MigrationInstructions Instructions for migrating between major versions of Apktool

来源:互联网 发布:中国海关进口数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 04:01
Upgrades between Apktool versions that include an update to the internal framework, means that the Android framework has updated and new frameworks are needed.

v1.5.x -> v2.0.0
Java JRE 1.7 is required!
Update apktool to v2.0.0
aapt is now included inside the apktool binary. Its not required to maintain your own aapt install under $PATH. (However, features like -a / --aapt are still used and can override the internal aapt).
The addition of aapt replaces the need for separate aapt download packages. Helper Scripts may be found here.
Remove framework $HOME/apktool/framework/1.apk or manually update via (FrameworkFiles)
Eagle eye users will notice resources are now decoded before sources now. This is because we need to know the API version via the manifest for decoding the sources.
Parameter Changes

Smali/baksmali 2.0 are included. This is a big change from 1.4.2. Please read the smali updates here for more information.
-o / --output is now used for the output of apk/directory.
-t / --tag is required for tagging framework files
-advance / --advanced will launch advance parameters and information on the usage output.
-m / --match-original is a new feature for apk analysis. This retains the apk is nearly original format, but will make rebuild more than likely not work due to ignoring the changes that newer aapt requires.
After [d]ecode, there will be new folders (original / unknown) in the decoded apk folder.
original/ = META-INF folder / AndroidManifest.xml, which are needed to retain the signature of APKs to prevent resigning. Used with -c / --copy-original on [b]uild.
unknown/ = Files / folders that are not part of the standard AOSP build procedure. These files will be injected back into the rebuilt APK.
apktool.yml collects more information than before
SdkInfo = Used to re-populate the sdk information in AndroidManifest.xml since aapt requires it to be passed at runtime.
packageInfo = Used to help support Android 4.2 due to renamed manifest packages. Automatically detects difference between manifest and resources and performs automatic --rename-manifest-package on [b]uild.
versionInfo = Used to re-populate the version information in the AndroidManifest.xml since aapt requires it to be passed at runtime.
compressionType = Used to determine the compression that resources.arsc had on the original apk to duplicate on [b]uild.
unknownFiles = Used to record the name/location/compression type of non-standard files in Apk.
Examples of new usage

Apktool 1.5.x    Apktool 2.0.x
apktool if framework-res.apk tag    apktool if framework-res.apk -t tag
apktool d framework-res.apk output    apktool d framework.res.apk -o output
apktool b output new.apk    apktool b output -o new.apk
v1.4.x -> v1.5.1
Update apktool to v1.5.1
Update aapt manually or use package r05-ibot via Downloads
Remove framework $HOME/apktool/framework/1.apk or manually update via (FrameworkFiles)
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