
来源:互联网 发布:php下载文件到本地 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 06:46

1. 第一个程序 & 基础IO和运算


long = int(input('please input the length of the monkey tail: '))height = int(input('please input the height of the cup: '))ans = long - 2 * heightprint(ans)


a = int(input('please input a: '))b = int(input('please input b: '))print((a - a % b) / b)


a = int(input('please input a: '))b = int(input('please input b: '))print(int(a / b + 0.5))

2. if 语句与for,while语句


num = int(input('please input a number: '))if num < 0:    print(-num)else:    print(num)


num = int(input('please input a number: '))count = 1while count < num:    count *= 10if num == count:    print(1)else:    ans = 0    count1 = count    count /= 10    while count1 != 1:        count1 /= 10        ans += int(num/count1)*(count/count1)        num = num % count1    print(int(ans))

(3)简单验算质数【输入一数精确判断其是否是质数  】

num = int(input('please input a number: '))if num == 1:    print('not define')else:    x = 0    i = 2    while i ** 2 < num:        if num % i == 0:            x = 1            break        i += 1    if x == 1:        print('not prime')    else:        print('prime')


num = int(input('please input the number of children (num): '))n = int(input('please input the child\'s number (n): '))i = 0numkid = 0while numkid != n:    i += 1    numkid = (i * (i + 1) / 2 + 1) % num    if i > 10 ** 10:        breakif i > 10 ** 10:    print('cannot find the answer')else:    print(i)

3. 字符串处理


# capitalizestr = input('input an str: ')asc = ord(str[0])if 123 > asc > 96:    asc -= 32    newstr = chr(asc)    for i in range(1, len(str)):        newstr = newstr + str[i]    print(newstr)else:    print(str)
# findsubstr = input('input a sub-str: ')str = input('input an str: ')count = 0where = 0exist = Falsefor i in range(0, len(str)):    if str[i] == substr[count]:        count += 1        if count == len(substr):            exist = True            where = i - count + 1            breakif exist:    print(where)else:    print(-1)
# countsubstr = input('input a sub-str: ')str = input('input an str: ')count = 0number = 0for i in range(0, len(str)):    if str[i] == substr[count]:        count += 1        if count == len(substr):            number += 1            count = 0print(number)
# isalnum# isalpha, isdigit, islower, isspace, isupper is similarstr = input('input an str: ')isalnum = Truefor cha in str:    if ord(cha) < 48 or 57 < ord(cha) < 65 or 90 < ord(cha) < 97 or 122 < ord(cha):        isalnum = False        breakprint(isalnum)
# swapcase# upper and lower are similarstr = input('please input a string: ')newstr = ''for char in str:    if 64 < ord(char) < 91:        b = chr(ord(char)+32)    elif 96 < ord(char) < 123:        b = chr(ord(char)-32)    else:        b = char    newstr += bprint(newstr)


str = input('please input a string: ')newstr = ''for i in range(len(str)-1, -1, -1):    newstr += str[i]print(newstr)

3)简单的小黄鸡:输入固定语句,输出固定语句,如果超出输出 ‘我不会’

print('hello')while True:    str = input().lower()    if str == 'hello':        print('Nice to meet you')    elif str == 'how are you':        print('I am great')    else:        print('I don\'t know what are you talking about.')

(4)讨厌,居然没啥好玩的= =,想起来了再写

4. 数组与多维数组:


# without arraylen = int(input('input the length of the series: '))sum = 0for i in range(0, len):    num = int(input('input the '+str(i+1)+' number:'))    sum += numprint(sum/len)


len = int(input('input the length of the series: '))sum = 0num = []for i in range(0, len):    num.append(int(input('input the '+str(i+1)+' number:')))for i in range(0, len-1):    for j in range(0, len-1):        if num[j] > num[j+1]:            [num[j], num[j+1]] = [num[j+1], num[j]]print(num)

(3)输入一定数量个以‘ ’分隔的数,然后输出其最大值和最小值【要求最快】,然后输出快速排序后输出

(4)输入一个数,输出其以下的质数, 要求算法最优


5. 文件输入输出




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