IBM e-learning : The Priority Matrix – Lesson Overview

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Do you waste time handling urgent but unimportant tasks? Here is an easy method to focus on urgent and important task.
The Priority Matrix is an effective device to help you set priority quickly and logically. It has four quadrants. These quadrants help you assign task in the order of their urgency and importance.
What are the benefits of prioritizing task?
  • You will have two-hour lunch break.
  • You will have adequate time for your personal and professional activities.
  • You will not have to work at all.
  • You will gain more time to do what you want to do.
Interruptions take away a lot of your time. In this lesson, you will simple two-step process will help you reduce the interruptions and discipline your communication process.
Disciplining your communication process is the key of gaining three or more week’s time per year.
You will see how prioritizing and disciplining communication process helps you achieve balance in your professional as well as personal life.
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