leetcode-trapping rain water

来源:互联网 发布:mac os x 10.10 ios 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 04:08

/*maintain two pointers, think of it has real live water..fill the container from two sideshow the water will be kept*/public class Solution {    public int trap(int[] A) {        int len=A.length;        int min=0,v=0;        if(len<3)return 0;        int left=0,right=len-1;        min=Math.min(A[left],A[right]);        while(left<right){            while(left<right&&A[left]<=min){  //find the left edge                v+=(min-A[left]);                left++;            }            while(right>left&&A[right]<=min){ //find the right edge                v+=(min-A[right]);                right--;            }            min=Math.min(A[left],A[right]);        }        return v;    }}


Trapping rain water的最naive的方法:onepass





/*The idea is that maintain two pointers, and a function to return the next pointer*/public class Solution {    public int trap(int[] A) {        int len = A.length,v=0;        if(len<3)return 0;        int slow=0;        //find the first pointer        while((A[slow]==0||(A[slow]<=A[slow+1]))){            slow++;            if(slow==len-1)return v;        }                while(slow<len-2){            int[] next=findPointer(A[slow],slow+1,A,len);            if(next[0]==0)return v;            if(next[0]==slow+1){                slow=slow+1;                continue;            }            /*compute the valtage of the water*/            int h=Math.min(A[slow],next[1]);            for(int i=slow+1;i<next[0];i++){                v+=(h-A[i]);            }            /*find the next slow pointer*/            slow=next[0];        }        return v;    }    public int[] findPointer(int height,int start,int[] A,int len){        int[] val=new int[2]; // maintain the position of the more than or equal to herghi or the maximum height;        int max=0;        for(int i=start;i<len;i++){            if(A[i]>=height){                val[0]=i;                val[1]=A[i];                break;            }else{                if(A[i]>max){                    val[0]=i;                    val[1]=A[i];                    max=A[i];                }            }        }        return val;                    }}

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