
来源:互联网 发布:五月天歌词 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:51

采用CSS或类似jquery 选择器(selector)语法来处理HTML文档中的数据。

利用方法:Element.select(String selector)和Elements.select(String selector)。
File input = new File("/tmp/input.html");Document doc = Jsoup.parse(input, "UTF-8", "http://example.com/");Elements links = doc.select("a[href]"); // a with hrefElements pngs = doc.select("img[src$=.png]");  // img with src ending .pngElement masthead = doc.select("div.masthead").first(); // div with class=mastheadElements resultLinks = doc.select("h3.r > a"); // direct a after h3

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(pageString);Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();

jsoup elements support a CSS(or jquery) like selector syntax to find matching elements, that allows very powerful and robust queries.
The selectmethod is available in a Document, Element, or in Elements. It is contextual, so you can filter by selecting from a specific element, or by chaining select calls.

Select returns a list of Elements (as Elements), which provides a range of methods to extract and manipulate the results.

选择器概要(Selector overview)

tagname: find elements by tag, e.g. a
ns|tag: find elements by tag in a namespace, e.g. fb|name finds <fb:name> elements
#id: find elements by ID, e.g. #logo
.class: find elements by class name, e.g. .masthead
[attribute]: elements with attribute, e.g. [href]
[^attr]: elements with an attribute name prefix, e.g. [^data-] finds elements with HTML5 dataset attributes
[attr=value]: elements with attribute value, e.g. [width=500]
[attr^=value], [attr$=value], [attr*=value]: elements with attributes that start with, end with, or contain the value, e.g. [href*=/path/]
[attr=~regex]: elements that have the attribute key, that its value matches the supplied regular expression; e.g. img[src~=(?i)\.(png|jpe?g)]
*: all elements, e.g. *




el#id: elements with ID, e.g. div#logo
el.class: elements with class, e.g. div.masthead
el[attr]: elements with attribute, e.g. a[href]
Any combination, e.g. a[href].highlight
ancestor child: child elements that descend from ancestor, e.g. .body p finds p elements anywhere under a block with class "body"
parent > child: child elements that descend directly from parent, e.g. div.content > p finds p elements; and body > * finds the direct children of the body tag
siblingA + siblingB: finds sibling B element immediately preceded by sibling A, e.g. div.head + div
siblingA ~ siblingX: finds sibling X element preceded by sibling A, e.g. h1 ~ p
el, el, el: group multiple selectors, find unique elements that match any of the selectors; e.g. div.masthead, div.logo


el.class:带类型的元素,例如. div.masthead
ancestor child:继承自某祖(父)元素的子元素,例如.body p查找“body”块下的p元素
parent > child:直接为父元素后代的子元素,例如: div.content > pf查找p元素,body > * 查找body元素的直系子元素
siblingA + siblingB:查找由同级元素A前导的同级元素,例如div.head + div
siblingA ~ siblingX:查找同级元素A前导的同级元素X例如h1 ~ p

el, el, el:多个选择器组合,查找匹配任一选择器的唯一元素,例如div.masthead, div.logo

伪选择器(Pseudo selectors)

el:lt(n): find elements whose sibling index (i.e. its position in the DOM tree relative to its parent) is less than n; e.g. td:lt(3)
el:gt(n): find elements whose sibling index is greater than n; e.g. div p:gt(2)
el:eq(n): find elements whose sibling index is equal to n; e.g. form input:eq(1)
el:has(seletor): find elements that contain elements matching the selector; e.g. div:has(p)
el:contains(text): find elements that contain the given text. The search is case-insensitive; e.g. p:contains(jsoup)
el:matches(regex): find elements whose text matches the specified regular expression; e.g. div:matches((?i)login).
Note that all of the above indexed pseudo-selectors are 0-based, that is, the first element is at index 0, the second at 1, etc.


:gt(n):查找查找索引值大于n的同级元素,例如div p:gt(2)
:eq(n) :查找索引值等于n的同级元素,例如form input:eq(1)

详见SelectorAPI 参考资料所列全部信息和细节。



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