PAT 1016(一个点也没有过Σ( ° △ °|||)︴,不知道问题出在哪里)

来源:互联网 发布:哈尔滨时时网络 天行 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 19:34
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<queue>#define MinSize (5)int TimeCost[24];using namespace std;typedef struct HeapStruct *BinaryHeap;typedef struct AVLtree *Node;typedef struct AVLtree *Position;typedef struct customer *Element;typedef struct call *ElementType;struct customer{char name[20];double charge;BinaryHeap h;};struct call{int month;int day;int min;int hour;int flag;};struct charge{struct call begin,end;double cost;int totaltime; };struct AVLtree{Element x;int height;Node left,right;};struct HeapStruct{int Capacity;int size;ElementType *Elements;};int cmp(struct call *c,struct call *d){struct call a,b;a = *c;b = *d;if(a.month == b.month)if( == == b.hour)return a.min - b.min;else return a.hour - b.hour;else return -;else return a.month - b.month;}BinaryHeap Initialize( int NumElements ){    BinaryHeap H;    struct call *MinData;    if( NumElements<MinSize )perror( "Priority queue size is too small" );    H = (BinaryHeap)malloc( sizeof( struct HeapStruct ) );    if( H ==NULL )perror( "Out of space!!!" );    H->Elements = (ElementType*)malloc( ( NumElements + 1 )* sizeof( ElementType ) );    if( H->Elements == NULL )perror( "Out of space!!!" );    H->Capacity = NumElements;     H->size = 0;     MinData = (struct call*)malloc(sizeof(struct call));     MinData->month = 0;    H->Elements[ 0 ] = MinData;    return H;}void Insert( ElementType X, BinaryHeap H ){    int i;    if( H->size == H->Capacity)    {perror( "Priority queue is full" );return;    }    for( i = ++H->size; cmp(H->Elements[ i / 2 ] , X)>0; i /= 2 )H->Elements[ i ] = H->Elements[ i / 2 ];    H->Elements[ i ] = X;}ElementType        DeleteMin( BinaryHeap H )        {            int i, Child;            ElementType MinElement, LastElement;      if( H->size == 0 )            {          perror( "Priority queue is empty" );          return H->Elements[ 0 ];            }      MinElement = H->Elements[ 1 ];      LastElement = H->Elements[ H->size-- ];      for( i = 1; i * 2 <= H->size; i = Child )            {                /* Find smaller child */          Child = i * 2;           if( Child != H->size && cmp(H->Elements[ Child + 1 ], H->Elements[ Child ])<0 )              Child++;                /* Percolate one level */          if( cmp(LastElement , H->Elements[ Child ])>0 )              H->Elements[ i ] = H->Elements[ Child ];                else              break;            }      H->Elements[ i ] = LastElement;      return MinElement; }int max(int a,int b){return a>b?a:b;}int height(Node t){if(t)return t->height;else return -1;}Position SingleRotationWithRight(Node t){Node tmp;tmp = t->left;t->left = tmp->right;tmp->right = t;t->height = max(height(t->left),height(t->right)) + 1;tmp->height = max(height(tmp->left),height(tmp->right)) + 1;return tmp;}Position SingleRotationWithLeft(Node t){Node tmp;tmp = t->right;t->right = tmp->left;tmp->left = t;t->height = max(height(t->left),height(t->right)) + 1;tmp->height = max(height(tmp->left),height(tmp->right)) + 1;return tmp;}Position DoubleRotationWithLeft(Node t){t->left = SingleRotationWithLeft(t->left);return SingleRotationWithRight(t);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            }Position DoubleRotationWithRight(Node t){t->right = SingleRotationWithRight(t->right);return SingleRotationWithLeft(t->right);}Position AVLInsert(Element x,Node t){if(t == NULL){t = (Node)malloc(sizeof(struct AVLtree));if(t == NULL){perror("Out of Space\n");return NULL;}t->left = t->right = NULL;t->x = x;t->height = 0;}else if(strcmp(x->name,t->x->name)<0){t->left = AVLInsert(x,t->left);if(height(t->left) - height(t->right)>1)if(strcmp(x->name,t->left->x->name)<0)t = SingleRotationWithRight(t);else t = DoubleRotationWithLeft(t);}else if(strcmp(x->name,t->x->name)>0){t->right = AVLInsert(x,t->right);if(height(t->right) - height(t->left)>1)if(strcmp(x->name,t->right->x->name)>0)t = SingleRotationWithLeft(t);else t = DoubleRotationWithRight(t);}t->height = max(height(t->left),height(t->right)) + 1;return t;}Position AVLFind(char *name,Node t){while(t!=NULL){if(strcmp(name,t->x->name) == 0)break;if(strcmp(name,t->x->name)>0)t = t->right;else t = t->left;}return t;}Position InsertRecord(char *name,struct call *NewRecord,Node t){Node tmp;Element NewNode;tmp = AVLFind(name,t);if(!tmp){NewNode = (Element)malloc(sizeof(struct customer));strcpy(NewNode->name,name);NewNode->charge = 0;NewNode->h = Initialize(500);Insert(NewRecord,NewNode->h);t = AVLInsert(NewNode,t);}else Insert(NewRecord,tmp->x->h);return t;}void PrintInt(int a){if(a<10)printf("0%d",a);else printf("%d",a);}void PrintTime(struct call a){PrintInt(;printf(":");PrintInt(a.hour);printf(":");PrintInt(a.min);}queue<struct charge> q;double CountCharge(struct call *c,struct call *d){struct call a,b;a = *c;b = *d;struct charge record;record.begin = a;record.end = b;int TmCst = ( -*24*60 + (b.hour - a.hour)*60 + b.min - a.min;record.totaltime = TmCst;double Cost = 0;if(TmCst<(60 - a.min)){Cost = TmCst*TimeCost[a.hour-1];TmCst = 0;}else {Cost = TimeCost[a.hour]*(60-a.min);a.hour++;if(a.hour == 24)a.hour = 0;TmCst -= 60 - a.min;}while(TmCst){if(TmCst/60){Cost += TimeCost[a.hour]*60;a.hour++;if(a.hour == 24)a.hour = 0;TmCst -= 60;}else {Cost += TimeCost[a.hour]*TmCst;TmCst = 0;}}record.cost = Cost/100;q.push(record);return Cost/100;}void PrintRecords(Node t){struct call *tmp1,*tmp2;int month;struct charge record;int flag;if(t){PrintRecords(t->left);flag = 0;month = t->x->h->Elements[1]->month;while(t->x->h->size){tmp1 = DeleteMin(t->x->h);if(!t->x->h->size)break;tmp2 = DeleteMin(t->x->h);if(tmp1->flag == 1&&tmp2->flag == 0){t->x->charge += CountCharge(tmp1,tmp2);flag++;}else if(tmp2->flag == 1){tmp1 = tmp2;if(!t->x->h->size)break;tmp2 = DeleteMin(t->x->h);t->x->charge += CountCharge(tmp1,tmp2);flag++;}else continue;}if(flag){printf("%s",t->x->name);if(month<10)printf(" 0%d\n",month);else printf(" %d\n",month);while(!q.empty()){record = q.front();q.pop();PrintTime(record.begin);printf(" ");PrintTime(record.end);printf(" %d $%.2lf\n",record.totaltime,record.cost);}printf("Total amount: $%.2lf\n",t->x->charge);}PrintRecords(t->right);}}void Dispose(Node t){if(t){Dispose(t->left);Dispose(t->right);free(t->x->h->Elements);free(t->x->h);free(t->x);free(t);}}int main(){int i;Node t;t = NULL;freopen("","r",stdin);for(i = 0;i<24;i++)scanf("%d",&TimeCost[i]);int NumOfRecords;scanf("%d",&NumOfRecords);char name[20],cmd[20];int day,month,hour,min;struct call *NewRecord;for(i = 0;i<NumOfRecords;i++){scanf("%s",name);scanf("%d:%d:%d:%d",&month,&day,&hour,&min);scanf("%s",cmd);NewRecord = (struct call*)malloc(sizeof(struct call));NewRecord->month = month;NewRecord->day = day;NewRecord->hour = hour;NewRecord->min = min;if(strcmp(cmd,"on-line") == 0)NewRecord->flag = 1;else NewRecord->flag = 0;t = InsertRecord(name,NewRecord,t);}PrintRecords(t);Dispose(t);return 0;}

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