斯坦福iOS 7公开课-Assignment 2

来源:互联网 发布:少儿编程 教师培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:42


Follow the detailed instructions in the lecture slides (separate document) to reproduce the latest version of Matchismo we built in lecture (i.e. the one with multiple cards) and run it in the iPhone Simulator. Do not proceed to the next steps unless your card matching game functions as expected and builds without warnings or errors.



Add a button which will re-deal all of the cards (i.e. start a new game). It should reset the score (and anything else in the UI that makes sense). In a real game, we’d probably want to ask the user if he or she is “sure” before aborting the game in process to re-deal, but for this assignment, you can assume the user always knows what he or she is doing when they hit this button.


  1. 添加一个button来完成这一动作;
  2. reset属性值,包括card的chosen, matched以及game的score;
  3. 更新UI.


- (IBAction)startNewGame:(id)sender {     self.game = nil;    [self.game startNewGame];    [self updateUI];}


  1. 关于score的设置。

    -(void)startNewGame{    self.score = 0;}
  2. 重新发牌。

    self.game = nil;



Drag out a switch (UISwitch) or a segmented control (UISegmentedControl) into your View somewhere which controls whether the game matches two cards at a time or three cards at a time (i.e. it sets “2-card-match mode” vs. “3-card-match mode”). Give the user appropriate points depending on how difficult the match is to accomplish. In 3-card-match mode, it should be possible to get some (although a significantly lesser amount of) points for picking 3 cards of which only 2 match in some way. In that case, all 3 cards should be taken out of the game (even though only 2 match). In 3-card-match mode, choosing only 2 cards is never a match.


  1. 添加一个UISegmentedControl。考虑到后面的题目,可匹配的数目可扩展为n;将可匹配的牌的数目看作该控件的title属性。
  2. 选出可以进行匹配比较的牌,组成新的待比较数组CardsToMatch。显然,该数组的元素个数应该为最大可匹配的牌数-1(即假设现在是3张匹配的模式,那么我们应该在当前桌面上再选两张既被选中又没有被匹配的牌),选好之后就开始进行匹配,调用match方法。
  3. 修改match方法。注意除了当前选中的牌与CardsToMatch中的牌进行外,CardsToMatch中的牌之间也是要进行比较的。


  1. 在CardMatchingGame里新增一个属性值maxMatchingCards,用来控制游戏的模式。

    @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger maxMatchingCards;
  2. 新增UISegmentController控件,通过Ctrl-拖动操作,新增一个outlet和一个action代理,主要为了将UISegmentController控件的title属性传给game作为maxMatchingCards。

    //ViewController.m……@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *scoreLabel;- (IBAction)changeModeSelector:(UISegmentedControl *)sender;-(CardMatchingGame *)game{    if (!_game){         _game = [[CardMatchingGame alloc]initWithCardCount:[self.cardButtons count] usingDeck:[self creatDeck]];        [self changeModeSelector:self.modeSelector];    }    return _game;}- (IBAction)changeModeSelector:(UISegmentedControl *)sender{    self.game.maxMatchingCards = [[sender titleForSegmentAtIndex:sender.selectedSegmentIndex]integerValue];}
  3. 修改chooseAtIndex函数。之前是桌面上有一张牌满足待匹配条件(被选中又没有被匹配)即调用match方法,现在将所有满足待匹配条件并且不超过最大可匹配数maxMatchingCards的牌搜集起来组成一个新的数组,再调用match方法。

    //-(void)chooseCardAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index……//match against other chosen card    NSMutableArray *cardsToMatch = [NSMutableArray array];    for (Card *otherCard in self.cards) {        if (otherCard.isChosen && !otherCard.isMatched)            [cardsToMatch addObject:otherCard];    }    if ([cardsToMatch count] +1 == self.maxMatchingCards) {        int matchScore = [card match:cardsToMatch];        if (matchScore) {            self.score += matchScore*MATCH_BONUS;            card.matched = YES;            for (Card *otherCard in cardsToMatch) {                otherCard.matched = YES;            }        }else{            self.score -= MISMATCH_PENALTY;            for (Card *otherCard in cardsToMatch) {                otherCard.chosen = NO;            }        }    }


-(int)match:(NSArray *)otherCards{    int score = 0;    NSUInteger numOtherCards = [otherCards count];    if (numOtherCards) {        for (PlayingCard *otherCard in otherCards) {        if (otherCard.rank == self.rank) {            score += 4;        }else if ([otherCard.suit isEqualToString:self.suit]){            score += 1;        }        //If there are more than 3 cards to be matched, all cards in the otherCards should be matched in pairs.        if (numOtherCards > 1) {            score += [[otherCards firstObject] match:                      [otherCards subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, numOtherCards - 1)]];        }    }}    return score;}


(NSArray *)subarrayWithRange:(NSRange)range;//Returns a new array containing the receiving array’s elements that fall within the limits specified by a given range.NSRange NSMakeRange (NSUInteger loc,NSUInteger len);//Creates a new NSRange from the specified values.


Disable the game play mode control (i.e. the UISwitch or UISegmentedControl from Required Task 3) when a game starts (i.e. when the first flip of a game happens) and re-enable it when a re-deal happens (i.e. the Deal button is pressed).


  1. 在touchCardButton里禁用selector;
  2. 新建Deal按钮,创建action,接收到消息的时候启用selector。


- (IBAction)touchDealButton:(id)sender;……- (IBAction)touchCardButton:(UIButton *)sender{       self.modeSelector.enabled = NO;    ……    }- (IBAction)touchDealButton:(id)sender{    self.modeSelector.enabled = YES;}


Add a text label somewhere which desribes the results of the last consideration by the CardMatchingGame of a card choice by the user. Examples: “Matched J? J? for 4 points.” or “6? J? don’t match! 2 point penalty!” or “8?” if only one card is chosen or even blank if no cards are chosen. Do not violate MVC by building UI in your Model. “UI” is anything you are going to present to the user. This must work properly in either mode of Required Task 3.

1. 新建Label控件,用来显示结果;
2. 涉及到两个变量,分数和匹配的牌的contents,注意不要违背MVC模式的精神,所以可在CardMatchingGame里添加两个属性;
3. 在chooseAtIndex里为上述属性赋值;
4. 在updateUI里更新。


-(void)chooseCardAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index{……        self.lastScore = 0;    self.lastChosenCards = [cardsToMatch arrayByAddingObject:card];    if ([cardsToMatch count] +1 == self.maxMatchingCards) {        int matchScore = [card match:cardsToMatch];        if (matchScore) {            self.lastScore = matchScore*MATCH_BONUS;            card.matched = YES;            for (Card *otherCard in cardsToMatch) {                 otherCard.matched = YES;            }            }else{                self.lastScore = -MISMATCH_PENALTY;                for (Card *otherCard in cardsToMatch) {                    otherCard.chosen = NO;                }            }        }                    self.score += self.lastScore - COST_TO_CHOOSE;        card.chosen = YES;        }    }}


-(void)updateUI{……    if (self.game) {    NSString *description = @"";    if ([self.game.lastChosenCards count]) {        NSMutableArray *cardContents = [NSMutableArray array];        for (Card *card in self.game.lastChosenCards) {            [cardContents addObject:card.contents];        }        description = [cardContents componentsJoinedByString:@" "];//(1)    }    if (self.game.lastScore > 0) {        description = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Matched %@ for %d points.", description, (int)self.game.lastScore];    } else if (self.game.lastScore < 0) {        description = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ don’t match! %d point penalty!", description, (int)self.game.lastScore];    }    self.flipDescription.text = description;}}


- (NSString *)componentsJoinedByString:(NSString *)separator//Constructs and returns an NSString object that is the result of interposing a given separator between the elements of the array.


Change the UI of your game to have 30 cards instead of 12. See Hints about the size of cards.



Do not change the method signature of any public method we went over in lecture. It is fine to change private method signatures (though you should not need to) or to add public and/or private methods.



3. Think carefully about where the code to generate the strings in Required Task 5 above should go. Is it part of your Model, your View, or your Controller? Some combination thereof? Sometimes the easiest solution is a violation of MVC, but do not violate MVC! Justify your decision in comments in your code. A lot of what this homework assignment is about is your understanding of MVC. This aspect of this assignment is very often missed by students, so give it special attention!
9. Economy is valuable in coding: the easiest way to ensure a bug-free line of code is not to write the line of code at all. But not at the expense of violating MVC! This assignment requires more lines of code than last week, but still not an excessive amount. So if you find yourself writing many dozens of lines of code, you are on the wrong track.




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