poj 1782 Run Length Encoding

来源:互联网 发布:java开发android应用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 16:03



2.这道题目理解起来有些问题,这里做一些解释:理解题目出了问题 走了很多弯路!!!大哭

run length encoding 变长编码,

要求 2- 9 个相同字符转化为 count + X 形式表示,

同时提取最大子串 前后加上1,亦即 1 str 1如果子串中含有1  需要 额外增加一个 1



5. 通过与官方给出的源代码比较后发现,自己想的太过复杂委屈

Source Code

Problem: 1782 User: zhyh2010Memory: 228K Time: 16MSLanguage: C++ Result: Accepted
  • Source Code
    #include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;void max_length_handle(int & diff_count,char * diff_temp){if (diff_count > 1){cout << 1;for (int jj = 0; jj != diff_count - 1; ++jj){cout << diff_temp[jj];}cout << 1;diff_count = 0;}}int main(int argc, char ** argv){string input;char temp;int count;char * diff_temp = new char[1000];int diff_count;while (getline(cin,input)){// initializetemp = input[0];count = 1;diff_count = 1;diff_temp[0] = temp;// main bodyfor (int ii = 1; ii != input.length() + 1; ++ii){// 数据全部处理完if (ii == input.length()){if (count > 1){// 最大相同输出cout << count << temp;diff_count = 0;}else{// 最大序列输出// 使用++ 处理最后单个字符// **************若最后单个数字为 1 时候!!!!**********if (input[ii - 1] == '1'){diff_temp[diff_count] = '1';++diff_count;}max_length_handle(++diff_count, diff_temp);}// 跳出break;}// 逐步处理数据if (temp == input[ii]){// 前后相同字符处理// 最大9个一起处理if (count == 9){cout << count << temp;temp = input[ii];count = 0;}// 得到最大序列ABCDEE   AAmax_length_handle(diff_count, diff_temp);// body++count;}else{// 前后不同字符处理// 前面的字符已经可以输出时 AAAB ==> 3Aif (count > 1){cout << count << temp;diff_count = 0;temp = '\0';   // attention!!! 注意 1 操作}// 序列中有1时候的处理if (temp == '1'){diff_temp[diff_count] = '1';++diff_count;}// 将不同的字符加入 diff_temp 序列中去diff_temp[diff_count] = input[ii];++diff_count;count = 1;temp = input[ii];}}cout << endl;}return 0;}


// Problem   Run Length Encoding// Algorithm Straight-Forward// Runtime   O(n)// Author    Walter Guttmann// Date      2003.12.07#include <fstream>#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;ifstream in("encoding.in");int main(){  string line;  while (getline(in, line))  {    for (string::iterator it = line.begin() ; it != line.end() ; )    {      int rep = 1;      while (rep < 9 && (it+rep) != line.end() && *it == *(it+rep))        ++rep;      // A sequence of min(rep,9) identical characters starts at *it.      if (rep > 1)      {        cout << rep << *it;        it += rep;      }      else      {        cout << 1;        for ( ; it != line.end() && ((it+1) == line.end() || *it != *(it+1)) ; ++it)        {          cout << *it;          if (*it == '1')            cout << *it;        }        // Either a repetitive sequence begins at *it, or it reached the end of line.        cout << 1;      }    }    cout << endl;  }  return 0;}

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