
来源:互联网 发布:实验数据记录怎么写 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 04:39
Qwt例子-CpuPlot注释版 - 柳北风儿 - 柳北风儿~~~~~~~欲宇仙炅
1.1 CpuPlot.h文件
  1. #include <qwt_plot.h> 
  2. #include "cpustat.h" 
  4. #define HISTORY 60 // seconds 
  6. class QwtPlotCurve; 
  8. class CpuPlot :public QwtPlot 
  9.     Q_OBJECT 
  10. public
  11.     enum CpuData 
  12.     { 
  13.         User, 
  14.         System, 
  15.         Total, 
  16.         Idle, 
  18.         NCpuData 
  19.     }; 
  21.     CpuPlot( QWidget * = 0 ); 
  22.     const QwtPlotCurve *cpuCurve(int id ) const 
  23.     { 
  24.         return data[id].curve; 
  25.     } 
  27. protected
  28.     void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *e ); 
  30. private Q_SLOTS: 
  31.     void legendChecked(const QVariant &, bool on ); 
  33. private
  34.     void showCurve( QwtPlotItem *,bool on ); 
  36.     struct 
  37.     { 
  38.         QwtPlotCurve *curve; 
  39.         double data[HISTORY]; 
  40.     } data[NCpuData]; 
  42.     double timeData[HISTORY]; 
  44.     int dataCount; 
  45.     CpuStat cpuStat; 
  46. }; 

1.2   CpuPlot.cpp文件
  1. #include <qapplication.h> 
  2. #include <qlayout.h> 
  3. #include <qlabel.h> 
  4. #include <qpainter.h> 
  5. #include <qwt_plot_layout.h> 
  6. #include <qwt_plot_curve.h> 
  7. #include <qwt_scale_draw.h> 
  8. #include <qwt_scale_widget.h> 
  9. #include <qwt_legend.h> 
  10. #include <qwt_legend_label.h> 
  11. #include <qwt_plot_canvas.h> 
  12. #include "cpupiemarker.h" 
  13. #include "cpuplot.h" 
  14. //时间刻度表 
  15. class TimeScaleDraw:public QwtScaleDraw 
  16. public
  17.     TimeScaleDraw( const QTime &base ): 
  18.         baseTime( base ) 
  19.     { 
  20.     } 
  21.     virtual QwtText label(double v ) const 
  22.     { 
  23.         QTime upTime = baseTime.addSecs( static_cast<int>( v ) ); 
  24.         return upTime.toString(); 
  25.     } 
  26. private
  27.     QTime baseTime; 
  28. }; 
  29. //背景色填充 
  30. class Background:public QwtPlotItem 
  31. public
  32.     Background() 
  33.     { 
  34.         setZ( 0.0 ); 
  35.     } 
  37.     virtualint rtti() const 
  38.     { 
  39.         return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotUserItem; 
  40.     } 
  42.     virtualvoid draw( QPainter *painter, 
  43.         const QwtScaleMap &,const QwtScaleMap &yMap, 
  44.         const QRectF &canvasRect )const 
  45.     { 
  46.         QColor c( Qt::white ); 
  47.         QRectF r = canvasRect; 
  50.         for (int i = 100; i > 0; i -= 10 ) 
  51.         { 
  52.             r.setBottom( yMap.transform( i - 10 ) );//将相对于Y坐标轴值 转换成相对于窗口绘图设备的相对值 
  53.             r.setTop( yMap.transform( i ) ); 
  56.             painter->fillRect( r, c );//填充矩形背景 
  58.             c = c.dark( 110 );//递增变黑,但该方法已经过时了,Qt5.3应该是 c.darker() 
  59.         } 
  60.     } 
  61. }; 
  62. //曲线 
  63. class CpuCurve:public QwtPlotCurve 
  64. public
  65.     CpuCurve( const QString &title ): 
  66.         QwtPlotCurve( title ) 
  67.     { 
  68.         setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased );//设置渲染效果,抗锯齿 
  69.     } 
  71.     void setColor(const QColor &color ) 
  72.     { 
  73.         QColor c = color; 
  74.         c.setAlpha( 150 );//设置Alpha通道颜色 
  76.         setPen( c );//设置画笔 
  77.         setBrush( c );//设置笔刷 
  78.     } 
  79. }; 
  81. CpuPlot::CpuPlot( QWidget *parent ): 
  82.     QwtPlot( parent ), 
  83.     dataCount( 0 ) 
  84.     setAutoReplot( false ); 
  86.     QwtPlotCanvas *canvas = new QwtPlotCanvas();//画布 
  87.     canvas->setBorderRadius( 10 );//画布四周边框角半径 
  89.     setCanvas( canvas );//设置绘图的画布 
  91.     plotLayout()->setAlignCanvasToScales( true );//设置对齐画布、坐标轴、刻度 
  93.     QwtLegend *legend = new QwtLegend;//曲线描述 
  94.     legend->setDefaultItemMode( QwtLegendData::Checkable );//设置描述是QCheckBox类型 
  95.     insertLegend( legend, QwtPlot::RightLegend );//插入位置,可以分别是上下左右 
  97.     setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, " System Uptime [h:m:s]" );//坐标轴标题-x轴 
  98.     setAxisScaleDraw( QwtPlot::xBottom, 
  99.         new TimeScaleDraw( cpuStat.upTime() ) );//设置x轴的刻度绘画 
  100.     setAxisScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, 0, HISTORY );//设置x轴坐标刻度大小 
  101.     setAxisLabelRotation( QwtPlot::xBottom, -50.0 );//标签旋转50度 
  102.     setAxisLabelAlignment( QwtPlot::xBottom, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom ); 
  104.     /*
  105.      In situations, when there is a label at the most right position of the
  106.      scale, additional space is needed to display the overlapping part
  107.      of the label would be taken by reducing the width of scale and canvas.
  108.      To avoid this "jumping canvas" effect, we add a permanent margin.
  109.      We don't need to do the same for the left border, because there
  110.      is enough space for the overlapping label below the left scale.
  111.      */ 
  113.     QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = axisWidget( QwtPlot::xBottom );//x轴刻度控件 
  114.     constint fmh = QFontMetrics( scaleWidget->font() ).height(); 
  115.     scaleWidget->setMinBorderDist( 0, fmh / 2 );//设置刻度的边界最小值,防止因为标签变化,引起跳动 
  117.     setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, "Cpu Usage [%]" );//Y轴设置标题 
  118.     setAxisScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, 0, 100 );//Y轴刻度 
  120.     Background *bg = new Background();//给绘图填充背景 
  121.     bg->attach( this );//插入plot 
  123.     CpuPieMarker *pie = new CpuPieMarker();//用户自定义的标记QwtPlotMarker 
  124.     pie->attach( this );//插入plot 
  126.     CpuCurve *curve;//Cpu曲线 
  128.     curve = new CpuCurve( "System" ); 
  129.     curve->setColor( Qt::red );//设置曲线颜色 
  130.     curve->attach( this );//插入plot 
  131.     data[System].curve = curve; 
  133.     curve = new CpuCurve( "User" ); 
  134.     curve->setColor( Qt::blue ); 
  135.     curve->setZ( curve->z() - 1 );//设置z轴上下先后顺序,哪个曲线在上。 
  136.     curve->attach( this ); 
  137.     data[User].curve = curve; 
  139.     curve = new CpuCurve( "Total" ); 
  140.     curve->setColor( Qt::black ); 
  141.     curve->setZ( curve->z() - 2 ); 
  142.     curve->attach( this ); 
  143.     data[Total].curve = curve; 
  145.     curve = new CpuCurve( "Idle" ); 
  146.     curve->setColor( Qt::darkCyan ); 
  147.     curve->setZ( curve->z() - 3 ); 
  148.     curve->attach( this ); 
  149.     data[Idle].curve = curve; 
  151.     showCurve( data[System].curve, true );//显示哪个曲线 
  152.     showCurve( data[User].curve, true ); 
  153.     showCurve( data[Total].curve, false ); 
  154.     showCurve( data[Idle].curve, false ); 
  156.     for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY; i++ ) 
  157.         timeData[HISTORY - 1 - i] = i; 
  159.     ( void )startTimer( 1000 );// 1 second 启动定时器,timerEvent会1s响应一次。(timerId相对应的定时器) 
  161.     connect( legend, SIGNAL( checked( const QVariant &, bool,int ) ), 
  162.         SLOT( legendChecked( const QVariant &, bool ) ) );//控制曲线显示,注意传递的参数类型 
  163. //定时器执行的代码 
  164. void CpuPlot::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) 
  165.     for (int i = dataCount; i > 0; i-- ) 
  166.     { 
  167.         for (int c = 0; c < NCpuData; c++ ) 
  168.         { 
  169.             if ( i < HISTORY ) 
  170.                 data[c].data[i] = data[c].data[i-1]; 
  171.         } 
  172.     } 
  174.     cpuStat.statistic( data[User].data[0], data[System].data[0] ); 
  176.     data[Total].data[0] = data[User].data[0] + data[System].data[0]; 
  177.     data[Idle].data[0] = 100.0 - data[Total].data[0]; 
  179.     if ( dataCount < HISTORY ) 
  180.         dataCount++; 
  182.     for (int j = 0; j < HISTORY; j++ ) 
  183.         timeData[j]++; 
  185.     setAxisScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, 
  186.         timeData[HISTORY - 1], timeData[0] );//每次设置一下x轴刻度,起到递进变化效果 
  188.     for (int c = 0; c < NCpuData; c++ ) 
  189.     { 
  190.         data[c].curve->setRawSamples( 
  191.             timeData, data[c].data, dataCount );//每次更新一下曲线值 
  192.     } 
  194.     replot(); 
  196. void CpuPlot::legendChecked(const QVariant &itemInfo, bool on ) 
  197.     QwtPlotItem *plotItem = infoToItem( itemInfo ); 
  198.     //如果选中,即显示该曲线 
  199.     if ( plotItem ) 
  200.         showCurve( plotItem, on ); 
  202. //控制一下哪个曲线显示 
  203. void CpuPlot::showCurve( QwtPlotItem *item,bool on ) 
  204.     item->setVisible( on ); 
  205.     //获取该绘图的描述 
  206.     QwtLegend *lgd = qobject_cast<QwtLegend *>( legend() ); 
  207.     //获取所有描述组件 
  208.     QList<QWidget *> legendWidgets =  
  209.         lgd->legendWidgets( itemToInfo( item ) ); 
  211.     if ( legendWidgets.size() == 1 ) 
  212.     { 
  213.         //获取这个描述组件的标签值 
  214.         QwtLegendLabel *legendLabel = 
  215.             qobject_cast<QwtLegendLabel *>( legendWidgets[0] ); 
  216.         //如果标签有值,即显示 
  217.         if ( legendLabel ) 
  218.             legendLabel->setChecked( on ); 
  219.     } 
  221.     replot(); 
  223. int main(int argc, char **argv ) 
  224.     QApplication a( argc, argv ); 
  226.     QWidget vBox; 
  227.     vBox.setWindowTitle( "Cpu Plot" ); 
  229.     CpuPlot *plot = new CpuPlot( &vBox ); 
  230.     plot->setTitle( "History" ); 
  232.     constint margin = 5; 
  233.     plot->setContentsMargins( margin, margin, margin, margin );//页边距 
  235.     QString info( "Press the legend to en/disable a curve" ); 
  237.     QLabel *label = new QLabel( info, &vBox ); 
  239.     QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( &vBox ); 
  240.     layout->addWidget( plot ); 
  241.     layout->addWidget( label ); 
  243.     vBox.resize( 600, 400 ); 
  244.     vBox.show(); 
  246.     return a.exec(); 


  1. //----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2. // This class shows how to extend QwtPlotItems. It displays a 
  3. // pie chart of user/total/idle cpu usage in percent. 
  4. //----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  6. #include <qwt_plot_item.h> 
  8. class CpuPieMarker:public QwtPlotItem 
  9. public
  10.     CpuPieMarker(); 
  12.     virtualint rtti() const
  14.     virtualvoid draw( QPainter *, 
  15.         const QwtScaleMap &,const QwtScaleMap &, const QRectF & ) const
  16. }; 

2.2 CpuPieMarker.cpp

  1. #include <qpainter.h> 
  2. #include <qwt_scale_map.h> 
  3. #include <qwt_plot_curve.h> 
  4. #include "cpuplot.h" 
  5. #include "cpupiemarker.h" 
  6. //扇形状态标识 
  7. CpuPieMarker::CpuPieMarker() 
  8.     setZ( 1000 ); 
  9.     setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased, true ); 
  10. //Run-Time Type Information 
  11. int CpuPieMarker::rtti()const 
  12.     return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotUserItem;//用户自定义的 
  14. void CpuPieMarker::draw( QPainter *painter, 
  15.     const QwtScaleMap &,const QwtScaleMap &, 
  16.     const QRectF &rect )const 
  17.     //获取当前attached的plot 
  18.     const CpuPlot *cpuPlot =static_cast<CpuPlot *> ( plot() ); 
  19.     //获取当前Y轴的坐标映射关系图 
  20.     const QwtScaleMap yMap = cpuPlot->canvasMap( QwtPlot::yLeft ); 
  22.     constint margin = 5; 
  24.     QRectF pieRect;//扇形矩阵方位和大小 
  25.     pieRect.setX( rect.x() + margin );//获得当前Marker需要显示的坐标 
  26.     pieRect.setY( rect.y() + margin ); 
  27.     pieRect.setHeight( yMap.transform( 80.0 ) );//通过yMap映射,把正常值,设置成绘图的相对高度 
  28.     pieRect.setWidth( pieRect.height() );//高宽度一样 
  30.     constint dataType[] = { CpuPlot::User, CpuPlot::System, CpuPlot::Idle }; 
  32.     int angle =static_cast<int>( 5760 * 0.75 );//开始值16*360*0.75 即在3/4角度 290度 
  33.     for ( unsignedint i = 0; 
  34.         i < sizeof( dataType ) / sizeof( dataType[0] ); i++ ) 
  35.     { 
  36.         const QwtPlotCurve *curve = cpuPlot->cpuCurve( dataType[i] );//当前指定的曲线 
  37.         if ( curve->dataSize() > 0 ) 
  38.         { 
  39.             const int value = static_cast<int>( 5760 * curve->sample( 0 ).y() / 100.0 );//当前 
  40.             //我们可以先利用save()函数来保存坐标系现在的状态,然后进行变换操作,操作完之后,再用restore()函数将以前的坐标系状态恢复,其实就是一个入栈和出栈的操作。 
  41.             //利用好这两个函数,可以实现快速的坐标系切换,绘制出不同的图形。 
  42.             painter->save();//保存坐标系状态 
  43.             painter->setBrush( QBrush( curve->pen().color(), Qt::SolidPattern ) ); 
  44.             if ( value != 0 ) 
  45.                 painter->drawPie( pieRect, -angle, -value );//画扇形 
  46.             painter->restore();//恢复以前的坐标系状态 
  48.             angle += value; 
  49.         } 
  50.     } 

3.1 CpuStat.h

  1. #include <qdatetime.h> 
  3. class CpuStat 
  4. public
  5.     CpuStat(); 
  6.     void statistic(double &user, double &system ); 
  7.     QTime upTime() const
  9.     enum Value 
  10.     { 
  11.         User, 
  12.         Nice, 
  13.         System, 
  14.         Idle, 
  16.         NValues 
  17.     }; 
  19. private
  20.     void lookUp(double[NValues] ) const
  21.     double procValues[NValues]; 
  22. }; 

3.2 CpuStat.cpp

  1. #include <qstringlist.h> 
  2. #include <qfile.h> 
  3. #include <qtextstream.h> 
  4. #include "cpustat.h" 
  6. CpuStat::CpuStat() 
  7.     lookUp( procValues ); 
  9. QTime CpuStat::upTime() const 
  10.     QTime t( 0, 0, 0 ); 
  11.     for (int i = 0; i < NValues; i++ ) 
  12.         t = t.addSecs( int( procValues[i] / 100 ) ); 
  14.     return t; 
  16. void CpuStat::statistic(double &user, double &system ) 
  17.     double values[NValues]; 
  19.     lookUp( values ); 
  20.     //userdata曲线值 
  21.     double userDelta = values[User] + values[Nice] 
  22.         - procValues[User] - procValues[Nice]; 
  23.     //systemData曲线值 
  24.     double systemDelta = values[System] - procValues[System]; 
  25.     //总计值 
  26.     double totalDelta = 0; 
  27.     for (int i = 0; i < NValues; i++ ) 
  28.         totalDelta += values[i] - procValues[i]; 
  30.     user = userDelta / totalDelta * 100.0; 
  31.     system = systemDelta / totalDelta * 100.0; 
  33.     for (int j = 0; j < NValues; j++ ) 
  34.         procValues[j] = values[j]; 
  36. void CpuStat::lookUp(double values[NValues] ) const 
  38.     QFile file( "/proc/stat" ); 
  39.     //若是不能打开linux的进程监控文件,自定义模拟数据 
  40.     if ( !file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) 
  41.     { 
  42.         staticdouble dummyValues[][NValues] = 
  43.         { 
  44.             { 103726, 0, 23484, 819556 }, 
  45.             { 103783, 0, 23489, 819604 }, 
  46.             { 103798, 0, 23490, 819688 }, 
  47.             { 103820, 0, 23490, 819766 }, 
  48.             { 103840, 0, 23493, 819843 }, 
  49.             { 103875, 0, 23499, 819902 }, 
  50.             { 103917, 0, 23504, 819955 }, 
  51.             { 103950, 0, 23508, 820018 }, 
  52.             { 103987, 0, 23510, 820079 }, 
  53.             { 104020, 0, 23513, 820143 }, 
  54.             { 104058, 0, 23514, 820204 }, 
  55.             { 104099, 0, 23520, 820257 }, 
  56.             { 104121, 0, 23525, 820330 }, 
  57.             { 104159, 0, 23530, 820387 }, 
  58.             { 104176, 0, 23534, 820466 }, 
  59.             { 104215, 0, 23538, 820523 }, 
  60.             { 104245, 0, 23541, 820590 }, 
  61.             { 104267, 0, 23545, 820664 }, 
  62.             { 104311, 0, 23555, 820710 }, 
  63.             { 104355, 0, 23565, 820756 }, 
  64.             { 104367, 0, 23567, 820842 }, 
  65.             { 104383, 0, 23572, 820921 }, 
  66.             { 104396, 0, 23577, 821003 }, 
  67.             { 104413, 0, 23579, 821084 }, 
  68.             { 104446, 0, 23588, 821142 }, 
  69.             { 104521, 0, 23594, 821161 }, 
  70.             { 104611, 0, 23604, 821161 }, 
  71.             { 104708, 0, 23607, 821161 }, 
  72.             { 104804, 0, 23611, 821161 }, 
  73.             { 104895, 0, 23620, 821161 }, 
  74.             { 104993, 0, 23622, 821161 }, 
  75.             { 105089, 0, 23626, 821161 }, 
  76.             { 105185, 0, 23630, 821161 }, 
  77.             { 105281, 0, 23634, 821161 }, 
  78.             { 105379, 0, 23636, 821161 }, 
  79.             { 105472, 0, 23643, 821161 }, 
  80.             { 105569, 0, 23646, 821161 }, 
  81.             { 105666, 0, 23649, 821161 }, 
  82.             { 105763, 0, 23652, 821161 }, 
  83.             { 105828, 0, 23661, 821187 }, 
  84.             { 105904, 0, 23666, 821206 }, 
  85.             { 105999, 0, 23671, 821206 }, 
  86.             { 106094, 0, 23676, 821206 }, 
  87.             { 106184, 0, 23686, 821206 }, 
  88.             { 106273, 0, 23692, 821211 }, 
  89.             { 106306, 0, 23700, 821270 }, 
  90.             { 106341, 0, 23703, 821332 }, 
  91.             { 106392, 0, 23709, 821375 }, 
  92.             { 106423, 0, 23715, 821438 }, 
  93.             { 106472, 0, 23721, 821483 }, 
  94.             { 106531, 0, 23727, 821517 }, 
  95.             { 106562, 0, 23732, 821582 }, 
  96.             { 106597, 0, 23736, 821643 }, 
  97.             { 106633, 0, 23737, 821706 }, 
  98.             { 106666, 0, 23742, 821768 }, 
  99.             { 106697, 0, 23744, 821835 }, 
  100.             { 106730, 0, 23748, 821898 }, 
  101.             { 106765, 0, 23751, 821960 }, 
  102.             { 106799, 0, 23754, 822023 }, 
  103.             { 106831, 0, 23758, 822087 }, 
  104.             { 106862, 0, 23761, 822153 }, 
  105.             { 106899, 0, 23763, 822214 }, 
  106.             { 106932, 0, 23766, 822278 }, 
  107.             { 106965, 0, 23768, 822343 }, 
  108.             { 107009, 0, 23771, 822396 }, 
  109.             { 107040, 0, 23775, 822461 }, 
  110.             { 107092, 0, 23780, 822504 }, 
  111.             { 107143, 0, 23787, 822546 }, 
  112.             { 107200, 0, 23795, 822581 }, 
  113.             { 107250, 0, 23803, 822623 }, 
  114.             { 107277, 0, 23810, 822689 }, 
  115.             { 107286, 0, 23810, 822780 }, 
  116.             { 107313, 0, 23817, 822846 }, 
  117.             { 107325, 0, 23818, 822933 }, 
  118.             { 107332, 0, 23818, 823026 }, 
  119.             { 107344, 0, 23821, 823111 }, 
  120.             { 107357, 0, 23821, 823198 }, 
  121.             { 107368, 0, 23823, 823284 }, 
  122.             { 107375, 0, 23824, 823377 }, 
  123.             { 107386, 0, 23825, 823465 }, 
  124.             { 107396, 0, 23826, 823554 }, 
  125.             { 107422, 0, 23830, 823624 }, 
  126.             { 107434, 0, 23831, 823711 }, 
  127.             { 107456, 0, 23835, 823785 }, 
  128.             { 107468, 0, 23838, 823870 }, 
  129.             { 107487, 0, 23840, 823949 }, 
  130.             { 107515, 0, 23843, 824018 }, 
  131.             { 107528, 0, 23846, 824102 }, 
  132.             { 107535, 0, 23851, 824190 }, 
  133.             { 107548, 0, 23853, 824275 }, 
  134.             { 107562, 0, 23857, 824357 }, 
  135.             { 107656, 0, 23863, 824357 }, 
  136.             { 107751, 0, 23868, 824357 }, 
  137.             { 107849, 0, 23870, 824357 }, 
  138.             { 107944, 0, 23875, 824357 }, 
  139.             { 108043, 0, 23876, 824357 }, 
  140.             { 108137, 0, 23882, 824357 }, 
  141.             { 108230, 0, 23889, 824357 }, 
  142.             { 108317, 0, 23902, 824357 }, 
  143.             { 108412, 0, 23907, 824357 }, 
  144.             { 108511, 0, 23908, 824357 }, 
  145.             { 108608, 0, 23911, 824357 }, 
  146.             { 108704, 0, 23915, 824357 }, 
  147.             { 108801, 0, 23918, 824357 }, 
  148.             { 108891, 0, 23928, 824357 }, 
  149.             { 108987, 0, 23932, 824357 }, 
  150.             { 109072, 0, 23943, 824361 }, 
  151.             { 109079, 0, 23943, 824454 }, 
  152.             { 109086, 0, 23944, 824546 }, 
  153.             { 109098, 0, 23950, 824628 }, 
  154.             { 109108, 0, 23955, 824713 }, 
  155.             { 109115, 0, 23957, 824804 }, 
  156.             { 109122, 0, 23958, 824896 }, 
  157.             { 109132, 0, 23959, 824985 }, 
  158.             { 109142, 0, 23961, 825073 }, 
  159.             { 109146, 0, 23962, 825168 }, 
  160.             { 109153, 0, 23964, 825259 }, 
  161.             { 109162, 0, 23966, 825348 }, 
  162.             { 109168, 0, 23969, 825439 }, 
  163.             { 109176, 0, 23971, 825529 }, 
  164.             { 109185, 0, 23974, 825617 }, 
  165.             { 109193, 0, 23977, 825706 }, 
  166.             { 109198, 0, 23978, 825800 }, 
  167.             { 109206, 0, 23978, 825892 }, 
  168.             { 109212, 0, 23981, 825983 }, 
  169.             { 109219, 0, 23981, 826076 }, 
  170.             { 109225, 0, 23981, 826170 }, 
  171.             { 109232, 0, 23984, 826260 }, 
  172.             { 109242, 0, 23984, 826350 }, 
  173.             { 109255, 0, 23986, 826435 }, 
  174.             { 109268, 0, 23987, 826521 }, 
  175.             { 109283, 0, 23990, 826603 }, 
  176.             { 109288, 0, 23991, 826697 }, 
  177.             { 109295, 0, 23993, 826788 }, 
  178.             { 109308, 0, 23994, 826874 }, 
  179.             { 109322, 0, 24009, 826945 }, 
  180.             { 109328, 0, 24011, 827037 }, 
  181.             { 109338, 0, 24012, 827126 }, 
  182.             { 109347, 0, 24012, 827217 }, 
  183.             { 109354, 0, 24017, 827305 }, 
  184.             { 109367, 0, 24017, 827392 }, 
  185.             { 109371, 0, 24019, 827486 }, 
  186.         }; 
  187.         staticint counter = 0; 
  188.         //将dummyValues初始化为values一维数组 
  189.         for (int i = 0; i < NValues; i++ ) 
  190.             values[i] = dummyValues[counter][i]; 
  192.         counter = ( counter + 1 ) 
  193.             % ( sizeof( dummyValues ) / sizeof( dummyValues[0] ) ); 
  194.     } 
  195.     else//打开linux系统真实数据 
  196.     { 
  197.         QTextStream textStream( &file ); 
  198.         do 
  199.         { 
  200.             QString line = textStream.readLine(); 
  201.             line = line.trimmed(); 
  202.             if ( line.startsWith( "cpu " ) ) 
  203.             { 
  204.                 const QStringList valueList = 
  205.                     line.split( " ",  QString::SkipEmptyParts ); 
  206.                 if ( valueList.count() >= 5 ) 
  207.                 { 
  208.                     for ( int i = 0; i < NValues; i++ ) 
  209.                         values[i] = valueList[i+1].toDouble(); 
  210.                 } 
  211.                 break
  212.             } 
  213.         } 
  214.         while( !textStream.atEnd() ); 
  215.     } 
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