python to_json 递归

来源:互联网 发布:小米算法工程师笔试题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 22:04
def f_to_json(obj,result):    u"""    递归函数调用    """    if type(obj) == types.DictType:        result.append("{")        is_null = True        for k,v in obj.items():            is_null = False            result.append("'%s':"%k)            f_to_json(v,result)            result.append(",")        if not is_null:            result.pop()        result.append("}")    elif type(obj) == types.ListType:        result.append("[")        is_null = True        for elem in obj:            is_null = False            f_to_json(elem,result)            result.append(",")                if not is_null:            result.pop()                result.append("]")    elif type(obj) == types.IntType:        result.append("%s"%obj)    elif type(obj) == types.StringType:        result.append("'%s'"%obj)        return "".join(result)def stack_to_json(obj):    result = []    stack = []    stack.append(obj)    while stack:        elem = stack.pop()        if type(elem) == types.DictType:            stack.append("{")            is_null = True            for k,v in elem.items():                is_null = False                stack.append("'%s'"%k)                stack.append(":")                if type(v) == types.StringType:                    stack.append("'%s'"%v)                else:                    stack.append(v)                stack.append(",")            if not is_null:                stack.pop()            stack.append("}")        elif type(elem) == types.ListType:            stack.append("[")            is_null = True            for e in elem:                is_null = False                if type(e) == types.StringType:                    stack.append("'%s'"%e)                else:                    stack.append(e)                stack.append(",")                        if not is_null:                stack.pop()            stack.append("]")                elif type(elem) in( types.IntType,types.StringType):            result.append("%s"%elem)                    else:            print 'other',elem            break    result.reverse()    return "".join(result)        if __name__ == "__main__":    r = []    d = {"a":[{"c":"v","g":"gg"}],"a2":["a","b","c",{"k":"v"}]}        print 'original dict====',d    print 'function to json ====',f_to_json(d,r)        print 'stack to json========',stack_to_json(d)

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