Eclipse 中双击变量不高亮 切换变量不高亮 解决

来源:互联网 发布:软件开发就业形势 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 14:03


windows->   preferences-> java-> Editor-> Mark   Occurences 

最上边的大标题的复选框勾上,下面的就都可以高亮显示了,Local   variables是变量的高亮显示


alt+shift+o 也可以打开关闭这个

======================== 以上是设置

 下面的是切换变量的时候不高亮 ---测试可以

参考自 stackoverflow

Two "solutions" that at least get the highlight stuck on a new item (!!):

  1. As @Subas Raj mentioned, defocus and refocus the window - when you come back, your current position is occurrence-highlighted. Either hit AltTab twice, or use your mouse to click/focus some other window, then back.
  2. As @Leo and @Gorky mentions, hit AltShiftO twice. This is the shortcut for toggling highlight occurrences, and when you turn it back on, your current position is occurrence-highlighted.

And finally, a third ACTUAL solution: Replace one specific jar with a patched one:

说是双击变量后,不高亮, 但是当窗口的focus变化了,就会高亮了,这是Eclipse的一个Bug, 解决方法就是将eclipse/plugins/ 目录下的 org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench_0.11.0.v20130125-100758.jar 替换下。 

亲测可行, 就是反应略卡。

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