
来源:互联网 发布:linux yum安装lnmp 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 23:31

opt = stepDataOptions(Name,Value) 用于为 [y,...] = step(sys,...,options)提供选项。

sys = tf(1,[1,1]);opt = stepDataOptions('InputOffset',-1,'StepAmplitude',2);[y,t] = step(sys,opt)  
感觉'inputoffset'的作用不大(Input signal level for all time t < 0)。

对于stepinfo,S = stepinfo(y,t,yfinal) yfinal代表稳态值。返回

  • RiseTime — Rise time
    SettlingTime — Settling time
    SettlingMin — Minimum value of y once the response has risen  (代表什么??搞不懂)
    SettlingMax — Maximum value of y once the response has risen (同上,代表什么?)
    Overshoot — Percentage overshoot (relative to yfinal)
    Undershoot — Percentage undershoot(代表什么?)
    Peak — Peak absolute value of y
    PeakTime — Time at which this peak is reached

S = stepinfo(sys)
S = stepinfo(...,'SettlingTimeThreshold',ST)  可以选 ST=2%或=5%或其它
S = stepinfo(...,'RiseTimeLimits',RT)可以选RT=[0.1 0.9]或其它

对于tfdata()、ssdata()和zpkdata(),Models of class "frd" cannot be converted to transfer function form、state-space form and zero-pole-gain form.


freqresp()用的是 sin() 还是 cos() 呢??应该是sin(),且是u=Asin(wt+fai)满足A=1,fai=0,这样,频率响应就等于H(jw)了。


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