Most Spring users prefer actual JavaBeans with only a default (no-argument) constructor and appropriate setters and getters modeled after the properties in the container. You can also have more exotic non-bean-style classes in your container. If, for example, you need to use a legacy connection pool that absolutely does not adhere to the JavaBean specification, Spring can manage it as well.

With XML-based configuration metadata you can specify your bean class as follows:

<bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean"/><bean name="anotherExample" class="examples.ExampleBeanTwo"/>

For details about the mechanism for supplying arguments to the constructor (if required) and setting object instance properties after the object is constructed, seeInjecting Dependencies.

2、Instantiation with a static factory method

When defining a bean that you create with a static factory method, you use the class attribute to specify the class containing the static factory method and an attribute named factory-method to specify the name of the factory method itself. You should be able to call this method (with optional arguments as described later) and return a live object, which subsequently is treated as if it had been created through a constructor. One use for such a bean definition is to call static factories in legacy code.

The following bean definition specifies that the bean will be created by calling a factory-method. The definition does not specify the type (class) of the returned object, only the class containing the factory method. In this example, the createInstance() method must be a static method.

<bean id="clientService"    class="examples.ClientService"    factory-method="createInstance"/>
public class ClientService {    private static ClientService clientService = new ClientService();    private ClientService() {}    public static ClientService createInstance() {        return clientService;    }}

For details about the mechanism for supplying (optional) arguments to the factory method and setting object instance properties after the object is returned from the factory, see Dependencies and configuration in detail.

3、Instantiation using an instance factory method

Similar to instantiation through a static factory method, instantiation with an instance factory method invokes a non-static method of an existing bean from the container to create a new bean. To use this mechanism, leave the class attribute empty, and in the factory-bean attribute, specify the name of a bean in the current (or parent/ancestor) container that contains the instance method that is to be invoked to create the object. Set the name of the factory method itself with the factory-methodattribute.

<!-- the factory bean, which contains a method called createInstance() --><bean id="serviceLocator" class="examples.DefaultServiceLocator">    <!-- inject any dependencies required by this locator bean --></bean><!-- the bean to be created via the factory bean --><bean id="clientService"    factory-bean="serviceLocator"    factory-method="createClientServiceInstance"/>
public class DefaultServiceLocator {    private static ClientService clientService = new ClientServiceImpl();    private DefaultServiceLocator() {}    public ClientService createClientServiceInstance() {        return clientService;    }}

One factory class can also hold more than one factory method as shown here:

<bean id="serviceLocator" class="examples.DefaultServiceLocator">    <!-- inject any dependencies required by this locator bean --></bean><bean id="clientService"    factory-bean="serviceLocator"    factory-method="createClientServiceInstance"/><bean id="accountService"    factory-bean="serviceLocator"    factory-method="createAccountServiceInstance"/>
public class DefaultServiceLocator {    private static ClientService clientService = new ClientServiceImpl();    private static AccountService accountService = new AccountServiceImpl();    private DefaultServiceLocator() {}    public ClientService createClientServiceInstance() {        return clientService;    }    public AccountService createAccountServiceInstance() {        return accountService;    }}

This approach shows that the factory bean itself can be managed and configured through dependency injection (DI). See Dependencies and configuration in detail.


In Spring documentation, factory bean refers to a bean that is configured in the Spring container that will create objects through an instance or staticfactory method. By contrast, FactoryBean (notice the capitalization) refers to a Spring-specific FactoryBean.


原型模式,这是多实例作用域,针对每次不同的请求,Bean容器均会生成一个全新的Bean实例以供调用者使用。prototype作用域非常适用于那些需要保持会话状态的Bean实例,有一点值得注意的就是,Spring不能对一个prototype Bean的整个生命周期负责,容器在初始化、装配好一个prototype实例后,将它交给客户端,随后就对该prototype实例不闻不问了。因此,客户端要负责prototype实例的生命周期管理。
针对每次HTTP请求,Spring容器会根据Bean的定义创建一个全新的Bean实例, 且该Bean实例仅在当前HTTP request内有效,因此可以根据需要放心地更改所建实例的内部状态, 而其他请求中根据Bean定义创建的实例,将不会看到这些特定于某个请求的状态变化。 当处理请求结束,request作用域的Bean实例将被销毁。该作用域仅在基于web的Spring ApplicationContext情形下有效。
针对某个HTTP Session,Spring容器会根据Bean定义创建一个全新的Bean实例,且该Bean实例仅在当前HTTP Session内有效。 与request作用域一样,我们可以根据需要放心地更改所创建实例的内部状态,而别的HTTP Session中根据Bean定义创建的实例, 将不会看到这些特定于某个HTTP Session的状态变化。 当HTTP Session最终被废弃的时候,在该HTTP Session作用域内的Bean实例也会被废弃掉。该作用域仅在基于Web的Spring ApplicationContext情形下有效。
global session
global session作用域类似于标准的HTTP Session作用域,不过它仅仅在基于portlet的Web应用中才有意义。portlet规范定义了全局Session的概念,它被所有构成某个portlet Web应用的各种不同的portlet所共享。在global session作用域中定义的Bean被限定于全局portlet Session的生命周期范围内。如果我们是在编写一个标准的基于Servlet的Web应用,并且定义了一个或多个具有global session作用域的Bean,系统会使用标准的HTTP Session作用域,并且不会引起任何错误。该作用域仅在基于Web的Spring ApplicationContext情形下有效。



ApplicationContext ctx=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[]{"applicationContext.xml"});
















(6)如果有BeanPostProcessor与当前Bean关联,则与之关联的对象的postProcess- BeforeInitialzation()方法将被调用。


(8)如果有BeanPostProcessor与当前Bean关联,则与之关联的对象的postProcess- AfterInitialzation()方法将被调用。









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