PeopleSoft meta tables

来源:互联网 发布:魔兽世界mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 12:08

PeopleSoft Projects

PSPROJECTDEFN table stores information about projects created in Application Designer.
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PSPROJECTITEM table stores objects inserted into your Application Designer project.
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Portal Structure

PSPRSMDEFN is a Portal Structure Definition table. A good example is to use this table to find portal path for a specific component.

1) Run the below SQL to get the content reference name for your component



2) From the query above - copy the value in the CONTENT_REFERENCE field and replace the ":1" variable and you will have the path to your component.

WITH portal_registry AS  (SELECT RTRIM(REVERSE(sys_connect_by_path(REVERSE(portal_label),    ' >> ')),    ' >> ') path,     LEVEL lvl   FROM psprsmdefn   WHERE portal_name = 'EMPLOYEE' START WITH PORTAL_OBJNAME = :1 CONNECT BY PRIOR portal_prntobjname = portal_objname)SELECT pathFROM portal_registryWHERE lvl =  (SELECT MAX(lvl)   FROM portal_registry);


PSPRSMPERM: Shows the permission lists that are assigned to a portal registry structure (content reference). The permission list name is under field PORTAL_PERMNAME.


XLAT Tables

XLATTABLE: Stores translate values (PeopleSoft version prior to 8.4).
PSXLATDEFN: Stores all fields that have Xlat values. This table does not store any Xlat values.
PSXLATITEM: Stores fields with their actual translate values (PeopleSoft version 8.4 and above).


Record & Field Tables

PSRECDEFN: Stores informations about tables. One row for each table. Field count and record type are two fields that are stored on this table.

CASE RECTYPE        WHEN 0 THEN 'Table'        WHEN 1 THEN 'View'        WHEN 2 THEN 'Derived'        WHEN 3 THEN 'Sub Record'        WHEN 5 THEN 'Dynamic View'        WHEN 6 THEN 'Query View'        WHEN 7 THEN 'Temporary Table'        ELSE TO_CHAR(RECTYPE)END CASE


PSRECFIELD: Stores records with all their fields (sub-records are not expanded)

PSRECFIELDALL: Stores records with all their fields (sub-records are expanded)

PSINDEXDEFN: Contains 1 row per index defined for a table.

PSKEYDEFN: Containes 1 row per key field defined for an index.

PSDBFIELD: You got it, stores information about fields.


CASE FIELDTYPE                WHEN 0 THEN 'Character'                WHEN 1 THEN 'Long Character'                WHEN 2 THEN 'Number'                WHEN 3 THEN 'Signed Number'                WHEN 4 THEN 'Date'                WHEN 5 THEN 'Time'                WHEN 6 THEN 'DateTime'                WHEN 8 THEN 'Image'                WHEN 9 THEN 'Image Reference'                ELSE TO_CHAR(FIELDTYPE)        END CASE


PSDBFLDLABL: Stores field label information.

Process Definition Table(s)

PS_PRCSDEFNPNL: Stores the process definition name, process type(sqr report, application engine...), and the component name associated with the process definition.

PS_PRCSDEFN: Process definitions table. The record stores processes that can run within the Process Scheduler. Security information such as components and process groups are also stored on this table.

Message Catalog Tables

PSMSGSETDEFN: Stores information about PeopleSoft message catalog message sets (descriptions, version).

PSMSGSETLANG: Message sets language table.

PSMSGCATDEFN: Stores information about PeopleSoft message catalogs such as message set number, message number and the actual message text.

PSMSGCATLANG: Message catalogs language table.

-- ExampleSELECT * FROM PSMSGCATDEFNWHERE LAST_UPDATE_DTTM  > TO_DATE('03-DEC-07', 'DD-MON-YY')AND LAST_UPDATE_DTTM  < TO_DATE('05-DEC-07', 'DD-MON-YY')ORDER BY MESSAGE_SET_NBR, MESSAGE_NBR;-- This will return messages that has been last update/added between 2 specific dates.

Previous PeopleSoft message catalog tables:
: Stores information about PeopleSoft message catalogs such as message set number, message number and the actual message text.
MESSAGE_SET_TBL: Message set description table.

-- ExampleSELECT * FROM PS_MESSAGE_CATALOGWHERE LAST_UPDATE_DTTM  > TO_DATE('03-DEC-07', 'DD-MON-YY')AND LAST_UPDATE_DTTM  < TO_DATE('05-DEC-07', 'DD-MON-YY')ORDER BY MESSAGE_SET_NBR, MESSAGE_NBR;-- This will return messages that has been last update/added between 2 specific dates.


Menu Tables

PSMENUDEFN: Store Menu related information. No related component info on this table.

PSMENUITEM: List the menu with all components attached to it.

Component Tables

PSPNLGRPDEFN: Stores component related information only.

PSPNLGROUP: This table will give you information regarding a specific component along with the names of pages attached to it.


PSPNLDEFN: Stores pages definitions.

CASE PNLTYPE        WHEN 0 THEN 'Page'        WHEN 1 THEN 'Sub page'        WHEN 2 THEN 'Secondary page'        ELSE TO_CHAR(PNLTYPE)    END CASE

PSPNLFIELD: Stores all items used by each page definition.

CASE FIELDTYPE        WHEN 0 THEN 'Static Text'        WHEN 1 THEN 'Frame'        WHEN 2 THEN 'Group Box'        WHEN 3 THEN 'Statis Image'        WHEN 4 THEN 'Edit Box'        WHEN 5 THEN 'Dropdown List'        WHEN 6 THEN 'Long Edit Box'        WHEN 7 THEN 'Check Box'        WHEN 8 THEN 'Radio Button'        WHEN 9 THEN 'Image'        WHEN 10 THEN 'Scroll Bar'        WHEN 11 THEN 'Subpage'        WHEN 12 THEN 'Peoplecode Command - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 13 THEN 'Scroll Action - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 14 THEN 'Toolbar Action - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 15 THEN 'External Link - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 16 THEN 'Internal Link - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 17 THEN 'Process - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 18 THEN 'Secondary Page'        WHEN 19 THEN 'Grid'        WHEN 20 THEN 'Tree'        WHEN 21 THEN 'Secondary Page - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 23 THEN 'Horizontal Rule'        WHEN 24 THEN 'Tab Separator'        WHEN 25 THEN 'Html Area'        WHEN 26 THEN 'Prompt Action - (Button/Hyperlink Destination)'        WHEN 27 THEN 'Scroll Area'         WHEN 29 THEN 'Page Anchor'        WHEN 30 THEN 'Chart'        WHEN 31 THEN 'Push Button/Link'        WHEN 32 THEN 'Analytic Grid'        ELSE TO_CHAR(FIELDTYPE)    END CASE



PSPRSMPERM: Portal Structure Permissions.

PSAUTHITEM: Page Permissions. This table stores the information about the page level access for a permission list.

PSAUTHPRCS Process Group Permissions. A many to many relationship table between Permission Lists and Process Groups. Setup can be found at PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Process.

PSROLECLASS: Role Classes table. A many to many relationship table between Roles and Permission Lists.

PSROLEDEFN: This table stores information about Peoplesoft Role definitions. Users get permissions to PeopleSoft objects through Roles, which are assigned Permission Lists.

PSROLEUSER: This table stores information about the Users in Peoplesoft and the roles assigned to them.

PSCLASSDEFN: Permissions List definitions table. Permission list name can be found under Field Name CLASSID.

PSOPRDEFN: Users/Operator definition table. This table stores information about PeopleSoft users. This is the core table for User Profile Manager.

PSOPRCLS: Users/Operator and Perm list mapping Table. This table stores information about PeopleSoft users and the permission lists attached to those users.
A User gets these permission lists indirectly through the roles which are attached to the user


Roles attached to a component (portal_uri_seg2) or content reference (portal_objname)

SELECT DISTINCT c.portal_name, c.portal_objname, b.rolename, e.descr  FROM psroleclass b, psprsmperm c, psprsmdefn d, psroledefn e    WHERE c.portal_objname = d.portal_objname            AND b.classid = c.portal_permname            AND b.rolename = e.rolename            AND (d.portal_uri_seg2 = :1 OR d.portal_objname = :2);

Permissions attached to a component (portal_uri_seg2) or content reference (portal_objname)

SELECT DISTINCT d.portal_name, d.portal_objname, c.portal_permname, e.classdefndesc    FROM psprsmperm c, psprsmdefn d, psclassdefn e     WHERE d.portal_objname = c.portal_objname            AND d.portal_name = c.portal_name            AND c.portal_permname = e.classid            AND (d.portal_uri_seg2 = :1 OR d.portal_objname = :2);

Users that can access a component (portal_uri_seg2) or content reference (portal_objname)

SELECT DISTINCT c.portal_name, c.portal_objname, a.roleuser, e.oprdefndesc    FROM psroleuser a,              psroleclass b,              psprsmperm c,              psprsmdefn d,              psoprdefn e          WHERE c.portal_objname = d.portal_objname            AND a.rolename = b.rolename            AND b.classid = c.portal_permname            AND a.roleuser = e.oprid            AND (d.portal_uri_seg2 = :1 OR d.portal_objname = :2);


URL Definitions

PSURLDEFN: Stores URL definitions. Here is the path to create URL definitions in PeopleSoft Root >> PeopleTools >> Utilities >> Administration >> URLs

Application Classes

PSAPPCLASSDEFN: Application Class Definitions table. You can use field PACKAGEROOT to search for a specific Application Package.

PeopleSoft Query Tables

PSQRYDEFN: Stores query related info.

PSQRYFIELD: Stores all fields used in a query (both the fields in the Select and Where clause).

PSQRYCRITERIA: Stores criteria query fields. You can get the name of the fields by joining the PSQRYFIELD table.

PSQRYEXPR: Stores query expressions.

PSQRYBIND: Stores query bind variables.

PSQRYRECORD: Stores all records used in all aspects of query creation

PSQRYSELECT: Stores all SELECT requirements by select type. Example would be sub select, join, ect.

PSQRYLINK: Stores the relationships to child queries.

PSQRYEXECLOG: Query run time log table that stores (only 8.4x and higher)

PSQRYSTATS: Query run time statistics table such as count of query execution, and date time of last execution (only in 8.4x and higher).

SQL Objects

PSSQLDEFN: Stores SQL object definitions.

PSSQLDESCR: Stores SQL objects descriptions, and description long.

PSSQLTEXTDEFN: Stores actual SQL text. You can filter by SQLTYPE field to get SQL objects of interest such as Views SQLs and Application Engine SQLs.

-- When SQL type is:0 = Stand alone SQL objects1 = Application engine SQL2 = Views SQLs


Application Engines

PSAEAPPLDEFN: Table that stores Application Engine program definitions.

PSAEAPPLSTATE: Stores application engine STATE records and a flag to indicate if the record is the default STATE record.

PSAESECTDEFN: Application engine section information and also stores last user id to update a specific section.

PSAESECTDTLDEFN: AE section along with descriptions and wither the section is active or not.

PSAEAPPLTEMPTBL: If your application engine uses Temp tables it will show on this record.

PSAESTEPDEFN: Steps in application engines are stored in this table.

PSAESTMTDEFN: Stores your application engine actions and along with their types, such as "Do Select" and so on.

PSAESTEPMSGDEFN: Application engine message action definition table.

AEREQUESTTBL: Application Engine request table behind the AE run control page.

AEREQUESTPARM: Application Engine request parameters table behind the AE run control page.

PeopleCode Tables

PSPCMNAME: PeopleCode Reference table.

PSPCMPROG: Store actual PeopleCode programs (actual code behind PeopleCode events).

Process Request Tables

PSPRCSQUE: This record contains the process request information to run a process request.

PSPRCSRQST: This record contains the process request information to run a process request.

PS_PMN_PRCSLIST: A view to list all process requests in the Process Monitor except for "Delete" (runstatus = 2) process requests.

Other Useful Tables

PSSTATUS: Stores PeopleSoft information such as PS Tools release version and the UNICODE_ENABLED boolean flag where a value of 1 indicates the DB is to be treated by Tools as a UNICODE DB.

PSCHGCTLLOCK: Description as explained by PeopleSoft "This table contains a a row for every object that is currently locked by any user. When the user requests to lock an object in the Application Designer, first this table is searched to see if the object is locked by another user. If it is not found, a row is inserted into the table. When the user requests to unlock an object, the row in this table is deleted."

-- deletes locked objects by user id.DELETE FROM pschgctllock      WHERE oprid = :userid;


PSMAPFIELD: Stores Field mapping of Activity
PS_PRCSRUNCNTL: Run Control record stores Run Control IDs created online.


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