OpenCV 决策树 之 使用方法

来源:互联网 发布:木婉清 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:05


CvDTreeSplit 表示树节点的一个可能分割。

CvDTreeNode 表示决策树中的一个节点。

CvDTreeParams 包含了训练决策树的所有参数。

CvDTreeTrainData 决策树的训练数据,为树全体共享。

CvDTree 此类实现了决策树,包含了训练/预测等等操作。



#include "opencv2/core/core_c.h"#include "opencv2/ml/ml.hpp"#include <iostream>int main(){    //init data    float fdata[5][2] = {{1,1},{1,1},{1,0},{0,1},{0,1}};    cv::Mat data(5,2,CV_32F,fdata);    float fresponses[5] ={1,1,0,0,0};    cv::Mat responses(5,1,CV_32F,fresponses);    float priors[]={1,1};    CvDTree *tree;    CvDTreeParams params( 8, // max depth                          1, // min sample count                          0, // regression accuracy: N/A here                          true, // compute surrogate split, as we have missing data                          15, // max number of categories (use sub-optimal algorithm for larger numbers)                          0, // the number of cross-validation folds                          true, // use 1SE rule => smaller tree                          true, // throw away the pruned tree branches                          priors // the array of priors, the bigger p_weight, the more attention                          // to the poisonous mushrooms                          // (a mushroom will be judjed to be poisonous with bigger chance)                          );    tree = new CvDTree;    tree->train (data,CV_ROW_SAMPLE,responses,cv::Mat(),                 cv::Mat(),cv::Mat(),cv::Mat(),                 params);        //try predict    cv::Mat sample(1,2,CV_32F,cv::Scalar::all (1));    double r = tree->predict (sample,cv::Mat())->value;    std::cout << "r: "<< r << std::endl;    //save tree in the xml file    tree->save ("tree.xml","test_tree");    return 0;}

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