Cocos2d-x 分享一个封装的Sqlite3的DBUtil类

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝商城女装特价冬装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 07:14






////  DBUtil.h//  LeadinV1.1////  Created by ChengChao on 14-11-4.////#ifndef __LeadinV1_1__DBUtil__#define __LeadinV1_1__DBUtil__#include "main.h"#include "sqlite3.h"USING_NS_CC;using namespace std;class DBUtil {    private:        //数据库    sqlite3* m_pDataBase;    private:    #pragma mark <构造 && 析构>        DBUtil();        DBUtil(const DBUtil&);        DBUtil& operator = (const DBUtil&);        virtual ~DBUtil();    public:    #pragma mark <创建 && 销毁单例>        static DBUtil* getInstance();        static void destoryInstance();    #pragma mark <数据库操作>        /**     *  打开数据库(创建)     *     *  @param aDataBaseName 数据库名     */    void openDBWithName(string aDataBaseName);        /**     *  关闭数据库     */    void closeDB();        /**     *  创建数据表     *     *  @param aSql       建表sql语句     *  @param aTableName 表名     */    void createTable(string aSql, string aTableName);        /**     *  通过表名查询该表是否存在     *     *  @param aTabelName 表秒     *     *  @return true: 存在 false: 不存在     */    bool isExistTableByName(string aTabelName);        /**     *  删除数据表     *     *  @param aSql       删表sql语句     *  @param aTableName 表名     */    void deleteTable(string aSql, string aTableName);        /**     *  插入记录     *     *  @param aSql 插入数据sql语句     */    void insertData(string aSql);        /**     *  删除记录     *     *  @param aSql 删除数据sql语句     */    void deleteData(string aSql);        /**     *  修改记录     *     *  @param aSql 修改数据sql语句     */    void updateData(string aSql);        /**     *  查询记录     *     *  @param aSql     修改数据sql语句     */    vector<map<string, string> >searchData(string aSql);        /**     *  查询记录的条数     *     *  @param sql 查询记录sql语句     *     *  @return 记录条数     */    int searchDataCount(string aSql);        /**     *  开始事务     *     *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏)     */    int beginTransaction();        /**     *  提交事务(失败回滚)     *     *  @param aResult       操作结果     *     *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏)     */    int comitTransaction(int aResult);    };#endif /* defined(__LeadinV1_1__DBUtil__) */
////  DBUtil.cpp//  LeadinV1.1////  Created by ChengChao on 14-11-4.////#include "DBUtil.h"#include "NTool.h"static DBUtil* s_pInstance = NULL;const string cDBName = "gamedb";#pragma mark <构造 && 析构>DBUtil::DBUtil():m_pDataBase(NULL) {    }DBUtil::~DBUtil() {    }#pragma mark <创建 && 销毁单例>DBUtil* DBUtil::getInstance() {    if (!s_pInstance) {        s_pInstance = new DBUtil();    }    return s_pInstance;}void DBUtil::destoryInstance() {    delete s_pInstance;    s_pInstance = NULL;}#pragma mark <数据库操作>/** *  打开数据库(创建) * *  @param aDataBaseName 数据库名 */void DBUtil::openDBWithName(string aDataBaseName) {    string writeablePath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getWritablePath();    CCLOG("path=%s", writeablePath.c_str());    string dbPath = writeablePath + aDataBaseName;        int result = sqlite3_open(dbPath.c_str(), &m_pDataBase);    char* errMsg = NULL;    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        CCLog("打开数据库失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }}/** *  关闭数据库 */void DBUtil::closeDB() {    if (m_pDataBase) {        sqlite3_close(m_pDataBase);        m_pDataBase = NULL;    }}/** *  创建数据表 * *  @param aSql       建表sql语句 *  @param aTableName 表名 * *  @usage string sql = "create table user(id integer, username text, password text)"; */void DBUtil::createTable(string aSql, string aTableName) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        if (!isExistTableByName(aTableName)) {        char* errMsg = NULL;        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            CCLog("创建表失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }                if (errMsg) {            sqlite3_free(errMsg);            errMsg = NULL;        }    }        closeDB();}/** *  是否存在某张数据表的查询回调 * *  @return 0 */int isExistTableCallback(void* para, int n_column, char ** column_value, char ** column_name) {    bool *isExisted_= (bool*)para;    *isExisted_= (**column_value) != '0';    return 0;}/** *  通过表名查询该表是否存在 * *  @param aTabelName 表秒 * *  @return true: 存在 false: 不存在 */bool DBUtil::isExistTableByName(string aTabelName) {        if (m_pDataBase) {        //判断表是否存在        bool isExist;        char* errMsg = NULL;        string sql = "select count(type) from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = '" + aTabelName + "'";        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, sql.c_str(), isExistTableCallback, &isExist, &errMsg);                if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            CCLog("查询表是否存在失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }                if (errMsg) {            sqlite3_free(errMsg);            errMsg = NULL;        }                return isExist;    }        return false;}/** *  删除数据表 * *  @param aSql       删表sql语句 *  @param aTableName 表名 * *  @usage string sql = "drop table name"; */void DBUtil::deleteTable(string aSql, string aTableName) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        beginTransaction();    int result = 0;    if (isExistTableByName(aTableName)) {        char* errMsg = NULL;        result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            CCLog("创建表失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }                if (errMsg) {            sqlite3_free(errMsg);            errMsg = NULL;        }    }        comitTransaction(result);    closeDB();    }/** *  插入记录 * *  @param aSql 插入数据sql语句 * *  @usage string sql = "insert into User(name) values ('cc') "; */void DBUtil::insertData(string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);    beginTransaction();    char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        CCLog("插入记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg );    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        comitTransaction(result);     closeDB();}/** *  删除记录 * *  @param aSql 插入数据sql语句 * *  @usage string sql = "delete from User where name = 'cc'"; */void DBUtil::deleteData(string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        beginTransaction();    char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK ) {        CCLog("删除记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n" , result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        comitTransaction(result);        closeDB();}/** *  修改记录 * *  @param aSql 修改数据sql语句 */void DBUtil::updateData(string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        beginTransaction();    char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg );    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        CCLog( "修改记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg );    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        comitTransaction(result);        closeDB();}/** *  查询回调 * *  @return 0 */int searchDataCallback(void* para, int n_column, char** column_value, char** column_name ) {    map<string, string> mapResults ;    for (int i = 0; i < n_column; i++) {        mapResults.insert(make_pair<string, string>((string)column_name[i], (string)column_value[i]));    }    vector<map<string,string> >* vect =(vector<map<string,string> >*)para;    vect->push_back(mapResults);    return 0;}/** *  查询记录 * *  @param aSql     修改数据sql语句 */vector<map<string, string> > DBUtil::searchData(string aSql) {        long long int startTime = getNowTime();    CCLOG("startTime=%lld", getNowTime());    openDBWithName(cDBName);        //vector是查询的结果集,每一个结果都存在map中    //map的第一string是key(字段名),第二个string是value(查询出的对应数据)    vector<map<string, string> > vec;        char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), searchDataCallback, &vec, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        CCLog("查询失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        closeDB();        long long int endTime = getNowTime();    CCLOG("endTime=%lld", endTime);    CCLOG("needTime=%lld", endTime - startTime);        return vec;}/** *  查询数据条数回调 * *  @return 0 */int searchDataCountCallback(void* para, int n_column, char** column_value, char** column_name) {    int* count = (int*)para;    *count = (int)atof(column_value[0]);    return 0;}/** *  查询记录的条数 * *  @param sql 查询记录sql语句 * *  @return 记录条数 */int DBUtil::searchDataCount(string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);    int count = 0;    char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), searchDataCountCallback, &count, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        CCLog( "查询记录条数失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        closeDB();        return count;}/** *  开始事务 * *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏) */int DBUtil::beginTransaction() {    char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, "begin transaction", 0, 0, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK ){        CCLog("开始事务记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }    return result;}/** *  提交事务(失败回滚) * *  @param aResult       操作结果 * *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏) */int DBUtil::comitTransaction(int aResult) {    if (aResult == SQLITE_OK) {        char* errMsg = NULL;        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, "commit transaction", 0, 0, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            CCLog("提交事务记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n" , result, errMsg);        }        return result;    } else {        char* errMsg = NULL;        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, "rollback transaction", 0, 0, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK ) {            CCLog("回滚事务记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }        return result;    }}

<span style="color:#000000;">////  DBUtil.h//  GuessMovie////  Created by apple on 14/11/24.////#ifndef __GuessMovie__DBUtil__#define __GuessMovie__DBUtil__#include "sqlite3.h"#include "main.h"USING_NS_CC;class DBUtil {    private:        //数据库    sqlite3* m_pDataBase;    private:    #pragma mark <构造 && 析构>        DBUtil();        virtual ~DBUtil();        public :    #pragma mark <创建 && 销毁单例>        static DBUtil* getInstance();        static void destoryInstance();    #pragma mark <数据库操作>        /**     *  打开数据库(创建)     *     *  @param aDataBaseName 数据库名     */    void openDBWithName(std::string aDataBaseName);        /**     *  关闭数据库     */    void closeDB();        /**     *  创建数据表     *     *  @param aSql       建表sql语句     *  @param aTableName 表名     */    void createTable(std::string aSql, std::string aTableName);        /**     *  通过表名查询该表是否存在     *     *  @param aTabelName 表秒     *     *  @return true: 存在 false: 不存在     */    bool isExistTableByName(std::string aTabelName);        /**     *  删除数据表     *     *  @param aSql       删表sql语句     *  @param aTableName 表名     */    void deleteTable(std::string aSql, std::string aTableName);        /**     *  插入记录     *     *  @param aSql 插入数据sql语句     */    void insertData(std::string aSql);        /**     *  删除记录     *     *  @param aSql 删除数据sql语句     */    void deleteData(std::string aSql);        /**     *  修改记录     *     *  @param aSql 修改数据sql语句     */    void updateData(std::string aSql);        /**     *  查询记录     *     *  @param aSql     修改数据sql语句     */    std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> >searchData(std::string aSql);        /**     *  查询记录的条数     *     *  @param sql 查询记录sql语句     *     *  @return 记录条数     */    int searchDataCount(std::string aSql);        /**     *  开始事务     *     *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏)     */    int beginTransaction();        /**     *  提交事务(失败回滚)     *     *  @param aResult       操作结果     *     *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏)     */    int comitTransaction(int aResult);    };#endif /* defined(__GuessMovie__DBUtil__) */</span>
<span style="color:#000000;">////  DBUtil.cpp//  GuessMovie////  Created by apple on 14/11/24.////#include "DBUtil.h"static DBUtil* s_pInstance = NULL;const std::string cDBName = "gamedb";#pragma mark <构造 && 析构>DBUtil::DBUtil():m_pDataBase(NULL) {    }DBUtil::~DBUtil() {    }#pragma mark <创建 && 销毁单例>DBUtil* DBUtil::getInstance() {    if (!s_pInstance) {        s_pInstance = new DBUtil();    }    return s_pInstance;}void DBUtil::destoryInstance() {    delete s_pInstance;    s_pInstance = NULL;}#pragma mark <数据库操作>/** *  打开数据库(创建) * *  @param aDataBaseName 数据库名 */void DBUtil::openDBWithName(std::string aDataBaseName) {    std::string writeablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath();    CCLOG("path=%s", writeablePath.c_str());    std::string dbPath = writeablePath + aDataBaseName;        int result = sqlite3_open(dbPath.c_str(), &m_pDataBase);    char* errMsg = NULL;    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        log("打开数据库失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }}/** *  关闭数据库 */void DBUtil::closeDB() {    if (m_pDataBase) {        sqlite3_close(m_pDataBase);        m_pDataBase = NULL;    }}/** *  创建数据表 * *  @param aSql       建表sql语句 *  @param aTableName 表名 * *  @usage string sql = "create table user(id integer, username text, password text)"; */void DBUtil::createTable(std::string aSql, std::string aTableName) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        if (!isExistTableByName(aTableName)) {        char* errMsg = NULL;        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            log("创建表失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }                if (errMsg) {            sqlite3_free(errMsg);            errMsg = NULL;        }    }        closeDB();}/** *  是否存在某张数据表的查询回调 * *  @return 0 */int isExistTableCallback(void* para, int n_column, char ** column_value, char ** column_name) {    bool *isExisted_= (bool*)para;    *isExisted_= (**column_value) != '0';    return 0;}/** *  通过表名查询该表是否存在 * *  @param aTabelName 表秒 * *  @return true: 存在 false: 不存在 */bool DBUtil::isExistTableByName(std::string aTabelName) {        if (m_pDataBase) {        //判断表是否存在        bool isExist;        char* errMsg = NULL;        std::string sql = "select count(type) from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = '" + aTabelName + "'";        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, sql.c_str(), isExistTableCallback, &isExist, &errMsg);                if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            log("查询表是否存在失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }                if (errMsg) {            sqlite3_free(errMsg);            errMsg = NULL;        }                return isExist;    }        return false;}/** *  删除数据表 * *  @param aSql       删表sql语句 *  @param aTableName 表名 * *  @usage string sql = "drop table name"; */void DBUtil::deleteTable(std::string aSql, std::string aTableName) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        beginTransaction();        int result = 0;    if (isExistTableByName(aTableName)) {        char* errMsg = NULL;        result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            log("创建表失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }                if (errMsg) {            sqlite3_free(errMsg);            errMsg = NULL;        }    }        comitTransaction(result);        closeDB();    }/** *  插入记录 * *  @param aSql 插入数据sql语句 * *  @usage string sql = "insert into User(name) values ('cc') "; */void DBUtil::insertData(std::string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        beginTransaction();        char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        log("插入记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg );    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        comitTransaction(result);        closeDB();}/** *  删除记录 * *  @param aSql 插入数据sql语句 * *  @usage string sql = "delete from User where name = 'cc'"; */void DBUtil::deleteData(std::string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        beginTransaction();        char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK ) {        log("删除记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n" , result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        comitTransaction(result);        closeDB();    }/** *  修改记录 * *  @param aSql 修改数据sql语句 */void DBUtil::updateData(std::string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        beginTransaction();        char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg );    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        log( "修改记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg );    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        comitTransaction(result);        closeDB();}/** *  查询回调 * *  @return 0 */int searchDataCallback(void* para, int n_column, char** column_value, char** column_name ) {    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapResults ;    for (int i = 0; i < n_column; i++) {        mapResults.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, std::string>((std::string)column_name[i], (std::string)column_value[i]));    }    std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> >* vect = (std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> >*)para;    vect->push_back(mapResults);    return 0;}/** *  查询记录 * *  @param aSql     查询数据sql语句 */std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> > DBUtil::searchData(std::string aSql) {    //    long long int startTime = getNowTime();//    CCLOG("startTime=%lld", getNowTime());        openDBWithName(cDBName);        //vector是查询的结果集,每一个结果都存在map中    //map的第一string是key(字段名),第二个string是value(查询出的对应数据)    std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> > vec;        char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), searchDataCallback, &vec, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        log("查询失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        closeDB();    //    long long int endTime = getNowTime();//    CCLOG("endTime=%lld", endTime);//    CCLOG("needTime=%lld", endTime - startTime);        return vec;}/** *  查询数据条数回调 * *  @return 0 */int searchDataCountCallback(void* para, int n_column, char** column_value, char** column_name) {    int* count = (int*)para;    *count = (int)atof(column_value[0]);    return 0;}/** *  查询记录的条数 * *  @param sql 查询记录sql语句 * *  @return 记录条数 */int DBUtil::searchDataCount(std::string aSql) {        openDBWithName(cDBName);        int count = 0;    char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, aSql.c_str(), searchDataCountCallback, &count, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {        log( "查询记录条数失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }        if (errMsg) {        sqlite3_free(errMsg);        errMsg = NULL;    }        closeDB();        return count;}/** *  开始事务 * *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏) */int DBUtil::beginTransaction() {    char* errMsg = NULL;    int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, "begin transaction", 0, 0, &errMsg);    if (result != SQLITE_OK ){        log("开始事务记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);    }    return result;}/** *  提交事务(失败回滚) * *  @param aResult       操作结果 * *  @return 操作结果(sqlite3提供的宏) */int DBUtil::comitTransaction(int aResult) {    if (aResult == SQLITE_OK) {        char* errMsg = NULL;        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, "commit transaction", 0, 0, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK) {            log("提交事务记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n" , result, errMsg);        }        return result;    } else {        char* errMsg = NULL;        int result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDataBase, "rollback transaction", 0, 0, &errMsg);        if (result != SQLITE_OK ) {            log("回滚事务记录失败,错误码:%d,错误原因:%s\n", result, errMsg);        }        return result;    }}

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