
来源:互联网 发布:数据库设计的逻辑设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:53



ebin ————-> 编译文件路径
include———–> 引入文件
logs ————-> 日志文件
mmake———-> 并行编译所需的脚本
script ———–> 项目启动脚本
src ————–> 项目逻辑文件
MEmakefile —–>编译所需文件



cd ../ebindel *.beamcd ../mmakemkdir includeerlc -I include/ mmake.erlcd ..erl +P 1024000 -smp auto -pa mmake/ -s mmake allpause


%% 多进程编译%% 解析Emakefile,根据获取{mods, options}列表,%% 按照次序编译每项(解决编译顺序的问题)%% 其中mods也可以包含多个模块,当大于1个时,%% 可以启动多个process进行编译,从而提高编译速度.-module(mmake).-export([all/0,files/2, files/3]).-compile(export_all).-include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl").-define(MakeOpts,[noexec,load,netload,noload]).all() ->    all(30).all(Worker) when is_integer(Worker) ->    all(Worker, []).all(Worker, Options) when is_integer(Worker) ->    {MakeOpts, CompileOpts} = sort_options(Options,[],[]),    case read_emakefile('MEmakefile', CompileOpts) of        Files when is_list(Files) ->            do_make_files(Worker, Files, MakeOpts),            io:format("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@       finish compile   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~n");        error ->            error    end,    erlang:halt().files(Worker, Fs) ->    files(Worker, Fs, []).files(Worker, Fs0, Options) ->    Fs = [filename:rootname(F,".erl") || F <- Fs0],    {MakeOpts,CompileOpts} = sort_options(Options,[],[]),    case get_opts_from_emakefile(Fs,'MEmakefile',CompileOpts) of        Files when is_list(Files) ->            do_make_files(Worker, Files,MakeOpts);        error -> error    end.do_make_files(Worker, Fs, Opts) ->    %io:format("worker:~p~nfs:~p~nopts:~p~n", [Worker, Fs, Opts]),    process(Fs, Worker, lists:member(noexec, Opts), load_opt(Opts)).sort_options([H|T],Make,Comp) ->    case lists:member(H,?MakeOpts) of        true ->            sort_options(T,[H|Make],Comp);        false ->            sort_options(T,Make,[H|Comp])    end;sort_options([],Make,Comp) ->    {Make,lists:reverse(Comp)}.%%% Reads the given Emakefile and returns a list of tuples: {Mods,Opts}%%% Mods is a list of module names (strings)%%% Opts is a list of options to be used when compiling Mods%%%%%% Emakefile can contain elements like this:%%% Mod.%%% {Mod,Opts}.%%% Mod is a module name which might include '*' as wildcard%%% or a list of such module names%%%%%% These elements are converted to [{ModList,OptList},...]%%% ModList is a list of modulenames (strings)read_emakefile(Emakefile,Opts) ->    case file:consult(Emakefile) of        {ok, Emake} ->            transform(Emake,Opts,[],[]);        {error,enoent} ->            %% No Emakefile found - return all modules in current            %% directory and the options given at command line            Mods = [filename:rootname(F) || F <- filelib:wildcard("*.erl")],            [{Mods, Opts}];        {error,Other} ->            io:format("make: Trouble reading 'Emakefile':~n~p~n",[Other]),            error    end.transform([{Mod,ModOpts}|Emake],Opts,Files,Already) ->    case expand(Mod,Already) of        [] ->            transform(Emake,Opts,Files,Already);        Mods ->            transform(Emake,Opts,[{Mods,ModOpts++Opts}|Files],Mods++Already)    end;transform([Mod|Emake],Opts,Files,Already) ->    case expand(Mod,Already) of        [] ->             transform(Emake,Opts,Files,Already);        Mods ->            transform(Emake,Opts,[{Mods,Opts}|Files],Mods++Already)    end;transform([],_Opts,Files,_Already) ->    lists:reverse(Files).expand(Mod,Already) when is_atom(Mod) ->    expand(atom_to_list(Mod),Already);expand(Mods,Already) when is_list(Mods), not is_integer(hd(Mods)) ->    lists:concat([expand(Mod,Already) || Mod <- Mods]);expand(Mod,Already) ->    case lists:member($*,Mod) of        true ->            Fun = fun(F,Acc) ->                          M = filename:rootname(F),                          case lists:member(M,Already) of                              true -> Acc;                              false -> [M|Acc]                          end                  end,            lists:foldl(Fun, [], filelib:wildcard(Mod++".erl"));        false ->            Mod2 = filename:rootname(Mod, ".erl"),            case lists:member(Mod2,Already) of                true -> [];                false -> [Mod2]            end    end.%%% Reads the given Emakefile to see if there are any specific compile%%% options given for the modules.get_opts_from_emakefile(Mods,Emakefile,Opts) ->    case file:consult(Emakefile) of        {ok,Emake} ->            Modsandopts = transform(Emake,Opts,[],[]),            ModStrings = [coerce_2_list(M) || M <- Mods],            get_opts_from_emakefile2(Modsandopts,ModStrings,Opts,[]);        {error,enoent} ->            [{Mods, Opts}];        {error,Other} ->            io:format("make: Trouble reading 'Emakefile':~n~p~n",[Other]),            error    end.get_opts_from_emakefile2([{MakefileMods,O}|Rest],Mods,Opts,Result) ->    case members(Mods,MakefileMods,[],Mods) of        {[],_} ->            get_opts_from_emakefile2(Rest,Mods,Opts,Result);        {I,RestOfMods} ->            get_opts_from_emakefile2(Rest,RestOfMods,Opts,[{I,O}|Result])    end;get_opts_from_emakefile2([],[],_Opts,Result) ->    Result;get_opts_from_emakefile2([],RestOfMods,Opts,Result) ->    [{RestOfMods,Opts}|Result].members([H|T],MakefileMods,I,Rest) ->    case lists:member(H,MakefileMods) of        true ->            members(T,MakefileMods,[H|I],lists:delete(H,Rest));        false ->            members(T,MakefileMods,I,Rest)    end;members([],_MakefileMods,I,Rest) ->    {I,Rest}.%% Any flags that are not recognixed as make flags are passed directly%% to the compiler.%% So for example make:all([load,debug_info]) will make everything%% with the debug_info flag and load it.load_opt(Opts) ->    case lists:member(netload,Opts) of        true ->            netload;        false ->            case lists:member(load,Opts) of                true ->                    load;                _ ->                    noload            end    end.%% 处理process([{[], _Opts}|Rest], Worker, NoExec, Load) ->    process(Rest, Worker, NoExec, Load);process([{L, Opts}|Rest], Worker, NoExec, Load) ->    Len = length(L),    Worker2 = erlang:min(Len, Worker),    case catch do_worker(L, Opts, NoExec, Load, Worker2) of        error ->            error;        ok ->            process(Rest, Worker, NoExec, Load)    end;process([], _Worker, _NoExec, _Load) ->    up_to_date.%% worker进行编译do_worker(L, Opts, NoExec, Load, Worker) ->    WorkerList = do_split_list(L, Worker),    io:format("worker:~p worker list(~p)~n", [Worker, length(WorkerList)]),    % 启动进程    Ref = make_ref(),    Pids =        [begin             start_worker(E, Opts, NoExec, Load, self(), Ref)         end || E <- WorkerList],    do_wait_worker(length(Pids), Ref).%% 等待结果do_wait_worker(0, _Ref) ->    ok;do_wait_worker(N, Ref) ->    receive        {ack, Ref} ->            %io:format("one file ok.~n"),            do_wait_worker(N - 1, Ref);        {error, Ref} ->            throw(error);        {'EXIT', _P, _Reason} ->            do_wait_worker(N, Ref);        _Other ->            io:format("receive unknown msg:~p~n", [_Other]),            do_wait_worker(N, Ref)    end.%% 将L分割成最多包含N个子列表的列表do_split_list(L, N) ->    Len = length(L),    % 每个列表的元素数    LLen = (Len + N - 1) div N,    do_split_list(L, LLen, []).do_split_list([], _N, Acc) ->    lists:reverse(Acc);do_split_list(L, N, Acc) ->    {L2, L3} = lists:split(erlang:min(length(L), N), L),    do_split_list(L3, N, [L2 | Acc]).%% 启动worker进程start_worker(L, Opts, NoExec, Load, Parent, Ref) ->    Fun =        fun() ->                [begin                     case recompilep(coerce_2_list(F), NoExec, Load, Opts) of                         error ->                             Parent ! {error, Ref},                             exit(error);                         _ ->                             ok                     end                 end || F <- L],                Parent ! {ack, Ref}        end,    spawn_link(Fun).recompilep(File, NoExec, Load, Opts) ->    ObjName = lists:append(filename:basename(File),                           code:objfile_extension()),    ObjFile = case lists:keysearch(outdir,1,Opts) of                  {value,{outdir,OutDir}} ->                      filename:join(coerce_2_list(OutDir),ObjName);                  false ->                      ObjName              end,    case exists(ObjFile) of        true ->            recompilep1(File, NoExec, Load, Opts, ObjFile);        false ->            recompile(File, NoExec, Load, Opts)    end.recompilep1(File, NoExec, Load, Opts, ObjFile) ->    {ok, Erl} = file:read_file_info(lists:append(File, ".erl")),    {ok, Obj} = file:read_file_info(ObjFile),    recompilep1(Erl, Obj, File, NoExec, Load, Opts).recompilep1(#file_info{mtime=Te},            #file_info{mtime=To}, File, NoExec, Load, Opts) when Te>To ->    recompile(File, NoExec, Load, Opts);recompilep1(_Erl, #file_info{mtime=To}, File, NoExec, Load, Opts) ->    recompile2(To, File, NoExec, Load, Opts).%% recompile2(ObjMTime, File, NoExec, Load, Opts)recompile2(ObjMTime, File, NoExec, Load, Opts) ->    IncludePath = include_opt(Opts),    case check_includes(lists:append(File, ".erl"), IncludePath, ObjMTime) of        true ->            recompile(File, NoExec, Load, Opts);        false ->            false    end.include_opt([{i,Path}|Rest]) ->    [Path|include_opt(Rest)];include_opt([_First|Rest]) ->    include_opt(Rest);include_opt([]) ->    [].%% recompile(File, NoExec, Load, Opts)%% Actually recompile and load the file, depending on the flags.%% Where load can be netload | load | noloadrecompile(File, true, _Load, _Opts) ->    io:format("Out of date: ~s\n",[File]);recompile(File, false, noload, Opts) ->    io:format("Recompile: ~s\n",[File]),    compile:file(File, [report_errors, report_warnings, error_summary |Opts]);recompile(File, false, load, Opts) ->    io:format("Recompile: ~s\n",[File]),    c:c(File, Opts);recompile(File, false, netload, Opts) ->    io:format("Recompile: ~s\n",[File]),    c:nc(File, Opts).exists(File) ->    case file:read_file_info(File) of        {ok, _} ->            true;        _ ->            false    end.coerce_2_list(X) when is_atom(X) ->    atom_to_list(X);coerce_2_list(X) ->    X.%%% If you an include file is found with a modification%%% time larger than the modification time of the object%%% file, return true. Otherwise return false.check_includes(File, IncludePath, ObjMTime) ->    Path = [filename:dirname(File)|IncludePath],    case epp:open(File, Path, []) of        {ok, Epp} ->            check_includes2(Epp, File, ObjMTime);        _Error ->            false    end.check_includes2(Epp, File, ObjMTime) ->    case epp:parse_erl_form(Epp) of        {ok, {attribute, 1, file, {File, 1}}} ->            check_includes2(Epp, File, ObjMTime);        {ok, {attribute, 1, file, {IncFile, 1}}} ->            case file:read_file_info(IncFile) of                {ok, #file_info{mtime=MTime}} when MTime>ObjMTime ->                    epp:close(Epp),                    true;                _ ->                    check_includes2(Epp, File, ObjMTime)            end;        {ok, _} ->            check_includes2(Epp, File, ObjMTime);        {eof, _} ->            epp:close(Epp),            false;        {error, _Error} ->            check_includes2(Epp, File, ObjMTime)    end.

执行 mmake_all.bat,所有的编译beam文件会在ebin目录下

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