[转]How to setup ASP.NET v1.1 (Visual Studio .NET 2003) projects on IIS7 (Vista)

来源:互联网 发布:浩方对战平台网络异常 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 23:00

  1. Ensure that .NET 1.1 --->SP1<--- is properly installed.
    • Vista does not include .NET v1.1 by default.
    • Because .NET 1.1 is not included by default, .NET v1.1 *SP1* is also not included.
    • Without SP1, W3WP.exe will crash when running an appPool under v1.1 due to DEP
    • To check this, make sure that "c:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/mscorsvr.dll" is version "1.1.4322.2032" or higher.
    • Unless you are 100% sure that SP1 for .NET is installed, you *really* should double-check this.
  2. Enable IIS 6.0 compatibility
    • Open "Control Panel"
    • Double-click "Programs and Features"
    • Expand "Internet Information Services"
    • Expand "Web Management Tools"
    • Check "IIS 6 Management Compatibility"
  3. Register v1.1 with IIS
    • Open a CMD prompt
    • Change your directory to c:/Windows/MIcrosoft.net/Framework/v1.1.4322
    • Run "aspnet_regiis -ir -enable"
    • "ir" registers v1.1 with IIS but doesn't change any existing script mappings
    • "enable" marks aspnet_isapi.dll as "Allowed" under "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions"
    • aspnet_regiis should also create a new AppPool under "Application Pools" called "ASP.NET 1.1" that is configured with the "Classic" pipline, and "Enable32BitAppOnWin64" set to true if a 64-bit OS.
  4. Make the new "ASP.NET 1.1" appPool the default.
    • Open the IIS manager
    • Select the "Web Sites" folder.
    • Under "Actions" on the upper right, click "Set Web Site Defaults..."
    • Change the "Application Pool" setting to "ASP.NET 1.1"
  5.  **Alternative step to 4** - Change the AppPool to "ASP.NET 1.1" after creating the ASP.NET project instead of making it the default.
    • Create the v1.1 ASP.NET project via Visual Studio. Attempting to run the project at this point will fail if the 1.1 appPool is not the default.
    • Open the IIS manager.
    • Right-click the newly create application directory and choose "Advanced Settings"
    • Change the "Application Pool" to "ASP.NET 1.1"
    • Go back to Visual Studio and attempt to run/debug project.
