
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝多少转化率正常 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:18


#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/moduleparam.h>#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/sched.h>#include <linux/kernel.h>/* printk() */#include <linux/fs.h>/* everything... */#include <linux/errno.h>/* error codes */#include <linux/delay.h>/* udelay */#include <linux/kdev_t.h>#include <linux/slab.h>#include <linux/mm.h>#include <linux/ioport.h>#include <linux/interrupt.h>#include <linux/workqueue.h>#include <linux/poll.h>#include <linux/wait.h>#include <asm/io.h>#define SHORT_NR_PORTS8/* use 8 ports by default *//* * all of the parameters have no "short_" prefix, to save typing when * specifying them at load time */static int major = 0;/* dynamic by default */module_param(major, int, 0);static int use_mem = 0;/* default is I/O-mapped */module_param(use_mem, int, 0);/* default is the first printer port on PC's. "short_base" is there too   because it's what we want to use in the code */static unsigned long base = 0x378;unsigned long short_base = 0;module_param(base, long, 0);/* The interrupt line is undefined by default. "short_irq" is as above */static int irq = -1;volatile int short_irq = -1;module_param(irq, int, 0);static int probe = 0;/* select at load time how to probe irq line */module_param(probe, int, 0);static int wq = 0;/* select at load time whether a workqueue is used */module_param(wq, int, 0);static int tasklet = 0;/* select whether a tasklet is used */module_param(tasklet, int, 0);static int share = 0;/* select at load time whether install a shared irq */module_param(share, int, 0);MODULE_AUTHOR ("Alessandro Rubini");MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL");unsigned long short_buffer = 0;unsigned long volatile short_head;volatile unsigned long short_tail;DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(short_queue);/* Set up our tasklet if we're doing that. */void short_do_tasklet(unsigned long);DECLARE_TASKLET(short_tasklet, short_do_tasklet, 0);/* * Atomicly increment an index into short_buffer */static inline void short_incr_bp(volatile unsigned long *index, int delta){unsigned long new = *index + delta;barrier();  /* Don't optimize these two together */*index = (new >= (short_buffer + PAGE_SIZE)) ? short_buffer : new;}/* * The devices with low minor numbers write/read burst of data to/from * specific I/O ports (by default the parallel ones). *  * The device with 128 as minor number returns ascii strings telling * when interrupts have been received. Writing to the device toggles * 00/FF on the parallel data lines. If there is a loopback wire, this * generates interrupts.   */int short_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){extern struct file_operations short_i_fops;if (iminor (inode) & 0x80)filp->f_op = &short_i_fops; /* the interrupt-driven node */return 0;}int short_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){return 0;}/* first, the port-oriented device */enum short_modes {SHORT_DEFAULT=0, SHORT_PAUSE, SHORT_STRING, SHORT_MEMORY};ssize_t do_short_read (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, char __user *buf,size_t count, loff_t *f_pos){int retval = count, minor = iminor (inode);unsigned long port = short_base + (minor&0x0f);void *address = (void *) short_base + (minor&0x0f);int mode = (minor&0x70) >> 4;unsigned char *kbuf = kmalloc(count, GFP_KERNEL), *ptr;    if (!kbuf)return -ENOMEM;ptr = kbuf;if (use_mem)mode = SHORT_MEMORY;switch(mode) {    case SHORT_STRING:insb(port, ptr, count);rmb();break;    case SHORT_DEFAULT:while (count--) {*(ptr++) = inb(port);rmb();}break;    case SHORT_MEMORY:while (count--) {*ptr++ = ioread8(address);rmb();}break;    case SHORT_PAUSE:while (count--) {*(ptr++) = inb_p(port);rmb();}break;    default: /* no more modes defined by now */retval = -EINVAL;break;}if ((retval > 0) && copy_to_user(buf, kbuf, retval))retval = -EFAULT;kfree(kbuf);return retval;}/* * Version-specific methods for the fops structure.  FIXME don't need anymore. */ssize_t short_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos){return do_short_read(filp->f_dentry->d_inode, filp, buf, count, f_pos);}ssize_t do_short_write (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, const char __user *buf,size_t count, loff_t *f_pos){int retval = count, minor = iminor(inode);unsigned long port = short_base + (minor&0x0f);void *address = (void *) short_base + (minor&0x0f);int mode = (minor&0x70) >> 4;unsigned char *kbuf = kmalloc(count, GFP_KERNEL), *ptr;if (!kbuf)return -ENOMEM;if (copy_from_user(kbuf, buf, count))return -EFAULT;ptr = kbuf;if (use_mem)mode = SHORT_MEMORY;switch(mode) {case SHORT_PAUSE:while (count--) {outb_p(*(ptr++), port);wmb();}break;case SHORT_STRING:outsb(port, ptr, count);wmb();break;case SHORT_DEFAULT:while (count--) {outb(*(ptr++), port);wmb();}break;case SHORT_MEMORY:while (count--) {iowrite8(*ptr++, address);wmb();}break;default: /* no more modes defined by now */retval = -EINVAL;break;}kfree(kbuf);return retval;}ssize_t short_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count,loff_t *f_pos){return do_short_write(filp->f_dentry->d_inode, filp, buf, count, f_pos);}unsigned int short_poll(struct file *filp, poll_table *wait){return POLLIN | POLLRDNORM | POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM;}struct file_operations short_fops = {.owner = THIS_MODULE,.read = short_read,.write = short_write,.poll = short_poll,.open = short_open,.release = short_release,};/* then,  the interrupt-related device */ssize_t short_i_read (struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos){int count0;DEFINE_WAIT(wait);while (short_head == short_tail) {prepare_to_wait(&short_queue, &wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);if (short_head == short_tail)schedule();finish_wait(&short_queue, &wait);if (signal_pending (current))  /* a signal arrived */return -ERESTARTSYS; /* tell the fs layer to handle it */} /* count0 is the number of readable data bytes */count0 = short_head - short_tail;if (count0 < 0) /* wrapped */count0 = short_buffer + PAGE_SIZE - short_tail;if (count0 < count) count = count0;if (copy_to_user(buf, (char *)short_tail, count))return -EFAULT;short_incr_bp (&short_tail, count);return count;}ssize_t short_i_write (struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count,loff_t *f_pos){int written = 0, odd = *f_pos & 1;unsigned long port = short_base; /* output to the parallel data latch */void *address = (void *) short_base;if (use_mem) {while (written < count)iowrite8(0xff * ((++written + odd) & 1), address);} else {while (written < count)outb(0xff * ((++written + odd) & 1), port);}*f_pos += count;return written;}struct file_operations short_i_fops = {.owner = THIS_MODULE,.read = short_i_read,.write = short_i_write,.open = short_open,.release = short_release,};irqreturn_t short_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id){struct timeval tv;int written;do_gettimeofday(&tv);    /* Write a 16 byte record. Assume PAGE_SIZE is a multiple of 16 */written = sprintf((char *)short_head,"%08u.%06u\n",(int)(tv.tv_sec % 100000000), (int)(tv.tv_usec));BUG_ON(written != 16);short_incr_bp(&short_head, written);wake_up_interruptible(&short_queue); /* awake any reading process */return IRQ_HANDLED;}/* * The following two functions are equivalent to the previous one, * but split in top and bottom half. First, a few needed variables */#define NR_TIMEVAL 512 /* length of the array of time values */struct timeval tv_data[NR_TIMEVAL]; /* too lazy to allocate it */volatile struct timeval *tv_head=tv_data;volatile struct timeval *tv_tail=tv_data;static struct work_struct short_wq;int short_wq_count = 0;/* * Increment a circular buffer pointer in a way that nobody sees * an intermediate value. */static inline void short_incr_tv(volatile struct timeval **tvp){if (*tvp == (tv_data + NR_TIMEVAL - 1))*tvp = tv_data; /* Wrap */else(*tvp)++;}void short_do_tasklet (unsigned long unused){int savecount = short_wq_count, written;short_wq_count = 0; /* we have already been removed from the queue *//* * The bottom half reads the tv array, filled by the top half, * and prints it to the circular text buffer, which is then consumed * by reading processes *//* First write the number of interrupts that occurred before this bh */written = sprintf((char *)short_head,"bh after %6i\n",savecount);short_incr_bp(&short_head, written);/* * Then, write the time values. Write exactly 16 bytes at a time, * so it aligns with PAGE_SIZE */do {written = sprintf((char *)short_head,"%08u.%06u\n",(int)(tv_tail->tv_sec % 100000000),(int)(tv_tail->tv_usec));short_incr_bp(&short_head, written);short_incr_tv(&tv_tail);} while (tv_tail != tv_head);wake_up_interruptible(&short_queue); /* awake any reading process */}irqreturn_t short_wq_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id){/* Grab the current time information. */do_gettimeofday((struct timeval *) tv_head);short_incr_tv(&tv_head);/* Queue the bh. Don't worry about multiple enqueueing */schedule_work(&short_wq);short_wq_count++; /* record that an interrupt arrived */return IRQ_HANDLED;}/* * Tasklet top half */irqreturn_t short_tl_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id){do_gettimeofday((struct timeval *) tv_head); /* cast to stop 'volatile' warning */short_incr_tv(&tv_head);tasklet_schedule(&short_tasklet);short_wq_count++; /* record that an interrupt arrived */return IRQ_HANDLED;}irqreturn_t short_sh_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id){int value, written;struct timeval tv;/* If it wasn't short, return immediately */value = inb(short_base);if (!(value & 0x80))return IRQ_NONE;/* clear the interrupting bit */outb(value & 0x7F, short_base);/* the rest is unchanged */do_gettimeofday(&tv);written = sprintf((char *)short_head,"%08u.%06u\n",(int)(tv.tv_sec % 100000000), (int)(tv.tv_usec));short_incr_bp(&short_head, written);wake_up_interruptible(&short_queue); /* awake any reading process */return IRQ_HANDLED;}void short_kernelprobe(void){int count = 0;do {unsigned long mask;mask = probe_irq_on();outb_p(0x10,short_base+2); /* enable reporting */outb_p(0x00,short_base);   /* clear the bit */outb_p(0xFF,short_base);   /* set the bit: interrupt! */outb_p(0x00,short_base+2); /* disable reporting */udelay(5);  /* give it some time */short_irq = probe_irq_off(mask);if (short_irq == 0) { /* none of them? */printk(KERN_INFO "short: no irq reported by probe\n");short_irq = -1;}/* * if more than one line has been activated, the result is * negative. We should service the interrupt (no need for lpt port) * and loop over again. Loop at most five times, then give up */} while (short_irq < 0 && count++ < 5);if (short_irq < 0)printk("short: probe failed %i times, giving up\n", count);}irqreturn_t short_probing(int irq, void *dev_id){if (short_irq == 0) short_irq = irq;/* found */if (short_irq != irq) short_irq = -irq; /* ambiguous */return IRQ_HANDLED;}void short_selfprobe(void){int trials[] = {3, 5, 7, 9, 0};int tried[]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};int i, count = 0;/* * install the probing handler for all possible lines. Remember * the result (0 for success, or -EBUSY) in order to only free * what has been acquired      */for (i = 0; trials[i]; i++)tried[i] = request_irq(trials[i], short_probing,IRQF_DISABLED, "short probe", NULL);do {short_irq = 0; /* none got, yet */outb_p(0x10,short_base+2); /* enable */outb_p(0x00,short_base);outb_p(0xFF,short_base); /* toggle the bit */outb_p(0x00,short_base+2); /* disable */udelay(5);  /* give it some time *//* the value has been set by the handler */if (short_irq == 0) { /* none of them? */printk(KERN_INFO "short: no irq reported by probe\n");}/* * If more than one line has been activated, the result is * negative. We should service the interrupt (but the lpt port * doesn't need it) and loop over again. Do it at most 5 times */} while (short_irq <=0 && count++ < 5);/* end of loop, uninstall the handler */for (i = 0; trials[i]; i++)if (tried[i] == 0)free_irq(trials[i], NULL);if (short_irq < 0)printk("short: probe failed %i times, giving up\n", count);}/* Finally, init and cleanup */int short_init(void){int result;/* * first, sort out the base/short_base ambiguity: we'd better * use short_base in the code, for clarity, but allow setting * just "base" at load time. Same for "irq". */short_base = base;short_irq = irq;/* Get our needed resources. */if (!use_mem) {if (! request_region(short_base, SHORT_NR_PORTS, "short")) {printk(KERN_INFO "short: can't get I/O port address 0x%lx\n",short_base);return -ENODEV;}} else {if (! request_mem_region(short_base, SHORT_NR_PORTS, "short")) {printk(KERN_INFO "short: can't get I/O mem address 0x%lx\n",short_base);return -ENODEV;}/* also, ioremap it */short_base = (unsigned long) ioremap(short_base, SHORT_NR_PORTS);/* Hmm... we should check the return value */}/* Here we register our device - should not fail thereafter */result = register_chrdev(major, "short", &short_fops);if (result < 0) {printk(KERN_INFO "short: can't get major number\n");release_region(short_base,SHORT_NR_PORTS);  /* FIXME - use-mem case? */return result;}if (major == 0) major = result; /* dynamic */short_buffer = __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL,0); /* never fails */  /* FIXME */short_head = short_tail = short_buffer;/* * Fill the workqueue structure, used for the bottom half handler. * The cast is there to prevent warnings about the type of the * (unused) argument. *//* this line is in short_init() */INIT_WORK(&short_wq, (void (*)(struct work_struct *)) short_do_tasklet);/* * Now we deal with the interrupt: either kernel-based * autodetection, DIY detection or default number */if (short_irq < 0 && probe == 1)short_kernelprobe();if (short_irq < 0 && probe == 2)short_selfprobe();if (short_irq < 0) /* not yet specified: force the default on */switch(short_base) {    case 0x378: short_irq = 7; break;    case 0x278: short_irq = 2; break;    case 0x3bc: short_irq = 5; break;}/* * If shared has been specified, installed the shared handler * instead of the normal one. Do it first, before a -EBUSY will * force short_irq to -1. */if (short_irq >= 0 && share > 0) {result = request_irq(short_irq, short_sh_interrupt,IRQF_SHARED | IRQF_DISABLED,"short",short_sh_interrupt);if (result) {printk(KERN_INFO "short: can't get assigned irq %i\n", short_irq);short_irq = -1;}else { /* actually enable it -- assume this *is* a parallel port */outb(0x10, short_base+2);}return 0; /* the rest of the function only installs handlers */}if (short_irq >= 0) {result = request_irq(short_irq, short_interrupt,IRQF_DISABLED, "short", NULL);if (result) {printk(KERN_INFO "short: can't get assigned irq %i\n",short_irq);short_irq = -1;}else { /* actually enable it -- assume this *is* a parallel port */outb(0x10,short_base+2);}}/* * Ok, now change the interrupt handler if using top/bottom halves * has been requested */if (short_irq >= 0 && (wq + tasklet) > 0) {free_irq(short_irq,NULL);result = request_irq(short_irq,tasklet ? short_tl_interrupt :short_wq_interrupt,IRQF_DISABLED,"short-bh", NULL);if (result) {printk(KERN_INFO "short-bh: can't get assigned irq %i\n",short_irq);short_irq = -1;}}return 0;}void short_cleanup(void){if (short_irq >= 0) {outb(0x0, short_base + 2);   /* disable the interrupt */if (!share) free_irq(short_irq, NULL);else free_irq(short_irq, short_sh_interrupt);}/* Make sure we don't leave work queue/tasklet functions running */if (tasklet)tasklet_disable(&short_tasklet);elseflush_scheduled_work();unregister_chrdev(major, "short");if (use_mem) {iounmap((void __iomem *)short_base);release_mem_region(short_base, SHORT_NR_PORTS);} else {release_region(short_base,SHORT_NR_PORTS);}if (short_buffer) free_page(short_buffer);}module_init(short_init);module_exit(short_cleanup);


# Comment/uncomment the following line to disable/enable debugging#DEBUG = y# Add your debugging flag (or not) to CFLAGSifeq ($(DEBUG),y)  DEBFLAGS = -O -g -DSHORT_DEBUG # "-O" is needed to expand inlineselse  DEBFLAGS = -O2endifEXTRA_CFLAGS += $(DEBFLAGS)EXTRA_CFLAGS += -I..ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)# call from kernel build systemobj-m:= short.oelseKERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/buildPWD       := $(shell pwd)default:$(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modulesendifclean:rm -rf *.o *~ core .depend .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c .tmp_versionsdepend .depend dep:$(CC) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -M *.c > .dependifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend))include .dependendif

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