Merge Sorted Array

来源:互联网 发布:grub安装ubuntu 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:41

Given two sorted integer arrays A and B, merge B into A as one sorted array.

You may assume that A has enough space (size that is greater or equal to m + n) to hold additional elements from B. The number of elements initialized in A and B are m and n respectively.

public void merge(int A[], int m, int B[], int n)

    public void merge(int A[], int m, int B[], int n) {        for(int i = m + n - 1, j = m - 1, k = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){            if(k < 0 || (j >= 0 && A[j] >= B[k])){                A[i] = A[j];                j--;            }else{                A[i] = B[k];                k--;            }        }    }

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