
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客扣费方式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/30 22:43


ps -aux  grep xxx  命令的使用


shell@mx2:/ $ ps -aux  grep                                        USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAMEu0_a12    2485  1570  905244 37532 ffffffff 00000000 S


top -m 表示最多显示多少个进程-d  表示刷新间隔时间-s 如: -s cpu 安装cpu占用率来排序-h 表示显示帮助文档

shell@mx2:/ $ top -d 3 -s cpu -m 5User 23%, System 5%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0%User 73 + Nice 0 + Sys 17 + Idle 224 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 314  PID PR CPU% S  #THR     VSS     RSS PCY UID      Name 2293  0  21% S    17 908072K  83276K  fg u0_a57  0   2% R     1   1292K    484K     shell    top 2048  0   0% S    46 974020K 125424K  fg system 1015  0   0% S     1      0K      0K     root     mmcqd/0 1991  0   0% S    79 972872K  58756K  fg system   system_server


USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAMEroot      1     0     556    384   ffffffff 00000000 S /initroot      2     0     0      0     ffffffff 00000000 S kthreaddroot      3     2     0      0     ffffffff 00000000 S ksoftirqd/0root      6     2     0      0     ffffffff 00000000 S migration/0root      7     2     0      0     ffffffff 00000000 S watchdog/0root      20    2     0      0     ffffffff 00000000 S khelperroot      27    2     0      0     ffffffff 00000000 S sync_system_wor

USER: 进程的当前用户PID: 进程idPPID:父进程idVSIZE: virtual size 进程虚拟地址空间大小RSS:进程正在使用的物理内存的大小WCHAN:进程如果处于休眠状态的话,在内核中的地址PC:NAME:进程名称



shell@mx2:/ $ amusage: am [subcommand] [options]usage: am start [-D] [-W] [-P <FILE>] [--start-profiler <FILE>]               [--R COUNT] [-S] [--opengl-trace]               [--user <USER_ID> | current] <INTENT>       am startservice [--user <USER_ID> | current] <INTENT>       am stopservice [--user <USER_ID> | current] <INTENT>       am force-stop [--user <USER_ID> | all | current] <PACKAGE>       am kill [--user <USER_ID> | all | current] <PACKAGE>       am kill-all       am broadcast [--user <USER_ID> | all | current] <INTENT>       am instrument [-r] [-e <NAME> <VALUE>] [-p <FILE>] [-w]               [--user <USER_ID> | current]               [--no-window-animation] <COMPONENT>       am profile start [--user <USER_ID> current] <PROCESS> <FILE>       am profile stop [--user <USER_ID> current] [<PROCESS>]       am dumpheap [--user <USER_ID> current] [-n] <PROCESS> <FILE>       am set-debug-app [-w] [--persistent] <PACKAGE>       am clear-debug-app       am monitor [--gdb <port>]       am hang [--allow-restart]       am restart       am idle-maintenance       am screen-compat [on|off] <PACKAGE>       am to-uri [INTENT]       am to-intent-uri [INTENT]       am switch-user <USER_ID>       am stop-user <USER_ID>       am stack create <TASK_ID> <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID> <POSITION> <WEIGHT>       am stack movetask <TASK_ID> <STACK_ID> [true|false]       am stack resize <STACK_ID> <WEIGHT>       am stack boxes       am stack box <STACK_BOX_ID>am start: start an Activity.  Options are:    -D: enable debugging    -W: wait for launch to complete    --start-profiler <FILE>: start profiler and send results to <FILE>    -P <FILE>: like above, but profiling stops when app goes idle    -R: repeat the activity launch <COUNT> times.  Prior to each repeat,        the top activity will be finished.    -S: force stop the target app before starting the activity    --opengl-trace: enable tracing of OpenGL functions    --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not        specified then run as the current startservice: start a Service.  Options are:    --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not        specified then run as the current stopservice: stop a Service.  Options are:    --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not        specified then run as the current force-stop: force stop everything associated with <PACKAGE>.    --user <USER_ID> | all | current: Specify user to force stop;        all users if not kill: Kill all processes associated with <PACKAGE>.  Only kills.  processes that are safe to kill -- that is, will not impact the user  experience.    --user <USER_ID> | all | current: Specify user whose processes to kill;        all users if not kill-all: Kill all background broadcast: send a broadcast Intent.  Options are:    --user <USER_ID> | all | current: Specify which user to send to; if not        specified then send to all users.    --receiver-permission <PERMISSION>: Require receiver to hold instrument: start an Instrumentation.  Typically this target <COMPONENT>  is the form <TEST_PACKAGE>/<RUNNER_CLASS>.  Options are:    -r: print raw results (otherwise decode REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT).  Use with        [-e perf true] to generate raw output for performance measurements.    -e <NAME> <VALUE>: set argument <NAME> to <VALUE>.  For test runners a        common form is [-e <testrunner_flag> <value>[,<value>...]].    -p <FILE>: write profiling data to <FILE>    -w: wait for instrumentation to finish before returning.  Required for        test runners.    --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify user instrumentation runs in;        current user if not specified.    --no-window-animation: turn off window animations while profile: start and stop profiler on a process.  The given <PROCESS> argument  may be either a process name or pid.  Options are:    --user <USER_ID> | current: When supplying a process name,        specify user of process to profile; uses current user if not dumpheap: dump the heap of a process.  The given <PROCESS> argument may  be either a process name or pid.  Options are:    -n: dump native heap instead of managed heap    --user <USER_ID> | current: When supplying a process name,        specify user of process to dump; uses current user if not set-debug-app: set application <PACKAGE> to debug.  Options are:    -w: wait for debugger when application starts    --persistent: retain this valueam clear-debug-app: clear the previously bug-report: request bug report generation; will launch UI    when done to select where it should be monitor: start monitoring for crashes or ANRs.    --gdb: start gdbserv on the given port at crash/ANRam hang: hang the system.    --allow-restart: allow watchdog to perform normal system restartam restart: restart the user-space idle-maintenance: perform idle maintenance screen-compat: control screen compatibility mode of <PACKAGE>.am to-uri: print the given Intent specification as a to-intent-uri: print the given Intent specification as an intent: switch-user: switch to put USER_ID in the foreground, starting  execution of that user if it is currently stop-user: stop execution of USER_ID, not allowing it to run any  code until a later explicit switch to stack create: create a new stack relative to an existing one.   <TASK_ID>: the task to populate the new stack with. Must exist.   <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID>: existing stack box's id.   <POSITION>: 0: before <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID>, per RTL/LTR configuration,               1: after <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID>, per RTL/LTR configuration,               2: to left of <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID>,               3: to right of <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID>,               4: above <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID>, 5: below <RELATIVE_STACK_BOX_ID>   <WEIGHT>: float between 0.2 and 0.8 stack movetask: move <TASK_ID> from its current stack to the top (true) or   bottom (false) of <STACK_ID>.am stack resize: change <STACK_ID> relative size to new <WEIGHT>.am stack boxes: list the hierarchy of stack boxes and their stack box: list the hierarchy of stack boxes rooted at <STACK_BOX_ID>.<INTENT> specifications include these flags and arguments:    [-a <ACTION>] [-d <DATA_URI>] [-t <MIME_TYPE>]    [-c <CATEGORY> [-c <CATEGORY>] ...]    [-e|--es <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_STRING_VALUE> ...]    [--esn <EXTRA_KEY> ...]    [--ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE> ...]    [--ei <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE> ...]    [--el <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE> ...]    [--ef <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE> ...]    [--eu <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_URI_VALUE> ...]    [--ecn <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_COMPONENT_NAME_VALUE>]    [--eia <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_INT_VALUE...]]    [--ela <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_LONG_VALUE...]]    [--efa <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE...]]    [-n <COMPONENT>] [-f <FLAGS>]    [--grant-read-uri-permission] [--grant-write-uri-permission]    [--debug-log-resolution] [--exclude-stopped-packages]    [--include-stopped-packages]    [--activity-brought-to-front] [--activity-clear-top]    [--activity-clear-when-task-reset] [--activity-exclude-from-recents]    [--activity-launched-from-history] [--activity-multiple-task]    [--activity-no-animation] [--activity-no-history]    [--activity-no-user-action] [--activity-previous-is-top]    [--activity-reorder-to-front] [--activity-reset-task-if-needed]    [--activity-single-top] [--activity-clear-task]    [--activity-task-on-home]    [--receiver-registered-only] [--receiver-replace-pending]    [--selector]    [<URI> | <PACKAGE> | <COMPONENT>]


shell@mx2:/ $ am start -a android.intent.action.CALL -d tel:1008611Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.CALL dat=tel:xxxxxxx }shell@mx2:/ $ 


shell@mx2:/ $ am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat= }


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