166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal

来源:互联网 发布:网络剧上瘾 台湾版 mp4 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:48

Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format.

If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating part in parentheses.

For example,

1、Given numerator = 1, denominator = 2, return "0.5".

2、Given numerator = 2, denominator = 1, return "2".

3、Given numerator = 2, denominator = 3, return "0.(6)".

<span style="font-size:18px;">public class Solution {    public String fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {            boolean symbol = true;//默认是整数    if((numerator < 0 && denominator > 0) || (numerator > 0 && denominator < 0)){    symbol = false;//结果是负数    }    long numerator1 = Math.abs((long)numerator);    long denominator1 = Math.abs((long)denominator);            String res = "";    ArrayList<Long> quotient = new ArrayList<Long>();//保存十分位,百分位...        ArrayList<Long> rem = new ArrayList<Long>();//保存小数位对应的余数    long num = numerator1/denominator1;      //保存整数部分        long remainder = numerator1%denominator1;//取余,开始小数部分的计算    quotient.add(num);//保存整数部分的整数    rem.add(remainder);//保存整数部分的余数        while(remainder != 0){//存在小数部分                while(remainder < denominator1){                    remainder = remainder * 10; //新的分子                    if(remainder > denominator1){                        break;                    }                    quotient.add(0L);                    rem.add(Math.abs(remainder));                }    //num = remainder * 10; //新的分子    quotient.add(Math.abs(remainder/denominator1));//对应小数位的商    remainder = remainder % denominator1;    if(rem.contains(remainder)){                break;             }    rem.add(Math.abs(remainder));//对应小数位的余数        }        int n = -1;        if(quotient.size() == 1){//只有整数部分            res = res + quotient.get(0);        }else{//存在小数部分        res = res + quotient.get(0) + '.';            if(remainder != 0){//存在循环节                n = rem.indexOf(remainder) + 1;//保存循环节所对应的小数位置            }        for(int i = 1 ; i < quotient.size() ; i ++){            if(i == n ){                res = res  + "(" + quotient.get(i) ;            }else{                res = res + quotient.get(i);            }            }            if(n > -1){                res = res + ")";            }    }        if(!symbol){            if(quotient.get(0) >= 0){                res = '-' + res;            }        }   return res;    }}</span>








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