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雇员招聘的成本很多公司都会注意和衡量,但雇员离职(Employee Turnover)的成本就不是很多企业在具体衡量。 根据美国的一项最近调查,企业年平均的跳槽率大概是12%,新招聘的需求很多(75%)都是替代离职员工留下的缺口。
好消息是有很多工具来降低雇员离职的可能,包括提升、加薪、培训、福利、沟通。但坏消息是这些方法,或者说在人力资源上的投资都很费钱。企业也不可能为了留住一些员工无限制的满足他们的需求,也会打破企业内部的结构平衡。雇员离职带来的成本是对企业盈利底线(Bottom Line)直接的负面因素。
HR部门为了能够进行这样的计算,就必须首先计算雇员离职的真实成本。根据H.L. Smith, W.E. Watkins 和Cascio,这个主要包括4大部分:
第一、分离成本 Seperation Cost
  • 离职面试(Exit Interview)
  • 行政人员为离职人员所付出时间
  • 离职支付(separation/severance pay)
  • 失业赔偿(可能包括竞业协议赔偿等等)
第二、空缺成本 Vacancy Cost
  • 为了替补离职空缺而增加的临时人力投入
第三、替换成本 Replacement Cost
  • 吸引候选人
  • 面试
  • 测试
  • 旅行支付/候选人搬迁支付
  • 入职相关手续
  • 体检
  • 候选人信息分析和处理
第四、培训成本 Training Cost
德卡猎头 (www.dacare.com)
附:雇员离职成本计算样本 ACE Manufacturing


Sample Completed by ACE Manufacturing

Separation Costs

    cost of exit interviewer's time (15 minutes preparation; 30-minute interview;

      and 15-minute follow up @$18 per hour)................................................................ $18

    + cost of terminating employee's time (30 minutes @$9.50 per hour).......................................5

    + cost of administrative functions related to termination (2 hrs @ $12).................................... 24

    + separation pay (1 week @ $320).......................................................................................320

    + increase in unemployment tax (marginal rate increase + add tax) ...................................272

Vacancy Costs

    cost of additional overtime (20 hours@ $14.25 per hour for 3 weeks)................................ 855

    + cost of additional temporary help (20 hours @ $11 per hour for 2 weeks)....................... 440

    - wages and benefits saved due to vacancy (40 hours @ $9.50 per hour for 3 weeks) ....(1,140)

Replacement Costs

    preemployment administrative expenses (3 hours @ $12)....................................................... 36

    + cost of attracting applicants (ads, agencies, and staff time) ...............................................162

    + cost of entrance interviews (5 interviews x 1 hour x $16) ....................................................80

    + testing costs (aptitude, skill, drug--1 hour @ $16 + $30) ...................................................46

    + staff costs (staff meetings -- one 30-minute meeting with 3 people @ $16 per hr) ............24

    + travel and moving expenses (interviewees and new employee) ..............................................0

    +postemployment information gathering and dissemination costs (payroll, benefits, policies,

      and procedures, employee records, 2 hours @ $14 + 2 hours @ $9.50) ...................47

      + cost of postemployment medical exams ......................................................................75

Training Costs

    cost of informational literature (manuals, brochures, policies) ..................................................10

    + formal training costs ..............................................................................................................50

    + informal training costs (OJT, mentoring, socializing - 1 day @ $16 per hour +

      1 day @ $9.50 per hour) ...........................................................................................204

Performance Differential

    differential in performance costs/benefits (salary differential, vacancy lag, learning curve) ..760

TOTAL TURNOVER COSTS PER EMPLOYEE ...............................................................$2,288
