实验六 数据检索

来源:互联网 发布:应聘淘宝客服的表格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 23:22

实验六 数据检索








select courseno,cname,creditfrom course


select * from student wherestudent.classno='090501'


select sname ,  abs (datediff(YEAR,'2012-12-31',birthday))as '年龄'

 from student wherestudent.sex= N'' and abs (datediff(YEAR,'2012-12-31',birthday))>= 20


select count(*) from course,score,student

where course.courseno= score.courseno and

student.studentno = score.studentno and

course.type= N'选修'and

score.finalis not null


select studentno,sname,Email

from student

where Email like'%@126.com'




select student.studentno,student.NUM,grades


into 学生选课统计表


from student,course,score

where student.studentno= score.studentnoand

score.courseno= course.courseno



select student.sname,score.final

from student,course,score

where student.studentno= score.studentnoand

score.courseno = course.courseno and

course.type= N'选修'and

score.final >= 90 and

score.final <= 100 and


score.courseno = 'c05109' or

score.courseno = 'c05103'



select *from student

order by student.classnoasc , point desc


select top 5  student.studentno, score.courseno,score.final

from student,score,course

where student.studentno= score.studentnoand

--course.type= N'选修' and

score.courseno = course.courseno

and course.courseno= 'c05109'

order by score.finaldesc


select count(*) as'人数', classno

from student

group by classno


select max(score.final)as 'max',min(score.final)as 'min' , classno

from student,score,course

where student.studentno= score.studentnoand

course.courseno = score.courseno

group by classno



(13)查询所有08级学生的期末成绩平均分,要求利用COMPUTE BY方法显示每一名学生的学生编号、课程号、期末成绩的明细表,以及期末成绩平均分的汇总表。

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