
来源:互联网 发布:剑三帅气成男捏脸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 13:11


// SendDICOM.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
//   Created by HGB 2011  Nanjing ChunRen L.T.D

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SendDICOM.h"
#include "osconfig.h" /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */

#include "ofstdinc.h"

#include <sys/file.h>

#ifdef HAVE_GUSI_H
#include <GUSI.h>

#include "ofstring.h"
#include "dimse.h"
#include "diutil.h"
#include "dcdatset.h"
#include "dcmetinf.h"
#include "dcfilefo.h"
#include "dcdebug.h"
#include "dcuid.h"
#include "dcdict.h"
#include "dcdeftag.h"
#include "cmdlnarg.h"
#include "ofconapp.h"
#include "dcuid.h"     /* for dcmtk version name */
#include "dicom.h"     /* for DICOM_APPLICATION_REQUESTOR */
#include "dcostrmz.h"  /* for dcmZlibCompressionLevel */
#include "dcasccfg.h"  /* for class DcmAssociationConfiguration */
#include "dcasccff.h"  /* for class DcmAssociationConfigurationFile */

#include "djdecode.h"  /* for dcmjpeg decoders */
#include "djencode.h"  /* for dcmjpeg encoders */
#include "dcrledrg.h"  /* for DcmRLEDecoderRegistration */
#include "dcrleerg.h"  /* for DcmRLEEncoderRegistration */

#include "tlstrans.h"
#include "tlslayer.h"

#include "WINSOCK.H"

#ifdef WITH_ZLIB
#include <zlib.h>          /* for zlibVersion() */

static E_TransferSyntax opt_networkTransferSyntax = EXS_Unknown;
static OFBool opt_proposeOnlyRequiredPresentationContexts = OFFalse;
static OFBool opt_combineProposedTransferSyntaxes = OFFalse;
static OFCmdUnsignedInt opt_repeatCount = 1;
static OFBool opt_haltOnUnsuccessfulStore = OFTrue;
static OFCmdUnsignedInt opt_inventPatientCount = 25;
static OFCmdUnsignedInt opt_inventStudyCount = 50;
static OFCmdUnsignedInt opt_inventSeriesCount = 100;
static OFBool opt_inventSOPInstanceInformation = OFFalse;
static OFBool opt_correctUIDPadding = OFFalse;
static OFBool unsuccessfulStoreEncountered = OFFalse;
static OFBool opt_verbose = OFFalse;
static OFBool opt_showPresentationContexts = OFFalse;
static OFBool opt_debug = OFFalse;
static OFBool opt_abortAssociation = OFFalse;
static OFCmdUnsignedInt opt_maxReceivePDULength = ASC_DEFAULTMAXPDU;
static OFCmdUnsignedInt opt_maxSendPDULength = 0;
T_DIMSE_BlockingMode opt_blockMode = DIMSE_BLOCKING;
int opt_dimse_timeout = 0;
int opt_acse_timeout = 30;
static int lastStatusCode = STATUS_Success;
static OFString studyIDPrefix("SID_");   // StudyID is SH (maximum 16 chars)
static OFString accessionNumberPrefix;  // AccessionNumber is SH (maximum 16 chars)
static OFString patientIDPrefix("PID_"); // PatientID is LO (maximum 64 chars)
static OFString patientNamePrefix("OFFIS^TEST_PN_");   // PatientName is PN (maximum 16 chars)

static OFCondition
addStoragePresentationContexts(T_ASC_Parameters *params, OFList<OFString>& sopClasses);
static OFCondition
cstore(T_ASC_Association * assoc, const OFString& fname);
static OFBool
isaListMember(OFList<OFString>& lst, OFString& s);

static OFCondition
addPresentationContext(T_ASC_Parameters *params,
    int presentationContextId, const OFString& abstractSyntax,
    const OFList<OFString>& transferSyntaxList,
    T_ASC_SC_ROLE proposedRole = ASC_SC_ROLE_DEFAULT);
static OFCondition
addPresentationContext(T_ASC_Parameters *params,
    int presentationContextId, const OFString& abstractSyntax,
    const OFString& transferSyntax,
    T_ASC_SC_ROLE proposedRole = ASC_SC_ROLE_DEFAULT);
static OFCondition
storeSCU(T_ASC_Association * assoc, const char *fname);
static void
replaceSOPInstanceInformation(DcmDataset* dataset);
static void
progressCallback(void * /*callbackData*/,
    T_DIMSE_StoreProgress *progress,
    T_DIMSE_C_StoreRQ * /*req*/);
static OFString
makeUID(OFString basePrefix, int counter);
static int
static OFString
intToString(int i);
static OFBool
updateStringAttributeValue(DcmItem* dataset, const DcmTagKey& key, OFString& value);

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    return TRUE;

int IncInt(int params)
    return params+1;

//int IniNet

//Created by hgb 20061229
//result value:
//0: success
//-1: not foud file
int __stdcall SendDCM(LPSTR ourTitle, LPSTR peerTitle,
                   LPSTR scpIP, LPSTR scpPort, LPSTR FileName)
    char sopClassUID[128];
    char sopInstanceUID[128];
    OFList<OFString> fileNameList;
    OFList<OFString> sopClassUIDList;
    OFList<OFString> sopInstanceUIDList;
    T_ASC_Network *net;
    T_ASC_Parameters *params;
    DIC_NODENAME localHost;
    DIC_NODENAME peerHost;
    T_ASC_Association *assoc;

    //TCHAR tcsModulePath[_MAX_PATH];
    //::GetModuleFileName(NULL, tcsModulePath, _MAX_PATH);

    //CString strCurDir = tcsModulePath;
    //strCurDir = strCurDir.Left(strCurDir.ReverseFind(TEXT('\\'))+1);
    //char currentFilename[strCurDir.GetLength()+1];
    //strcpy(currentFilename, strCurDir.GetBuffer());
    //char *currentFilename = strCurDir;

#ifdef HAVE_GUSI_H

    WSAData winSockData;
    /* we need at least version 1.1 */
    WORD winSockVersionNeeded = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );
    WSAStartup(winSockVersionNeeded, &winSockData);

    CFileFind find;
        return -1; // not found the file  

    if (access(FileName, R_OK)!=0)
        return -2; // did't access file
    if (!DU_findSOPClassAndInstanceInFile(FileName, sopClassUID, sopInstanceUID))
        return -101;
    if (!dcmIsaStorageSOPClassUID(sopClassUID))
        return -102;

        OFCondition cond = ASC_initializeNetwork(NET_REQUESTOR, 0, 30, &net);
        if (cond.bad())
            return -103;

        cond = ASC_createAssociationParameters(&params, ASC_DEFAULTMAXPDU);
        if (cond.bad())
            return -104;

        ASC_setAPTitles(params, ourTitle, peerTitle, NULL);
        gethostname(localHost, sizeof(localHost) - 1);
        sprintf(peerHost, "%s:%s", scpIP, scpPort);////////
        ASC_setPresentationAddresses(params, localHost, peerHost);

        cond = addStoragePresentationContexts(params, sopClassUIDList);
        if (cond.bad())
            return -105;

        cond = ASC_requestAssociation(net, params, &assoc);
        if (cond.bad())
            if (cond == DUL_ASSOCIATIONREJECTED) {
                return -106;
            } else {  //Association Request Failed
                return -107;

        cond = EC_Normal;
        //OFListIterator(OFString) iter = fileNameList.begin();
        //OFListIterator(OFString) enditer = fileNameList.end();////
        //cond = cstore(assoc, *iter);  //OFString
        cond = cstore(assoc, OFString(FileName));
        if (cond != EC_Normal)
            //#ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK_H
            return -108;//send faid;

        cond = ASC_releaseAssociation(assoc);
        if (cond.bad())
            return -109;

        cond = ASC_destroyAssociation(&assoc);
        if (cond.bad())
            return -120;


    return 0;


static OFCondition
addStoragePresentationContexts(T_ASC_Parameters *params, OFList<OFString>& sopClasses)
     * Each SOP Class will be proposed in two presentation contexts (unless
     * the opt_combineProposedTransferSyntaxes global variable is true).
     * The command line specified a preferred transfer syntax to use.
     * This prefered transfer syntax will be proposed in one
     * presentation context and a set of alternative (fallback) transfer
     * syntaxes will be proposed in a different presentation context.
     * Generally, we prefer to use Explicitly encoded transfer syntaxes
     * and if running on a Little Endian machine we prefer
     * LittleEndianExplicitTransferSyntax to BigEndianTransferSyntax.
     * Some SCP implementations will just select the first transfer
     * syntax they support (this is not part of the standard) so
     * organise the proposed transfer syntaxes to take advantage
     * of such behaviour.

    // Which transfer syntax was preferred on the command line
    OFString preferredTransferSyntax;
    if (opt_networkTransferSyntax == EXS_Unknown) {
        /* gLocalByteOrder is defined in dcxfer.h */
        if (gLocalByteOrder == EBO_LittleEndian) {
            /* we are on a little endian machine */
            preferredTransferSyntax = UID_LittleEndianExplicitTransferSyntax;
        } else {
            /* we are on a big endian machine */
            preferredTransferSyntax = UID_BigEndianExplicitTransferSyntax;
    } else {
        DcmXfer xfer(opt_networkTransferSyntax);
        preferredTransferSyntax = xfer.getXferID();

    OFListIterator(OFString) s_cur;
    OFListIterator(OFString) s_end;

    OFList<OFString> fallbackSyntaxes;
    // Remove the preferred syntax from the fallback list
    // If little endian implicit is preferred then we don't need any fallback syntaxes
    // because it is the default transfer syntax and all applications must support it.
    if (opt_networkTransferSyntax == EXS_LittleEndianImplicit) {

    // created a list of transfer syntaxes combined from the preferred and fallback syntaxes
    OFList<OFString> combinedSyntaxes;
    s_cur = fallbackSyntaxes.begin();
    s_end = fallbackSyntaxes.end();
    while (s_cur != s_end)
        if (!isaListMember(combinedSyntaxes, *s_cur)) combinedSyntaxes.push_back(*s_cur);

    if (!opt_proposeOnlyRequiredPresentationContexts) {
        // add the (short list of) known storage sop classes to the list
        // the array of Storage SOP Class UIDs comes from dcuid.h
        for (int i=0; i<numberOfDcmShortSCUStorageSOPClassUIDs; i++) {

    // thin out the sop classes to remove any duplicates.
    OFList<OFString> sops;
    s_cur = sopClasses.begin();
    s_end = sopClasses.end();
    while (s_cur != s_end) {
        if (!isaListMember(sops, *s_cur)) {

    // add a presentations context for each sop class / transfer syntax pair
    OFCondition cond = EC_Normal;
    int pid = 1; // presentation context id
    s_cur = sops.begin();
    s_end = sops.end();
    while (s_cur != s_end && cond.good()) {

        if (pid > 255) {
            ///errmsg("Too many presentation contexts");

        if (opt_combineProposedTransferSyntaxes) {
            cond = addPresentationContext(params, pid, *s_cur, combinedSyntaxes);
            pid += 2;   /* only odd presentation context id's */
        } else {

            // sop class with preferred transfer syntax
            cond = addPresentationContext(params, pid, *s_cur, preferredTransferSyntax);
            pid += 2;   /* only odd presentation context id's */

            if (fallbackSyntaxes.size() > 0) {
                if (pid > 255) {
                    //errmsg("Too many presentation contexts");
                    return ASC_BADPRESENTATIONCONTEXTID;

                // sop class with fallback transfer syntax
                cond = addPresentationContext(params, pid, *s_cur, fallbackSyntaxes);
                pid += 2;       /* only odd presentation context id's */

    return cond;

static OFCondition
cstore(T_ASC_Association * assoc, const OFString& fname)
     * This function will process the given file as often as is specified by opt_repeatCount.
     * "Process" in this case means "read file, send C-STORE-RQ, receive C-STORE-RSP".
     * Parameters:
     *   assoc - [in] The association (network connection to another DICOM application).
     *   fname - [in] Name of the file which shall be processed.
    OFCondition cond = EC_Normal;

    /* opt_repeatCount specifies how many times a certain file shall be processed */
    int n = (int)opt_repeatCount;

    /* as long as no error occured and the counter does not equal 0 */
    while ((cond.good()) && n-- && !(opt_haltOnUnsuccessfulStore && unsuccessfulStoreEncountered))
        /* process file (read file, send C-STORE-RQ, receive C-STORE-RSP) */
        cond = storeSCU(assoc, fname.c_str());

    // we don't want to return an error code if --no-halt was specified.
    if (! opt_haltOnUnsuccessfulStore)
        cond = EC_Normal;

    /* return result value */
    return cond;

static OFBool
isaListMember(OFList<OFString>& lst, OFString& s)
    OFListIterator(OFString) cur = lst.begin();
    OFListIterator(OFString) end = lst.end();

    OFBool found = OFFalse;

    while (cur != end && !found) {

        found = (s == *cur);


    return found;

static OFCondition
addPresentationContext(T_ASC_Parameters *params,
    int presentationContextId, const OFString& abstractSyntax,
    const OFString& transferSyntax,
    T_ASC_SC_ROLE proposedRole)
    const char* c_p = transferSyntax.c_str();
    OFCondition cond = ASC_addPresentationContext(params, presentationContextId,
        abstractSyntax.c_str(), &c_p, 1, proposedRole);
    return cond;

static OFCondition
addPresentationContext(T_ASC_Parameters *params,
    int presentationContextId, const OFString& abstractSyntax,
    const OFList<OFString>& transferSyntaxList,
    T_ASC_SC_ROLE proposedRole)
    // create an array of supported/possible transfer syntaxes
    const char** transferSyntaxes = new const char*[transferSyntaxList.size()];
    int transferSyntaxCount = 0;
    OFListConstIterator(OFString) s_cur = transferSyntaxList.begin();
    OFListConstIterator(OFString) s_end = transferSyntaxList.end();
    while (s_cur != s_end) {
        transferSyntaxes[transferSyntaxCount++] = (*s_cur).c_str();

    OFCondition cond = ASC_addPresentationContext(params, presentationContextId,
        abstractSyntax.c_str(), transferSyntaxes, transferSyntaxCount, proposedRole);

    delete[] transferSyntaxes;
    return cond;

static OFCondition
storeSCU(T_ASC_Association * assoc, const char *fname)
     * This function will read all the information from the given file,
     * figure out a corresponding presentation context which will be used
     * to transmit the information over the network to the SCP, and it
     * will finally initiate the transmission of all data to the SCP.
     * Parameters:
     *   assoc - [in] The association (network connection to another DICOM application).
     *   fname - [in] Name of the file which shall be processed.
    DIC_US msgId = assoc->nextMsgID++;
    T_ASC_PresentationContextID presId;
    T_DIMSE_C_StoreRQ req;
    T_DIMSE_C_StoreRSP rsp;
    DIC_UI sopClass;
    DIC_UI sopInstance;
    DcmDataset *statusDetail = NULL;

    unsuccessfulStoreEncountered = OFTrue; // assumption

    if (opt_verbose) {
        printf("Sending file: %s\n", fname);

    /* read information from file. After the call to DcmFileFormat::loadFile(...) the information */
    /* which is encapsulated in the file will be available through the DcmFileFormat object. */
    /* In detail, it will be available through calls to DcmFileFormat::getMetaInfo() (for */
    /* meta header information) and DcmFileFormat::getDataset() (for data set information). */
    DcmFileFormat dcmff;
    OFCondition cond = dcmff.loadFile(fname);

    /* figure out if an error occured while the file was read*/
    if (cond.bad()) {
        //errmsg("Bad DICOM file: %s: %s", fname, cond.text());
        return cond;

    /* if required, invent new SOP instance information for the current data set (user option) */
    if (opt_inventSOPInstanceInformation) {

    /* figure out which SOP class and SOP instance is encapsulated in the file */
    if (!DU_findSOPClassAndInstanceInDataSet(dcmff.getDataset(),
        sopClass, sopInstance, opt_correctUIDPadding)) {
        //errmsg("No SOP Class & Instance UIDs in file: %s", fname);
        return DIMSE_BADDATA;

    /* figure out which of the accepted presentation contexts should be used */
    DcmXfer filexfer(dcmff.getDataset()->getOriginalXfer());//??????? added by HGB

    /* special case: if the file uses an unencapsulated transfer syntax (uncompressed
     * or deflated explicit VR) and we prefer deflated explicit VR, then try
     * to find a presentation context for deflated explicit VR first.
    if (filexfer.isNotEncapsulated() &&
        opt_networkTransferSyntax == EXS_DeflatedLittleEndianExplicit)
        filexfer = EXS_DeflatedLittleEndianExplicit;

    if (filexfer.getXfer() != EXS_Unknown) presId = ASC_findAcceptedPresentationContextID(assoc, sopClass, filexfer.getXferID());
    else presId = ASC_findAcceptedPresentationContextID(assoc, sopClass);
    if (presId == 0) {
        const char *modalityName = dcmSOPClassUIDToModality(sopClass);
        if (!modalityName) modalityName = dcmFindNameOfUID(sopClass);
        if (!modalityName) modalityName = "unknown SOP class";
       // errmsg("No presentation context for: (%s) %s", modalityName, sopClass);

    /* if required, dump general information concerning transfer syntaxes */
    if (opt_verbose) {
        DcmXfer fileTransfer(dcmff.getDataset()->getOriginalXfer());
        T_ASC_PresentationContext pc;
        ASC_findAcceptedPresentationContext(assoc->params, presId, &pc);
        DcmXfer netTransfer(pc.acceptedTransferSyntax);
        printf("Transfer: %s -> %s\n",
            dcmFindNameOfUID(fileTransfer.getXferID()), dcmFindNameOfUID(netTransfer.getXferID()));

    /* prepare the transmission of data */
    bzero((char*)&req, sizeof(req));
    req.MessageID = msgId;
    strcpy(req.AffectedSOPClassUID, sopClass);
    strcpy(req.AffectedSOPInstanceUID, sopInstance);
    req.DataSetType = DIMSE_DATASET_PRESENT;
    req.Priority = DIMSE_PRIORITY_LOW;

    /* if required, dump some more general information */
    if (opt_verbose) {
        printf("Store SCU RQ: MsgID %d, (%s)\n", msgId, dcmSOPClassUIDToModality(sopClass));

    /* finally conduct transmission of data */
    cond = DIMSE_storeUser(assoc, presId, &req,
        NULL, dcmff.getDataset(), progressCallback, NULL,
        opt_blockMode, opt_dimse_timeout,
        &rsp, &statusDetail, NULL, DU_fileSize(fname));

     * If store command completed normally, with a status
     * of success or some warning then the image was accepted.
    if (cond == EC_Normal && (rsp.DimseStatus == STATUS_Success || DICOM_WARNING_STATUS(rsp.DimseStatus))) {
        unsuccessfulStoreEncountered = OFFalse;

    /* remember the response's status for later transmissions of data */
    lastStatusCode = rsp.DimseStatus;

    /* dump some more general information */
    if (cond == EC_Normal)
        if (opt_verbose) {
            DIMSE_printCStoreRSP(stdout, &rsp);
        //errmsg("Store Failed, file: %s:", fname);

    /* dump status detail information if there is some */
    if (statusDetail != NULL) {
        printf("  Status Detail:\n");
        delete statusDetail;
    /* return */
    return cond;

static void
replaceSOPInstanceInformation(DcmDataset* dataset)
    static OFCmdUnsignedInt patientCounter = 0;
    static OFCmdUnsignedInt studyCounter = 0;
    static OFCmdUnsignedInt seriesCounter = 0;
    static OFCmdUnsignedInt imageCounter = 0;
    static OFString seriesInstanceUID;
    static OFString seriesNumber;
    static OFString studyInstanceUID;
    static OFString studyID;
    static OFString accessionNumber;
    static OFString patientID;
    static OFString patientName;

    if (seriesInstanceUID.length() == 0) seriesInstanceUID=makeUID(SITE_SERIES_UID_ROOT, (int)seriesCounter);
    if (seriesNumber.length() == 0) seriesNumber = intToString((int)seriesCounter);
    if (studyInstanceUID.length() == 0) studyInstanceUID = makeUID(SITE_STUDY_UID_ROOT, (int)studyCounter);
    if (studyID.length() == 0) studyID = studyIDPrefix + intToString((int)secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)studyCounter);
    if (accessionNumber.length() == 0) accessionNumber = accessionNumberPrefix + intToString(secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)studyCounter);
    if (patientID.length() == 0) patientID = patientIDPrefix + intToString(secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)patientCounter);
    if (patientName.length() == 0) patientName = patientNamePrefix + intToString(secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)patientCounter);

    if (imageCounter >= opt_inventSeriesCount) {
        imageCounter = 0;
        seriesInstanceUID = makeUID(SITE_SERIES_UID_ROOT, (int)seriesCounter);
        seriesNumber = intToString((int)seriesCounter);
    if (seriesCounter >= opt_inventStudyCount) {
        seriesCounter = 0;
        studyInstanceUID = makeUID(SITE_STUDY_UID_ROOT, (int)studyCounter);
        studyID = studyIDPrefix + intToString(secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)studyCounter);
        accessionNumber = accessionNumberPrefix + intToString(secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)studyCounter);
    if (studyCounter >= opt_inventPatientCount) {
        // we create as many patients as necessary */
        studyCounter = 0;
        patientID = patientIDPrefix + intToString(secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)patientCounter);
        patientName = patientNamePrefix + intToString(secondsSince1970()) + intToString((int)patientCounter);

    OFString sopInstanceUID = makeUID(SITE_INSTANCE_UID_ROOT, (int)imageCounter);
    OFString imageNumber = intToString((int)imageCounter);

    if (opt_verbose) {
        COUT << "Inventing Identifying Information (" <<
            "pa" << patientCounter << ", st" << studyCounter <<
            ", se" << seriesCounter << ", im" << imageCounter << "): " << endl;
        COUT << "  PatientName=" << patientName << endl;
        COUT << "  PatientID=" << patientID << endl;
        COUT << "  StudyInstanceUID=" << studyInstanceUID << endl;
        COUT << "  StudyID=" << studyID << endl;
        COUT << "  SeriesInstanceUID=" << seriesInstanceUID << endl;
        COUT << "  SeriesNumber=" << seriesNumber << endl;
        COUT << "  SOPInstanceUID=" << sopInstanceUID << endl;
        COUT << "  ImageNumber=" << imageNumber << endl;

    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_PatientsName, patientName);
    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_PatientID, patientID);
    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_StudyInstanceUID, studyInstanceUID);
    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_StudyID, studyID);
    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_SeriesInstanceUID, seriesInstanceUID);
    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_SeriesNumber, seriesNumber);
    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_SOPInstanceUID, sopInstanceUID);
    updateStringAttributeValue(dataset, DCM_InstanceNumber, imageNumber);


static void
progressCallback(void * /*callbackData*/,
    T_DIMSE_StoreProgress *progress,
    T_DIMSE_C_StoreRQ * /*req*/)
    if (opt_verbose) {
        switch (progress->state) {
        case DIMSE_StoreBegin:
            printf("XMIT:"); break;
        case DIMSE_StoreEnd:
            printf("\n"); break;
            putchar('.'); break;

static OFString
makeUID(OFString basePrefix, int counter)
    OFString prefix = basePrefix + "." + intToString(counter);
    char uidbuf[65];
    OFString uid = dcmGenerateUniqueIdentifier(uidbuf, prefix.c_str());
    return uid;

static int
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    return (int)t;

static OFString
intToString(int i)
    char numbuf[32];
    sprintf(numbuf, "%d", i);
    return numbuf;

static OFBool
updateStringAttributeValue(DcmItem* dataset, const DcmTagKey& key, OFString& value)
    DcmStack stack;
    DcmTag tag(key);

    OFCondition cond = EC_Normal;
    cond = dataset->search(key, stack, ESM_fromHere, OFFalse);
    if (cond != EC_Normal) {
        CERR << "error: updateStringAttributeValue: cannot find: " << tag.getTagName()
             << " " << key << ": "
             << cond.text() << endl;
        return OFFalse;

    DcmElement* elem = (DcmElement*) stack.top();

    DcmVR vr(elem->ident());
    if (elem->getLength() > vr.getMaxValueLength()) {
        CERR << "error: updateStringAttributeValue: INTERNAL ERROR: " << tag.getTagName()
             << " " << key << ": value too large (max "
            << vr.getMaxValueLength() << ") for " << vr.getVRName() << " value: " << value << endl;
        return OFFalse;

    cond = elem->putOFStringArray(value);
    if (cond != EC_Normal) {
        CERR << "error: updateStringAttributeValue: cannot put string in attribute: " << tag.getTagName()
             << " " << key << ": "
             << cond.text() << endl;
        return OFFalse;

    return OFTrue;

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 宝宝只吃乳头不吃奶嘴怎么办 宝宝只吃一个乳头怎么办 宝宝只吃乳头不吃奶瓶怎么办 给泰迪奶狗喂奶呛到了怎么办 奶壶喂奶呛到了怎么办 宝宝喝奶瓶老是呛到怎么办 两个月宝宝睡偏头了怎么办 婴儿吐奶豆花状怎么办 吃母乳乳头破了怎么办 顺产后仰卧睡了怎么办 宝宝含着母乳睡怎么办 刚出生的孩子不吃母乳怎么办 月子里挤奶手痛怎么办 做完月子之后腿疼腰疼怎么办 腰疼引起的腿疼怎么办 上网上久了脑袋痛怎么办 莲花坐的脚麻怎么办 月子腿疼膝盖疼怎么办 做月子腿着凉了怎么办 出月子大腿根酸怎么办 出了月子腰酸痛怎么办 出了月子腿没劲怎么办 生完孩子后缺钙怎么办 生完孩子腿疼怎么办 生完孩子后腿疼怎么办 生完孩子肛门突出怎么办 生完孩子肋骨突出怎么办 蛙跳理蛙跳后腿疼怎么办 蛙跳两天后腿还疼怎么办 莲花菩提盘黑了怎么办 体育课蛙跳后肌肉拉伤怎么办 o型腿骨头弯了怎么办 小孩钢琴坐姿不对向后仰怎么办 小孩皮肤不好容易留疤怎么办 学游泳时站不稳怎么办 水呛到了不停打嗝怎么办 来月经前游泳了怎么办 快来完事游泳了怎么办 游泳时来月经了怎么办 经期第7天游泳了怎么办 来月经已经游了泳怎么办