
来源:互联网 发布:品牌域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 15:40
标签和按钮类似,但是标签不做任何动作,只是提示,它不是一个交互的部件,你点击它,它不会有任何操作创建标签:创建标签的语法:$label = $parent->Label( [ option => value . . . ] )->pack( );Label OptionsThe following is a comprehensive list of options for Labels:下面列出所有标签的选项:-anchor => 'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw' | 'center'Causes the text to stick to that position in the Label widget. This won't be obvious unless the Label is forced to be larger than standard size.将文本放在什么位置,主要是当我们的界面很大的时,位置设置特别重要-background => colorSets the background color of the Label to color.设置文字的背景颜色-bitmap => bitmapDisplays the bitmap contained in bitmap instead of text.以bitmap图象取代Label中的文字显示,里面放置图象的路径和名称-borderwidth => amountChanges the width of the edges of the Label.设定标签的边框宽度-cursor => cursornameChanges the cursor to cursorname when the mouse is over this widget.改变鼠标放在标签上时鼠标改变成cursorname的样子-font => fontnameIndicates that the text in the widget will be displayed with fontname.设定标签的字型-foreground => colorChanges the text of the Button (or the bitmap) to color.设定文字的颜色-height => amountSets the height of the Label to amount; amount is a valid screen distance.设定标签的高度,设定的值应该是屏幕的有效范围-highlightbackground => colorSets the color of the focus rectangle when the widget is not in focus to color.10当标签不是键盘输入焦点时,设定其颜色-highlightcolor => colorSets the color of the focus rectangle when the widget has focus to color.当标签成为键盘输入焦点时,设定其颜色-highlightthickness => amountSets the width of the focus rectangle. Default is 0 for the Label.设定焦点的宽度,默认值为0-image => imgptrDisplays the image to which imgptr points, instead of text.指定以image取代文字的显示-justify => 'left' | 'right' | 'center'Sets the side of the Label against which multiline text will justify.让多行文字向那个方向对齐-padx => amountAdds extra space inside the edge to the left and right of the Label.在label框线内的左右两边增加额外的空间-pady => amountAdds extra space inside the edge to the top and bottom of the Label.在label框线内的上下两边增加额外的空间-relief => 'flat' | 'groove' | 'raised' | 'ridge' | 'sunken'Changes the type of edges drawn around the Button.设置标签的3D效果-takefocus => 0 | 1 | undefChanges the ability of the Label to have the focus or not.是否让label成为键盘的输入焦点-text => textDisplays a text string in the Label.设定显示的文字内容-textvariable => \$variablePoints to the variable containing text to be displayed in the Label. Label will change automatically as $variable changes.设定变动文字的内容-underline => nCauses the nth character to be underlined. Allows that key to invoke the widget when it has the focus. Default value is -1 (no character underlined).将某些字设定有下划线,默认值为-1-width => amountCauses the Label width to be amount.设定标签的宽度-wraplength => amountIndicates that the text in the Label will wrap when it gets longer than amount.当文字串的宽度超出多少限制后,换至下行显示单行文本:到目前为止,我们知道的唯一的输入方式是用户点击按钮得到,通过按钮的-command选项得到信息毕竟是有限的,文本部件让用户输入文本,可以用于各种各样的需求信息。

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