[水题][第一阶段-英文题试水][HDOJ-1062]Text Reverse

来源:互联网 发布:db2查询数据库里 的表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 18:52
Problem Description
Ignatius likes to write words in reverse way. Given a single line of text which is written by Ignatius, you should reverse all the words and then output them.

The input contains several test cases. The first line of the input is a single integer T which is the number of test cases. T test cases follow.
Each test case contains a single line with several words. There will be at most 1000 characters in a line.

For each test case, you should output the text which is processed.

Sample Input
3olleh !dlrowm'I morf .udhI ekil .mca

Sample Output
hello world!I'm from hdu.I like acm.
Remember to use getchar() to read '\n' after the interger T, then you may use gets() to read a line and process it.

import java.util.Scanner;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubScanner in = new Scanner(System.in);int n = in.nextInt();String str = in.nextLine();int i,j;while(n>0){str = in.nextLine();String[] ss = str.split(" ");char[] ch = str.toCharArray();j=0;for(i=0;i<ch.length;i++){if(ch[i]==' ')System.out.print(' ');else {String s =ss[j];StringBuffer sb =new StringBuffer(s);sb.reverse();System.out.print(sb.toString());i+=ss[j].length()-1;if(j<ss.length)j++;}}System.out.println();n--;}}}

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