nova中periodic task的实现

来源:互联网 发布:me软件是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 23:53


本文主要分析nova中periodic task的实现过程,周期性任务有如跟踪资源的变化,虚拟机状态的变化等。它的实现使用的python中的metaclass,要了解metaclass可以参考:,该文对metaclass做了较为全面的说明。总而言之,metaclass是一种可以控制类创建过程的机制,实现原理是重写type的__new()__ 或 __init()__函数。此外,还想说的一点就是:metaclass与mixin的区别是,metaclass可以动态的改变类或实例的属性或方法,而mixin只能通过__bases__属性来动态的改变其基类(个人理解)

1 periodic task实现原理


1.1 def periodic_task(*args, **kwargs)



    def update_available_resource(self, context)


def periodic_task(*args, **kwargs):    """Decorator to indicate that a method is a periodic task.    This decorator can be used in two ways:        1. Without arguments '@periodic_task', this will be run on the default           interval of 60 seconds.        2. With arguments:           @periodic_task(spacing=N [, run_immediately=[True|False]])           this will be run on approximately every N seconds. If this number is           negative the periodic task will be disabled. If the run_immediately           argument is provided and has a value of 'True', the first run of the           task will be shortly after task scheduler starts.  If           run_immediately is omitted or set to 'False', the first time the           task runs will be approximately N seconds after the task scheduler           starts.    """    def decorator(f):        # Test for old style invocation        if 'ticks_between_runs' in kwargs:            raise InvalidPeriodicTaskArg(arg='ticks_between_runs')        # Control if run at all        f._periodic_task = True #这里设置f的_periodic_task属性为True, f就是被装饰的函数,下面类似的设置了disable/enable, last_run等值
        f._periodic_external_ok = kwargs.pop('external_process_ok', False)        if f._periodic_external_ok and not CONF.run_external_periodic_tasks:            f._periodic_enabled = False        else:            f._periodic_enabled = kwargs.pop('enabled', True)        # Control frequency        f._periodic_spacing = kwargs.pop('spacing', 0)        f._periodic_immediate = kwargs.pop('run_immediately', False)        if f._periodic_immediate:            f._periodic_last_run = None        else:            f._periodic_last_run = time.time()        return f    if kwargs:        return decorator    else:        return decorator(args[0])

1.2 元类

class _PeriodicTasksMeta(type):    def __init__(cls, names, bases, dict_):
#cls: 将要被创建的类; names: 类的名字; bases: 基类; dict_:类的属性,是一个字典,主要保存类(如ComputeManager)的方法</span>
        """Metaclass that allows us to collect decorated periodic tasks."""        super(_PeriodicTasksMeta, cls).__init__(names, bases, dict_)

        for value in cls.__dict__.values():            if getattr(value, '_periodic_task', False):#如果方法的_periodic_task为True(在1.1中设为了True), 则将该方法加入到periodic task列表中                task = value                name = task.__name__                if task._periodic_spacing < 0:          'Skipping periodic task %(task)s because '                                 'its interval is negative'),                             {'task': name})                    continue                if not task._periodic_enabled:          'Skipping periodic task %(task)s because '                                 'it is disabled'),                             {'task': name})                    continue                # A periodic spacing of zero indicates that this task should                # be run on the default interval to avoid running too                # frequently.                if task._periodic_spacing == 0:                    task._periodic_spacing = DEFAULT_INTERVAL                cls._periodic_tasks.append((name, task))#将该方法加入到periodic task列表中                cls._periodic_spacing[name] = task._periodic_spacing

1.3 需要创建的类PeriodicTasks,该类主要用来启动周期性任务

server = service.Service.create(binary='nova-compute',


@six.add_metaclass(_PeriodicTasksMeta)class PeriodicTasks(object):
    #six.add_metaclass相当于这里的__metaclass__=_PeriodicTasks    def __init__(self):        super(PeriodicTasks, self).__init__()        self._periodic_last_run = {}        for name, task in self._periodic_tasks:            self._periodic_last_run[name] = task._periodic_last_run
    def run_periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False):        """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval."""        idle_for = DEFAULT_INTERVAL#默认60s        for task_name, task in self._periodic_tasks:            full_task_name = '.'.join([self.__class__.__name__, task_name])            spacing = self._periodic_spacing[task_name]#间隔            last_run = self._periodic_last_run[task_name]#最近一次执行的时间            # If a periodic task is _nearly_ due, then we'll run it early            idle_for = min(idle_for, spacing)            if last_run is not None:                delta = last_run + spacing - time.time()                if delta > 0.2:                    idle_for = min(idle_for, delta)                    continue            LOG.debug("Running periodic task %(full_task_name)s",                      {"full_task_name": full_task_name})            self._periodic_last_run[task_name] = time.time()            try:                task(self, context)#执行被装饰的函数            except Exception as e:                if raise_on_error:                    raise                LOG.exception(_LE("Error during %(full_task_name)s: %(e)s"),                              {"full_task_name": full_task_name, "e": e})            time.sleep(0)        return idle_for

2 periodic task的启动

periodic task的启动在nova/中:
        if self.periodic_enable:            if self.periodic_fuzzy_delay:                initial_delay = random.randint(0, self.periodic_fuzzy_delay)            else:                initial_delay = None  ,#这是nova/的periodic_tasks(),其又将会调用PeriodicTasks类的run_periodic_tasks()                                     initial_delay=initial_delay,                                     periodic_interval_max=                                        self.periodic_interval_max)
    def add_dynamic_timer(self, callback, initial_delay=None,                          periodic_interval_max=None, *args, **kwargs):        timer = loopingcall.DynamicLoopingCall(callback, *args, **kwargs)#定时器就是循环调用callback了        timer.start(initial_delay=initial_delay,                    periodic_interval_max=periodic_interval_max)        self.timers.append(timer)
    def start(self, initial_delay=None, periodic_interval_max=None):        self._running = True        done = event.Event()        def _inner():            if initial_delay:                greenthread.sleep(initial_delay)            try:                while self._running:                    idle = self.f(*self.args, **                    if not self._running:                        break                    if periodic_interval_max is not None:                        idle = min(idle, periodic_interval_max)                    LOG.debug('Dynamic looping call sleeping for %.02f '                              'seconds', idle)                    greenthread.sleep(idle)#等待            except LoopingCallDone as e:                self.stop()                done.send(e.retvalue)#这个send到哪个wait()还有待研究 :)            except Exception:                LOG.exception(_LE('in dynamic looping call'))                done.send_exception(*sys.exc_info())                return            else:                done.send(True)        self.done = done        greenthread.spawn(_inner)#启动一个绿色线程        return self.done

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