
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝人员工作流程图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:32
#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <pthread.h>#include <semaphore.h>void *thread_function( void *arg );pthread_mutex_t work_mutex;#define WORK_SIZE 1024char work_area[WORK_SIZE];int time_to_exit = 0;int main(){    int res;    pthread_t a_thread;    void *thread_result;    res = pthread_mutex_init( &work_mutex, NULL );    if( 0 != res ) {        perror( "Mutex initialization failed");        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );    }    res = pthread_create( &a_thread, NULL, thread_function, NULL );    if( 0 != res ) {        perror( "Thread creation failed");        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );    }    pthread_mutex_lock( &work_mutex );    printf("Input some text. Enter 'end' to finish\n");    while( 0 == time_to_exit ) {        fgets( work_area, WORK_SIZE, stdin );        pthread_mutex_unlock( &work_mutex );        while(1) {            pthread_mutex_lock( &work_mutex );            if( '\0' != work_area[0] ) {                pthread_mutex_unlock( &work_mutex );                sleep(1);            }            else                break;        }    }    pthread_mutex_unlock( &work_mutex );    printf("\nWaiting for thread to finish...\n");    res = pthread_join( a_thread, &thread_result );    if( 0 != res ) {        perror( "Thread join failed" );        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );    }    printf("Thread joined\n");    pthread_mutex_destroy( &work_mutex );    exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );}void *thread_function( void *arg ){    sleep(1);    pthread_mutex_lock( &work_mutex );    while( 0 != strncmp( "end", work_area, 3 ) ) {        printf("You input %d characters\n", strlen(work_area)-1 );        work_area[0] = '\0';        pthread_mutex_unlock( &work_mutex );        sleep(1);        pthread_mutex_lock( &work_mutex );        while( '\0' == work_area[0] ) {            pthread_mutex_unlock( &work_mutex );            sleep(1);            pthread_mutex_lock( &work_mutex );        }    }    time_to_exit = 1;    work_area[0] = '\0';    pthread_mutex_unlock( &work_mutex );    pthread_exit( 0 );}

新线程首先试图对互斥量加锁。如果它已经被锁住,这个调用将被阻塞直到它被释放为止。一旦获得访问权,先检查是否有申请推出程序的请求。如果有,就设置 time_to_exit 变量,再把工作去的第一个字符设置为 \0 ,然后退出。

如果不想退出,就统计字符个数,然后把 work_area 数组中的第一个字符设置为null。我们用将第一个字符设置为 null 的方法通知读取输入的线程,我们已经完成了字符统计。然后解锁互斥量并等待主线程继续执行。我们将周期性地尝试给互斥量加锁,如果加锁成功,就检查是否主线程又有字符送来要处理。如果还没有,就解锁互斥量继续等待;如果有,就统计字符个数并再次进入循环。





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