netifd [4] - interface

来源:互联网 发布:mysql 查询 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 04:17


/** * interface object */struct interface {    struct vlist_node node;    struct list_head hotplug_list;    enum interface_event hotplug_ev;    const char *name;    const char *ifname;    bool available;    bool autostart;    bool config_autostart;    bool device_config;    bool enabled;    bool link_state;    bool force_link;    bool dynamic;    time_t start_time;    enum interface_state state;    enum interface_config_state config_state;    enum interface_update_flags updated;    struct list_head users;    const char *parent_ifname;    struct interface_user parent_iface;    /* main interface that the interface is bound to */    struct device_user main_dev;    /* interface that layer 3 communication will go through */    struct device_user l3_dev;    struct blob_attr *config;    /* primary protocol state */    const struct proto_handler *proto_handler;    struct interface_proto_state *proto;    struct interface_ip_settings proto_ip;    struct interface_ip_settings config_ip;    struct vlist_tree host_routes;    int metric;    unsigned int ip4table;    unsigned int ip6table;    /* IPv6 assignment parameters */    uint8_t assignment_length;    int32_t assignment_hint;    struct list_head assignment_classes;    /* errors/warnings while trying to bring up the interface */    struct list_head errors;    /* extra data provided by protocol handlers or modules */    struct avl_tree data;    struct uloop_timeout remove_timer;    struct ubus_object ubus;};
enum interface_event {    IFEV_DOWN,    IFEV_UP,    IFEV_UPDATE,    IFEV_FREE,    IFEV_RELOAD,};enum interface_state {    IFS_SETUP,    IFS_UP,    IFS_TEARDOWN,    IFS_DOWN,};enum interface_config_state {    IFC_NORMAL,    IFC_RELOAD,    IFC_REMOVE};enum interface_update_flags {    IUF_ADDRESS = (1 << 0),    IUF_ROUTE   = (1 << 1),    IUF_PREFIX  = (1 << 2),    IUF_DATA    = (1 << 3),};struct interface_error {    struct list_head list;    const char *subsystem;    const char *code;    const char *data[];};/** * interface 引用 */struct interface_user {    struct list_head list;    struct interface *iface;    void (*cb)(struct interface_user *dep, struct interface *iface, enum interface_event ev);};/** * interface ip 配置对象 */struct interface_ip_settings {    struct interface *iface;    bool enabled;    bool no_defaultroute;    bool no_dns;    bool no_delegation;    struct vlist_tree addr;    struct vlist_tree route;    struct vlist_tree prefix;    struct vlist_simple_tree dns_servers;    struct vlist_simple_tree dns_search;};struct interface_data {    struct avl_node node;    struct blob_attr data[];};struct interface_assignment_class {    struct list_head head;    char name[];};


/** * 根据输入配置创建并初始化interface object * * @param name interface name * @param config configure of interface object * @return interface object */struct interface *interface_alloc(const char *name, struct blob_attr *config)
/** * 添加设置到interface中 * * @param iface interface object * @param config configure of interface object */void interface_add(struct interface *iface, struct blob_attr *config)
/** * 设置interface object的proto处理对象 * * @param iface interface object * @param state proto handler object */void interface_set_proto_state(struct interface *iface, struct interface_proto_state *state)
/** * 使能interface object * * @param iface interface object * @return true - success false - failed */int interface_set_up(struct interface *iface)/** * 停用interface object * * @param iface interface object * @return true - success false - failed */int interface_set_down(struct interface *iface)
/** * 设置interface对象主device对象 * * @param iface interface object * @param dev device object */void interface_set_main_dev(struct interface *iface, struct device *dev)/** * 设置interface对象3层device对象 * * @param iface interface object * @param dev device object */void interface_set_l3_dev(struct interface *iface, struct device *dev)
/** * 添加interface object引用 * * @param dep interface reference object * @param iface interface object */void interface_add_user(struct interface_user *dep, struct interface *iface)/** * 删除interface object引用 * * @param dep interface reference object */void interface_remove_user(struct interface_user *dep)
/** * */int interface_add_link(struct interface *iface, struct device *dev)/** * */int interface_remove_link(struct interface *iface, struct device *dev)/** * */int interface_handle_link(struct interface *iface, const char *name, bool add)


interface对象avl tree链表设置了keep_oldno_delete标志,每次执行config_init_all时首先vlist_update把avl tree链表头结点的version标志加1,当根据UCI更新interface链表中对象时每个node的version保持与头结点version一致,后继做vlist_flush时如果存在node的version与头结点version不一致的将被删除,而netifd在删除某个interface时其实并没有把相应的对象从avl tree链表中删除,而是等下一次restart或reload时再

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