
来源:互联网 发布:数控机床加工仿真软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:00

win7与VMware ubuntu虚拟机的共享文件夹在cd /mnt/hgfs下


/**************************************************************************************************//* Copyright  (C) LS, 2014-2015                                                                   *//* FILE NAME             :  linklist.h                                                            *//* PRINCIPAL AUTHOR      :  ls                                                                    *//* SUBSYSTEM NAME        :  menu                                                                  *//* MODULE NAME           :  linklist                                                              *//* LANGUAGE              :  C                                                                     *//* TAGRGET ENVIRONMENT   :  ANY                                                                   *//* DATE OF FIRST RELEASE :  2014/12/21                                                            *//* DESCRIPTION           :  linklist for menu progrom                                             *//**************************************************************************************************//* * Revision log: *  * Created by ls, 2014/12/21 * *//* data struct and its operations */typedef struct DataNode{    char*    cmd;    char*    desc;    int      (*handler)();    struct   DataNode *next;} tDataNode;/* find a cmd in the linklist and return the data node pointer */tDataNode * FindCmd(tDataNode *head, char *cmd);/* show all cmd in linklist */int ShowAllCmd(tDataNode* head);


/**************************************************************************************************//* Copyright  (C) LS, 2014-2015                                                                   *//* FILE NAME             :  linklist.c                                                            *//* PRINCIPAL AUTHOR      :  LISUN                                                                 *//* SUBSYSTEM NAME        :  menu                                                                  *//* MODULE NAME           :  linklist                                                                  *//* LANGUAGE              :  C                                                                     *//* TAGRGET ENVIRONMENT   :  ANY                                                                   *//* DATE OF FIRST RELEASE :  2014/12/21                                                            *//* DESCRIPTION           :  linklist for the  menu progrom                                                *//**************************************************************************************************//* * Revision log: *  * Created by ls, 2014/12/21 * */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "linklist.h"tDataNode* FindCmd(tDataNode* head, char* cmd){     if (head == NULL || cmd == NULL)     {          return NULL;     }     tDataNode *p = head;     while (p != NULL)     {          if (strcmp(p->cmd, cmd) == 0)          {               return p;          }          p = p->next;      }      return NULL;} int ShowAllCmd(tDataNode* head){     printf("Menu List:\n");     tDataNode *p = head;     while (p != NULL)     {          printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);  p = p->next;     }     return 0;}


/**************************************************************************************************//* Copyright  (C) LS, 2014-2015                                                                   *//* FILE NAME             :  menu.c                                                                *//* PRINCIPAL AUTHOR      :  LISUN                                                                 *//* SUBSYSTEM NAME        :  menu                                                                  *//* MODULE NAME           :  menu                                                                  *//* LANGUAGE              :  C                                                                     *//* TAGRGET ENVIRONMENT   :  ANY                                                                   *//* DATE OF FIRST RELEASE :  2014/12/21                                                            *//* DESCRIPTION           :  This is a menu progrom                                                *//**************************************************************************************************//* * Revision log: *  * Created by ls, 2014/12/21 * */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "linklist.h"int Help();int Quit();#define CMD_MAX_LEN 128#define DESC_LEN    1024#define CMD_NUM     10/*typedef struct DataNode{    char*    cmd;    char*    desc;    int      (*handler)();    struct   DataNode *next;} tDataNode;tDataNode* FindCmd(tDataNode* head, char* cmd){     if (head == NULL || cmd == NULL)     {          return NULL;     }     tDataNode *p = head;     while (p != NULL)     {          if (strcmp(p->cmd, cmd) == 0)          {               return p;          }          p = p->next;      }      return NULL;} int ShowAllCmd(tDataNode* head){     printf("Menu List:\n");     tDataNode *p = head;     while (p != NULL)     {          printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);  p = p->next;     }     return 0;}*/static tDataNode head[] ={    {"help", "this is help cmd!", Help, &head[1]},    {"version", "menu program v1.0", NULL, &head[2]},    {"quit", "Quit from menu", Quit, NULL}};int main (){    /* cmd line begins */    while (1)    {         char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN]; printf("Input a cmd number > "); scanf("%s", cmd); tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);         if (p == NULL) {      printf("This is a wrong cmd!\n");      continue; } printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);         if (p->handler != NULL) {      p->handler(); }    }}int Help(){     printf("Menu List:\n");     tDataNode *p = head;     while (p != NULL)     {          printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);  p = p->next;     }     return 0;}int Quit(){    exit(0);}


【1】 win7与VMware ubuntu虚拟机实现文件共享(最后一定要装open-vm-dkms插件)http://blog.csdn.net/warringah1/article/details/8927437  

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