
来源:互联网 发布:linux定时任务每15分钟 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:58
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>char get_choice(void);char get_first(void);int get_int(void);void count(void);int main(void){    int choice;    while((choice = get_choice())!='q')    {        switch(choice)        {            case 'a':            printf("Buy low,sell high.\n");            break;            case 'b':            putchar('\a');            break;            case 'c':            count();            break;            default:            printf("Program error!\n");            break;        }    }    printf("Bye!\n");    return 0;}void count (void){    int n,i;    printf("Count how far ? Enter integer:\n");    n = get_int();    for( i = 0; i < n ; i++)    {        printf("%d\n",i);    }    while(getchar()!='\n')    continue;}char get_choice(void){    int ch;    printf("Enter the letter of your choice:\n");    printf("a.advice        b.bell\n");    printf("c.count         d.quit\n");    ch = get_first();    while(((ch < 'a')||ch >'c') && ch != 'q')    {        printf("Please respond with a,b,c,d,and q.\n");        ch = get_first();    }    return ch;}char get_first(void){    int ch;    ch = getchar();    while(getchar() != '\n')    continue;    return ch;}int get_int(void){    int input;    char ch;    while(scanf("%d",&input) != 1)    {        while((ch = getchar())!='\n')        putchar(ch);<span style="white-space:pre"></span>/* 剔除错误的输入 */        printf(" is not an integer.\n Please enter an integer value,such as 25,-178,or 3:");    }    return input;}</span>

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