cocos2dx源代码分析之TMXTiled 瓦片地图

来源:互联网 发布:电脑条码识别软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:32

     关于cocos2dx 中的瓦片地图的分析








 关于TileMap地图支持3种不同的视图:正交视图        六边形的视图       等轴视图






  具体的代码方面可以查看cocos2d 的源代码CCTMXTiledMap.cpp文件


TMXTiledMap * TMXTiledMap::create(const std::string& tmxFile){    TMXTiledMap *ret = new (std::nothrow) TMXTiledMap();    if (ret->initWithTMXFile(tmxFile))    {        ret->autorelease();        return ret;    }    CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret);    return nullptr;}TMXTiledMap* TMXTiledMap::createWithXML(const std::string& tmxString, const std::string& resourcePath){    TMXTiledMap *ret = new (std::nothrow) TMXTiledMap();    if (ret->initWithXML(tmxString, resourcePath))    {        ret->autorelease();        return ret;    }    CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret);    return nullptr;}


</pre><p></p><p></p><pre name="code" class="cpp">// publicTMXLayer * TMXTiledMap::getLayer(const std::string& layerName) const{    CCASSERT(layerName.size() > 0, "Invalid layer name!");        for (auto& child : _children)    {        TMXLayer* layer = dynamic_cast<TMXLayer*>(child);        if(layer)        {            if( layer->getLayerName()) == 0)            {                return layer;            }        }    }    // layer not found    return nullptr;}


 CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE TMXLayer* layerNamed(const std::string& layerName) const { return getLayer(layerName); };

或者可以通过直接 layerNamed()得到也只是同理了



    inline const Size& getMapSize() const { return _mapSize; };    inline void setMapSize(const Size& mapSize) { _mapSize = mapSize; };    /** the tiles's size property measured in pixels */    inline const Size& getTileSize() const { return _tileSize; };    inline void setTileSize(const Size& tileSize) { _tileSize = tileSize; };

mapSize 指的是总的地图的大小但是这里的大小指的不是像素的大小这里指的是坐标多少,也就是指的是总共有多少的瓦片

tileSize   指的是每一个瓦片的大小



TMXObjectGroup * TMXTiledMap::getObjectGroup(const std::string& groupName) const{    CCASSERT(groupName.size() > 0, "Invalid group name!");    if (_objectGroups.size()>0)    {        TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = nullptr;        for (auto iter = _objectGroups.cbegin(); iter != _objectGroups.cend(); ++iter)        {            objectGroup = *iter;            if (objectGroup && objectGroup->getGroupName() == groupName)            {                return objectGroup;            }        }    }    // objectGroup not found    return nullptr;}

        auto heroObject = myTiledMap->getObjectGroup("heroborn");auto spanwnPoint = heroObject->getObject("createHero"); heroBornX = spanwnPoint["x"].asInt(); heroBornY = spanwnPoint["y"].asInt();


Sprite * TMXLayer::getTileAt(const Vec2& pos){    CCASSERT(pos.x < _layerSize.width && pos.y < _layerSize.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, "TMXLayer: invalid position");    CCASSERT(_tiles && _atlasIndexArray, "TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released");    Sprite *tile = nullptr;    int gid = this->getTileGIDAt(pos);    // if GID == 0, then no tile is present    if (gid)     {        int z = (int)(pos.x + pos.y * _layerSize.width);        tile = static_cast<Sprite*>(this->getChildByTag(z));        // tile not created yet. create it        if (! tile)         {            Rect rect = _tileSet->getRectForGID(gid);            rect = CC_RECT_PIXELS_TO_POINTS(rect);            tile = Sprite::createWithTexture(this->getTexture(), rect);            tile->setBatchNode(this);            tile->setPosition(getPositionAt(pos));            tile->setPositionZ((float)getVertexZForPos(pos));            tile->setAnchorPoint(Vec2::ZERO);            tile->setOpacity(_opacity);            ssize_t indexForZ = atlasIndexForExistantZ(z);            this->addSpriteWithoutQuad(tile, static_cast<int>(indexForZ), z);        }    }        return tile;}



void TMXLayer::setTileGID(uint32_t gid, const Vec2& pos, TMXTileFlags flags){    CCASSERT(pos.x < _layerSize.width && pos.y < _layerSize.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, "TMXLayer: invalid position");    CCASSERT(_tiles && _atlasIndexArray, "TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released");    CCASSERT(gid == 0 || (int)gid >= _tileSet->_firstGid, "TMXLayer: invalid gid" );    TMXTileFlags currentFlags;    uint32_t currentGID = getTileGIDAt(pos, ¤tFlags);    if (currentGID != gid || currentFlags != flags)     {        uint32_t gidAndFlags = gid | flags;        // setting gid=0 is equal to remove the tile        if (gid == 0)        {            removeTileAt(pos);        }        // empty tile. create a new one        else if (currentGID == 0)        {            insertTileForGID(gidAndFlags, pos);        }        // modifying an existing tile with a non-empty tile        else         {            int z = pos.x + pos.y * _layerSize.width;            Sprite *sprite = static_cast<Sprite*>(getChildByTag(z));            if (sprite)            {                Rect rect = _tileSet->getRectForGID(gid);                rect = CC_RECT_PIXELS_TO_POINTS(rect);                sprite->setTextureRect(rect, false, rect.size);                if (flags)                 {                    setupTileSprite(sprite, sprite->getPosition(), gidAndFlags);                }                _tiles[z] = gidAndFlags;            }             else             {                updateTileForGID(gidAndFlags, pos);            }        }    }}
</pre><p></p><p>那么删除操作如下</p><p></p><pre name="code" class="cpp">void TMXLayer::removeTileAt(const Vec2& pos){    CCASSERT(pos.x < _layerSize.width && pos.y < _layerSize.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, "TMXLayer: invalid position");    CCASSERT(_tiles && _atlasIndexArray, "TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released");    int gid = getTileGIDAt(pos);    if (gid)     {        int z = pos.x + pos.y * _layerSize.width;        ssize_t atlasIndex = atlasIndexForExistantZ(z);        // remove tile from GID map        _tiles[z] = 0;        // remove tile from atlas position array        ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(_atlasIndexArray, atlasIndex);        // remove it from sprites and/or texture atlas        Sprite *sprite = (Sprite*)getChildByTag(z);        if (sprite)        {            SpriteBatchNode::removeChild(sprite, true);        }        else         {            _textureAtlas->removeQuadAtIndex(atlasIndex);            // update possible children            for(const auto &obj : _children) {                Sprite* child = static_cast<Sprite*>(obj);                ssize_t ai = child->getAtlasIndex();                if ( ai >= atlasIndex )                {                    child->setAtlasIndex(ai-1);                }            }        }    }}


CCPoint GameMap::tileCoordForPosition(CCPoint position){int x = position.x / this->getTileSize().width;int y = (((this->getMapSize().height) * this->getTileSize().height) - position.y) / this->getTileSize().height;return ccp(x, y);}CCPoint GameMap::positionForTileCoord(CCPoint tileCoord){CCPoint pos = ccp((tileCoord.x * this->getTileSize().width),((this->getMapSize().height - tileCoord.y) * this->getTileSize().height));return pos;}



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