Ted演讲观后感 【Stop believing the pychics】

来源:互联网 发布:us域名注册 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 16:02



Here is the video:


The old man is called Randi, who has a foundation focusing on revealing the lies of the psychics and helping people from being deceived by them.

Psychics appear in many places in China, especially in the country. I heard stories of the poor people fooled by them and giving away all their fortune, with nothing coming back. However, I haven't heard any person or organization specifically aiming at this theme in China, so I have to applaud what Randi is doing after I watched this video.

What do psychics do? They show you their so-called power that they cannot prove, and they charge you a lot of money for completely useless information. For example, one of the famous operators in this field, James, claims to be able to talk to the deceased people and relay the information to the living. What can he bring to you? He often tells you that the dead people live happily in heaven and love you forever. Does he provide any useful information for you? Absolutely not. But we still get so many people paying him a lot to listen to this nonsense. Why do people buy it still? Randi said that it lied in education. We should stop these medieval thinking and start to believe science. Otherwise, there will be a rotting of American minds and of minds all the way around the earth.

It is really sad that one day your brother tells you that Mom cashed all her jewelries and gave away all the family fortune to a psychic. These events ruined a lot of people and families financially and leave the victims nothing but emotional anguish.

One thing that made me feel really shame in this video is that, according to what Randi said, American television frequently broadcast programs promoting these psychics. Don't the well educated television people know that these charlatans are ridiculous? Yes they do. But they just don't care. Why? Because the sponsors love it. It turns out all they want to do is pleasing the sponsors, so they expose these stories to television publicity with no social responsibility. So "the bottom line is the dollar line". Shame on these people!

I respect Randi's foundation and their effort on this field. What the psychics do is not fun, although some people think it is, and it is actually a cruel farce, sacrificing the innocent, naive, needy people's money, hope and happiness. 


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