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A very important question that comes to mind in the start of this discussion is- what is the importance of documentation search or is there any reason to search for documents? The answer to this question is yes   The search for documents is a very important process and it has vital importance in a variety of spheres of human life In the pre-modern age, prior to the discovery of reading or writing, keeping documents in pictorial form was the primary way of storing information/stories In those times, these pictorial representations were carved out in cave walls The search for documents related to the pre-modern age is still on and we are regularly surprised with new discoveries This proves the importance of document search In this case, knowledge of our ancestory Then came the post Vedic age, when humans learnt to read and write, and pictorial documentation was not the only option in transmitting knowledge   A lot of our knowledge of the Vedic Age resulted from our thirst for information: documentation search These afore-mentioned documents from the periods immediately following the Vedic Age are mostly in paper form, which is very hard to preserve over several millennia The need to preserve documents containing important aspects of our culture cannot be overstated Now we are living in the space age where every second is of vital importance and day to day life has become evanescent Today, the average person is not willing to waste valuable time and energy in the documentation search using paper based documents Storing important documents in paper form is slowly becoming out of fashion Today, people prefer to store documents electronically, in laptops, pcs, and tablet computers I will briefly touch on some of the key advantages why the storage of documents electronically is far better than on paper Firstly, e-books or e-documents do not decay with time but paper based documents do Secondly it is far easier to search documents electronically than in paper format Over the internet with the click of a button, billions of e-documents [web pages] are routinely searched within a fraction of a second; this is not even conceivable for paper based documents Thirdly, since we are faced with a colossal and global problem of air pollution, the continuous destruction of trees to make paper will ultimately lead to the destruction of total life on earth So it is of vital importance that we save trees by using e-books and e-documents The advantages of document search online A very important question that comes to mind in the start of this discussion is- what is the importance of "documentation search" or is there any reason to search for documents? The answer to this question is yes   The search for documents is a very important process and it has vital Write My Book Review A book review describes, analyses, and evaluates the content of a book It gives an opinion which is supported with evidence from the text             Many feel that writing a review of any work is an uphill task This need not be the case There are a few writing services available 5000 years of Indian art books 5000 years of Indian art / text by Sushma K Bahl -- New Delhi : Lustre Press : Roli Books,cheap xiaomi mi4, c2012 239 p : ill (chiefly col ), col map ; 31 cm ISBN 9788174368539    USD 125 25OCoLC#754989008    DK-2159865000 Years of Indian Art demystifies the story of India art spread over the Reading Books and Novels gives a New Meaning With Marathi Books Online Library Reading habits have always, since time immemorial, been considered as among the best habit of human kind It is through the reading of different range of books and topics, that a person starts gaining knowledge This knowledge is then utilised in various aspects of life Some use it to Things To Consider When Writing A Term Paper A term paper can be defined a piece of writing that reflects information drawn from different information sources on a specific topic or subject

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