
来源:互联网 发布:微信里淘宝链接 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 12:53
<pre name="code" class="javascript">/** * 根据iframe对象获取iframe的window对象 * @param frame * @returns {Boolean} */function GetFrameWindow(frame) {    return frame && typeof(frame) === 'object' && frame.tagName === 'IFRAME' && frame.contentWindow;}function NameSpace(path, cb) {    var o = {}, d;    d = path.split(".");    o = window[d[0]] = window[d[0]] || {};    for (var k = 0; k < d.slice(1).length; k++) {        o = o[d[k + 1]] = o[d[k + 1]] || {};    }    if (cb) {        cb.call(o);        if (o.ready && typeof o.ready === "function") {            o.ready.call();        }    }}/** * json对象转字符串 */if (!JSON) {    var JSON = {        stringify: function(o) {            var r = [];            if (typeof o === "string")                return "\"" + o.replace(/([\'\"\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/(\n)/g, "\\n").replace(/(\r)/g, "\\r").replace(/(\t)/g, "\\t") + "\"";            if (typeof o === "object") {                if (!o.sort) {                    for (var i in o)                        r.push("\"" + i + "\":" + obj2str(o[i]));                    if (!!document.all && !/^\n?function\s*toString\(\)\s*\{\n?\s*\[native code\]\n?\s*\}\n?\s*$/.test(o.toString)) {                        r.push("toString:" + o.toString.toString());                    }                    r = "{" + r.join() + "}";                } else {                    for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++)                        r.push(obj2str(o[i]));                    r = "[" + r.join() + "]";                }                return r;            }            return o.toString();        }    };}/** * 去除字符串左右空格 */String.prototype.trim = function() {    return this.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");};/** * 获取url的get参数 *  * @param param *            要获取的参数名称,如果不传,则返回整个参数对象 * @returns */String.prototype.URLParams = function(param) {    var params = {};    var href = /^http/i.test(this) ? this : window.location.toString();    var uri = href.split("?");    if (!uri[1])        return null;    uri = uri[1].split("#")[0];    var paramSet = uri.split("&");    var temp = [];    for (index in paramSet) {        temp = paramSet[index].split("=");        params[temp[0]] = temp[1];    }    if (param) {        if (params[param])            return params[param];        else            return null;    } else {        return params;    }};/** * 字符串模版替换 *  * @param this *            需要替换的字符串,例如:我是{{key1}}替换的字符串{{key2}}。 * @param data *            替换的数据。json格式的数据或者数组。 eg: str:我是{{key1}}替换的字符串{{key2}}。 *            data:{key1:"替换",key2:"替换2"} *  * str:我是{{0}}替换的字符串{{1}}。 data:["替换","替换2"] * @returns */String.prototype.template = function(data) {    var str = this;    for (var key in data) {        var value = data[key];        if (value === null)            value = " ";        str = str.replace(new RegExp("{{" + key + "}}", "gm"), value);    }    return str;};/** * 字符串替换所有匹配元素 *  * @param old *            原元素 * @param news *            替换元素 * @returns */String.prototype.replaceAll = function(old, news) {    return this.replace(new RegExp(old, "gm"), news);};/** * 数组操作函数。去除数组中重复元素 *  * @returns */Array.prototype.unique = function() {    var i, tmp = {};    for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {        if (typeof(tmp[this[i]]) === "undefined")            tmp[this[i]] = 1;    }    this.length = 0;    for (i in tmp)        this[this.length] = i;    return this;};/** * 数组操作函数。判断元素是否存在于数组中 *  * @param value *            判断值 * @returns {Number} 如果存在返回元素下标,不存在返回-1 */Array.prototype.contains = function(value) {    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {        if (this[i] === value) {            return i;        }    }    return -1;};/** * 取得数组对象 根据id查找 *  * @param getnameByID * @returns */Array.prototype.getnameByID = function(id,field){    for(var i=0;i<this.length; i++){        if(this[i]['id'] == id){            return this[i][field];        }    }}/** * 格式化时间 *  * @param format * @returns */Date.prototype.format = function(format) {    if (!format) {        format = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";    }    var o = {        "M+": this.getMonth() + 1,        // month        "d+": this.getDate(),        // day        "h+": this.getHours(),        // hour        "m+": this.getMinutes(),        // minute        "s+": this.getSeconds(),        // second        "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3),        // quarter        "S": this.getMilliseconds()                // millisecond    };    if (/(y+)/.test(format)) {        format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));    }    for (var k in o) {        if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(format)) {            format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length === 1 ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length));        }    }    return format;};jQuery.ajaxSetup({    error: function(rsp) {        if (rsp.status != 901 && rsp.status != 902) {            if (rsp.statusText === "timeout") {                jQuery.alert("响应超时!(" + this.url.split("?")[0] + ")");            } else {                jQuery.alert(rsp.statusText + ':' + rsp.responseText);            }        }    },    statusCode: {        901: function() {            jQuery.alert("未登录!");        },        902: function(rsp) {            jQuery.alert("资源【" + rsp.responseText.toLowerCase() + "】未授权!");        }    },    timeout: 30 * 1000});/** * dialog的封装操作 */(function($) {    $.dialog = function(options) {        var _default = {            minimizable: false,            modal: true,            collapsible: false,            maximizable: false,            onClose: function() {                $(this).dialog('destroy'); 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           return reg.test(value);        },        message: 'The zip code must be 6 digits and 0 began.'    },  //数字    Number: {        validator: function (value) {            var reg =/^[0-9]*$/;            return reg.test(value);        },        message: '请输入数字!'    },    Decimal :{        validator: function (value) {            var reg =/^[1-9]\d{0,2}(.\d{2})?$/;            return reg.test(value);        },        message: '输入的小数错误或位数超过!'    }})

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