A look at the top posts about Revolutions from 2014

来源:互联网 发布:mac ppt转换成视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/12 07:33

Happy New Year everyone! Another year has come and gone, and this blog has just entered itsseventh year of publication. (Once again, I missed the anniversary back on December 9.) Thanks to everyone who has supported this blog over the past 6 years by reading, sharing and commenting on our posts. And an extra- special thanks to all of the guest bloggers who have contributed this year. 

2014 was a busy year for the blog, with a 30% increase in users and a 25% increase in page views compared to 2013. The most popular posts of the year, starting with the most popular, were:

  1. The Fourier Transform, explained in one sentence. (This was a clear favourite, having made it to the front pages of both Reddit and Hacker News.)
  2. Statistics: Losing Ground to CS, Losing Image Among Students, by Norm Matloff
  3. R skills attract the highest salaries
  4. 3D Plots in R, by Joseph Rickert
  5. In data scientist survey, R is the most-used tool (other than databases)
  6. Getting Started with Hidden Markov Models in R, by Joseph Rickert
  7. Quantitative Finance Applications in R - 3: Plotting xts Time Series, by Dan Hanson
  8. Fast and easy data munging, with dplyr
  9. An R "meta" book, by Joseph Rickert
  10. Easy data maps with R: the choroplethr package

And to prove that "popularity" is a difficult thing to predict, here are a few fun or interesting posts from last year I thought would get more attention than they did:

  • Who knows the Oscar winners? The betting markets, probably.
  • Playing Threes and 2048 with R
  • Accidental aRt
  • The beautiful R charts in London: The Information Capital
  • Create Fashion Fingerprints with R

Here's to another great year in 2015!

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 瞄准镜十字歪了怎么办 瞄准镜调到底了怎么办 墨镜镜片刮花了怎么办 usb小风扇不转怎么办 金属眼镜压歪了怎么办 眼镜被电焊打了怎么办 电焊闪的眼睛疼怎么办 烧了电焊眼睛疼怎么办 用了电焊眼睛痛怎么办 烧电焊脸上红痛怎么办 眼睛让电焊晃了怎么办 眼被电焊打了怎么办 眼镜弹簧腿坏了怎么办 眼镜框铰链坏了怎么办 金属眼镜框歪了怎么办 眼镜框螺丝断了怎么办 眼镜被压变形了怎么办 金属眼镜腿断了怎么办 眼镜弹簧腿断了怎么办 眼镜腿螺丝太紧怎么办 眼镜金属柄断了怎么办 金属眼镜腿折了怎么办 眼镜腿中间断了怎么办 塑料眼镜腿断了怎么办 眼镜上的螺丝拧不紧怎么办 眼镜的把坏了怎么办 把眼镜坐坏了怎么办 梦见眼镜腿掉了怎么办 眼镜的腿掉了怎么办 眼镜腿的螺丝掉了怎么办 爱大爱眼镜掉腿了怎么办 合金眼镜腿断了怎么办 手关节复位h疼痛怎么办 我叫mt红色卡牌怎么办 星盟冲突qq登录怎么办 汽车雷达下雨一直响怎么办 火山小视频封火力怎么办 电脑被当成矿机怎么办 哥华有线机顶盒反应慢怎么办 电脑绣花机编码器坏了怎么办? 伺服电机开起没有力怎么办