
来源:互联网 发布:linux不保存退出vi 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 08:06

AvalonEdit is a WPF-based extensible text editor.


While the WPF RichTextBox is quite powerful, you quickly run into its limits when trying to use it as a code editor: it's hard to write efficient syntax highlighting for it, and you cannot really implement features like code folding with the standard RichTextBox.


The problem is: the RichTextBox edits a rich document. In contrast, AvalonEdit simply edits text.


However, AvalonEdit offers lots of possibilities on how the text document is displayed - so it is much more suitable for a code editor where things like the text color are not controlled by the user, but instead depend on the text (syntax highlighting).


AvalonEdit was written for the SharpDevelop IDE. It replaces our old Windows Forms-based text editor (ICSharpCode.TextEditor).

AvalonEdit 是为SharpDevelop IDE而开发的编辑器,它代替了传统windows 面向表单文本的编辑器(ICSharpCode.TextEditor)。


The main class of the editor is ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextEditor. You can use it similar to a normal WPF TextBox:


<avalonEdit:TextEditor    xmlns:avalonEdit="http://icsharpcode.net/sharpdevelop/avalonedit"    Name="textEditor"    SyntaxHighlighting="C#"    FontFamily="Consolas"    FontSize="10pt"/>


There are two versions of AvalonEdit - the normal one requires .NET Framework 4.0 or higher; but we also offer a modified version for .NET 3.5 SP1. For compiling AvalonEdit, you will need a C# 4.0 compiler (SharpDevelop 4.x or Visual Studio 2010).

AvalonEdit有两个版本,普通版需要.Net Framework 4.0或更高版本的支持,另外也提供了基于.Net 3.5 SP1的改良版。编译AvalonEdit时,需要C#4.0的编辑器。(SharpDevelop 4.x  或 Visual Studio 2010).

        private static FoldingManager foldingManager = null;        private static XmlFoldingStrategy foldingStrategy = new XmlFoldingStrategy();            //快速搜索            txtTemplateContent.TextArea.DefaultInputHandler.NestedInputHandlers.Add(new SearchInputHandler(txtTemplateContent.TextArea));            //显示行号                        txtTemplateContent.ShowLineNumbers = true;            //默认语法高亮规则            txtTemplateContent.SyntaxHighlighting = HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinitionByExtension(".xml");            //折叠            foldingManager = FoldingManager.Install(txtTemplateContent.TextArea);            txtTemplateContent.Text = DispContentValue;            foldingStrategy.UpdateFoldings(foldingManager, txtTemplateContent.Document);


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