
来源:互联网 发布:c语言多个else if 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:39
var canFly = function(){ return true; }; window.isDeadly = function(){ return true; }; assert( isNimble() && canFly() && isDeadly(), "Still works, even though isNimble is moved." ); function isNimble(){ return true; }


assert( typeof canFly == "undefined", "canFly doesn't get that benefit." ); assert( typeof isDeadly == "undefined", "Nor does isDeadly." ); var canFly = function(){ return true; }; window.isDeadly = function(){ return true; };



function stealthCheck(){   assert( stealth(), "We'll never get below the return, but that's OK!" );    return stealth();    function stealth(){ return true; } }  stealthCheck();


var ninja = function myNinja(){   assert( ninja == myNinja, "This function is named two things - at once!" ); }; ninja(); assert( typeof myNinja == "undefined", "But myNinja isn't defined outside of the function." ); log( ninja );

var ninja = {   yell: function(n){     return n > 0 ? ninja.yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy";   } }; assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "A single object isn't too bad, either." );  var samurai = { yell: ninja.yell }; var ninja = null;  try {   samurai.yell(4); } catch(e){   assert( false, "Uh, this isn't good! Where'd ninja.yell go?" ); }
V.S. 不同之处在与上述的递归是用了ninja.yell而下面是给了该匿名函数一个函数名,因此递归时不依赖于类名,因此类ninja是不是空不会对其造成影响

var ninja = {   yell: function yell(n){     return n > 0 ? yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy";   } }; assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "Works as we would expect it to!" );  var samurai = { yell: ninja.yell }; var ninja = {}; assert( samurai.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "The method correctly calls itself." );


var ninja = {  yell: function(n){    return n > 0 ? arguments.callee(n-1) + "a" : "hiy";  }};assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "A single object isn't too bad, either." );  var samurai = { yell: ninja.yell }; var ninja = null;  try {    assert( samurai.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "A single object isn't too bad, either." ); } catch(e){   assert( false, "Uh, this isn't good! Where'd ninja.yell go?" ); }


function getElements( name ) {   var results;    if ( getElements.cache[name] ) {     results = getElements.cache[name];   } else {     results = document.getElementsByTagName(name);     getElements.cache[name] = results;   }    return results; } getElements.cache = {};  log( "Elements found: ", getElements("pre").length ); log( "Cache found: ", getElements.cache.pre.length );

function isPrime( num ) {   if ( isPrime.cache[ num ] != null )     return isPrime.cache[ num ];      var prime = num != 1; // Everything but 1 can be prime   for ( var i = 2; i < num; i++ ) {     if ( num % i == 0 ) {       prime = false;       break;     }   }     isPrime.cache[ num ] = prime     return prime; }  isPrime.cache = {};  assert( isPrime(5), "Make sure the function works, 5 is prime." ); assert( isPrime.cache[5], "Make sure the answer is cached." );



function katana(){  this.isSharp = true;//这里的this代表global context}katana();assert( isSharp === true, "A global object now exists with that name and value." );var shuriken = {  toss: function(){    this.isSharp = true;//这里的this代表shuriken这个context  }};shuriken.toss();assert( shuriken.isSharp === true, "When it's an object property, the value is set within the object." );

var object = {}; function fn(){   return this; } assert( fn() == this, "The context is the global object." ); assert( == object, "The context is changed to a specific object." );


function add(a, b){   return a + b; } assert(, 1, 2) == 3, ".call() takes individual arguments" ); assert( add.apply(this, [1, 2]) == 3, ".apply() takes an array of arguments" );


function loop(array, fn){  for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {,i);  }}var num = 0;loop([0, 1, 2], function(value){  assert(value == num++, "Make sure the contents are as we expect it.");  assert(this instanceof Array, "The context should be the full array.");});

function loop(array, fn){  for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {        fn.apply(array,[i]);  }}var num = 0;loop([0, 1, 2], function(value){  assert(value == num++, "Make sure the contents are as we expect it.");  assert(this instanceof Array, "The context should be the full array.");});


function Ninja(){ = "Ninja"; }  var ninjaA = Ninja(); assert( !ninjaA, "Is undefined, not an instance of Ninja." );  var ninjaB = new Ninja(); assert( == "Ninja", "Property exists on the ninja instance." );


function Ninja(){   this.swung = false;      // Should return true   this.swingSword = function(){     this.swung = !this.swung;     return this.swung;   }; }  var ninja = new Ninja(); assert( ninja.swingSword(), "Calling the instance method." ); assert( ninja.swung, "The ninja has swung the sword." );  var ninjaB = new Ninja(); assert( !ninjaB.swung, "Make sure that the ninja has not swung his sword." );
从下述例子中我们可以清楚地看到,当没有new一个object的时候,this属于global context,如果new了,this属于那个instance的context

function User(first, last){ = first + " " + last;}var user = User("John", "Resig");assert( typeof user == "undefined", "Since new wasn't used, the instance is undefined." );assert( name == "John Resig", "now this is in the global context" );var user = new User("John", "Resig");name = "Yin Zhang";assert( typeof user != "undefined", "Since new wasn't used, the instance is undefined." );assert( name == "Yin Zhang", "now this is in the global context" );assert( == "John Resig", "now this is in the global context" );


function User(first, last){   if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee) )     return new User(first, last); = first + " " + last; }  var name = "Resig"; var user = User("John", name);  assert( user, "This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake." ); assert( name == "Resig", "The right name was maintained." );

如下是一个很精妙的javascript处理,首先merge函数当中只有一个参数root,默认只接收第一个参数,如下所示即为{name: "John"},然而现实中它又传了一个参数{city: "Boston"},因此它将这个键值对又插入到root这个字典当中然后返回,因为root本身已经包含了{name: "John"},因此循环的时候下标是从1开始而不是0,因为0就是本身

function merge(root){   for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ )     for ( var key in arguments[i] )       root[key] = arguments[i][key];   return root; }  var merged = merge({name: "John"}, {city: "Boston"}); assert( == "John", "The original name is intact." ); assert( == "Boston", "And the city has been copied over." );


function smallest(){   return Math.min.apply( Math, arguments ); } function largest(){   return Math.max.apply( Math, arguments ); } assert(smallest(0, 1, 2, 3) == 0, "Locate the smallest value."); assert(largest(0, 1, 2, 3) == 3, "Locate the largest value.");

function highest(){   return makeArray(arguments).sort(function(a,b){     return b - a;   }); }  function makeArray(array){   return Array() array ); }  assert(highest(1, 1, 2, 3)[0] == 3, "Get the highest value."); assert(highest(3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[1] == 4, "Verify the results.");
function multiMax(multi){   // Make an array of all but the first argument   var allButFirst = Array() arguments, 1 );    // Find the largest number in that array of arguments   var largestAllButFirst = Math.max.apply( Math, allButFirst );    // Return the multiplied result   return multi * largestAllButFirst; } assert( multiMax(3, 1, 2, 3) == 9, "3*3=9 (First arg, by largest.)" );


var results = jQuery("#results").html("<li>Loading...</li>");  jQuery.get("test.html", function(html){   results.html( html );   assert( results, "The element to append to, via a closure." ); });
下面这个例子说明,timer和count都是在global closure之中,因此哪里都能访问到
var count = 0;  var timer = setInterval(function(){   if ( count < 5 ) {     log( "Timer call: ", count );     count++;   } else {     assert( count == 5, "Count came via a closure, accessed each step." );     assert( timer, "The timer reference is also via a closure." );     clearInterval( timer );   } }, 100);


function Ninja(){   var slices = 0;      this.getSlices = function(){     return slices;   };   this.slice = function(){     slices++;   }; }  var ninja = new Ninja(); ninja.slice(); assert( ninja.getSlices() == 1, "We're able to access the internal slice data." ); assert( ninja.slices === undefined, "And the private data is inaccessible to us." );

var a = 5;function runMe(a){ assert( a == 6, "Check the value of a." ); function innerRun(){   assert( b == 7, "Check the value of b." );   assert( c == undefined, "Check the value of c." ); } var b = 7; innerRun(); var c = 8;}runMe(6);for ( var d = 0; d < 3; d++ ) { setTimeout(function(){   assert( d == 3, "Check the value of d." ); }, 100);}
(function(){  var count = 0;  var timer = setInterval(function(){    if ( count < 5 ) {      log( "Timer call: ", count );      count++;    } else {      assert( count == 5, "Count came via a closure, accessed each step." );      assert( timer, "The timer reference is also via a closure." );      clearInterval( timer );    }  }, 100);})();assert( typeof count == "undefined", "count doesn't exist outside the wrapper" );assert( typeof timer == "undefined", "neither does timer" );

Two ways of creating wrapper function

(function(){  var myLib = window.myLib = function(){    // Initialize  };  // ...})();
var myLib = (function(){  function myLib(){    // Initialize  }  // ...    return myLib;})();


var count = 0;for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {  setTimeout(function(){    assert( i == 4, "Check the value of i." );  }, i * 200);}
var count = 0;for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) (function(i){  setTimeout(function(){    assert( i == count++, "Check the value of i." );  }, i * 200);})(i);

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