指针操作_1,指针基础Pointer Fundamentals与内存分配storage allocation

来源:互联网 发布:cohen sutherland算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:28

I 指针基础

a pointer is simply a variable that stores the address where a piece of data resides in memory rather than storing the data itself.

That is, pointers contain memory addresses.

II 内存分配

It is also important to remember that when we declare a pointer, space is allocated only for the pointer itself; no space is allocated for the data the pointer references.
Storage for the data is allocated in one of two ways: by declaring a variable for it or by allocating storage dynamically at runtime (using malloc or realloc, for example).
When we declare a variable, its type tells the compiler how much storage to set aside for it as the program runs. 
Storage for the variable is allocated automatically, but it may not be persistent throughout the life of the program.
This is especially important to remember when dealing with pointers toautomatic variables
Automatic variables are those for which storage is allocated and deallocated automatically when entering and leaving a block or function. 
<pre name="code" class="objc">int f(int **iptr){int a=10; //自动变量a*iptr=&a;//iptr设置为自动变量a的地址。当f返回时,iptr成了一个悬挂指针。因为当f返回的时候,a在程序堆栈中不再有效,//iptris set to the address of the automatic variablea in the functionf, iptr becomes a dangling pointer whenf returns. This//situation occurs because once f returns, a is no longer valid on the program stackreturn 0;}

In C, when we dynamically allocate storage, we get a pointer to some storage on the heap. Since it is then our responsibility to manage this storage ourselves, the storage remains valid until we explicitly deallocate it. 
For example, the storage allocated bymallocin the following code remains valid until we callfreeat some later time. Thus, it remains valid even aftergreturns, unlike the storage allocated automatically forapreviously. 
#include <stdio.h>int g(int **iptr){if(((*iptr)=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)))==null)return -1;return 0;}
The parameteriptris a pointer to the object we wish to modify (another pointer) so that whengreturns,iptr contains the address returned bymalloc.
参数iptr 是一个指向我们想要修改的对象(另外一个指针)的指针,因此当g返回的时候,iptr里面存放的还是malloc返回的地址。

The misuse of dynamically allocated storage, in particular, is a notorious source ofmemory leaks. Memory leaks are blocks of storage that are allocated but never freed by a program, even when no longer in use. 

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