java&echarts 做的人物关系图

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝信誉评级在哪里看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 05:04
<pre name="code" class="java">import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;@Controller@Scope("prototype")public class EchartsController {    String Driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";    String URL = "jdbc:mysql://";    String Username = "user";    String Password = "password";    @RequestMapping("/echarts/show")    public String showecharts(ModelMap modelMap, HttpServletRequest request)        throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {        String category = "1";        String nodes = "";        String links = "";        String owner = "";        String ownername = "";        Class.forName(Driver);        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, Username, Password);        String num = request.getParameter("num");        String sqlString = "select count(*) from t_phone_book where friendnum='" +            num + "'";        ResultSet resultSet = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString);;        long size = resultSet.getLong(1);        if (size > 0) {            resultSet = conn.createStatement()                            .executeQuery("select * from t_phone_book where num='" +                    num + "'");            while ( {                ownername = resultSet.getString("name");                owner = "{category:" + category + ", name: '" + ownername +                    "',value : 4,draggable: true},";            }            resultSet = conn.createStatement()                            .executeQuery("select * from t_phone_book where friendnum='" +                    num + "'");            while ( {                String othername = resultSet.getString("name");                num = resultSet.getString("num");                nodes += ("{category:" + category + ", name: '" + othername +                "',value : 5,label:'" + num + "'}\n,");                links += ("{source : '" + ownername + "', target : '" +                othername + "', weight : 2}\n,");            }        } else {            if (num == null) {                resultSet = conn.createStatement()                                .executeQuery("select * from t_phone_book where num='92323535654111'");                while ( {                    ownername = resultSet.getString("name");                    owner = "{category:" + category + ", name: '" + ownername +                        "',value : 4,draggable: true},";                }                resultSet = conn.createStatement()                                .executeQuery("select * from t_phone_book where friendnum='92323535654111'");                while ( {                    String othername = resultSet.getString("name");                    num = resultSet.getString("num");                    nodes += ("{category:" + category + ", name: '" +                    othername + "',value :6,label:'" + num + "'}\n,");                    links += ("{source : '" + ownername + "', target : '" +                    othername + "', weight : 6}\n,");                }            } else {                resultSet = conn.createStatement()                                .executeQuery("select * from t_phone_book where num='" +                        num + "'");                while ( {                    ownername = resultSet.getString("name");                    String othername = resultSet.getString("name");                    owner = "{category:1, name: '" + ownername +                        "',value : 140},";                    nodes += ("{category:" + category + ", name: '" +                    othername + "',value :6,label:'" + num + "'}\n,");                    links += ("{source : '" + ownername + "', target : '" +                    othername + "', weight : 6}\n,");                }                request.getSession()                       .setAttribute("config", "minRadius : 50,maxRadius : 100,");                request.getSession().setAttribute("nodes", nodes);                request.getSession().setAttribute("links", links);                request.getSession().setAttribute("owner", owner);                return "/force.jsp";            }        }        if ((nodes != null) && !nodes.equals("")) {            request.getSession()                   .setAttribute("config", "minRadius : 15,maxRadius : 20,");            nodes = nodes.substring(0, nodes.length() - 1);            links = links.substring(0, links.length() - 1);            request.getSession().setAttribute("nodes", nodes);            request.getSession().setAttribute("links", links);        }        request.getSession().setAttribute("owner", owner);        return "/force.jsp";    }}

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