py3 使用TCP SOCKET 发送json字符串给服务器测试例程代码

来源:互联网 发布:什么是美工设计助理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 08:32






本代码中,在对消息打包时,消息包头 头4个字节是一个int32的整数值,非可视化字符。这头4个字节是可以通过int.from_bytes(receive_buf[0:4], "little") 这样的方法解析出来的,在c++中,这头4个字节是可以强转为int就可以直接读取的值。从第五个字符开始,就是json字符串了。


__author__ = 'Administrator'import socketimport jsonimport threadingimport datetimeimport structdef get_execute_time_p2(f):    def inner(p1=None, p2=None):        begin =        f(p1, p2)        end =        print("{0} execute time is {1}".format(f.__name__, end-begin))        return f    return innerdef get_execute_time_p1(f):    def inner(p1=None):        begin =        f(p1)        end =        print("{0} execute time is {1}".format(f.__name__, end-begin))        return f    return innerdef get_socket():    # host = "localhost"    host = ""    port = 8001    address = (host, port)    tcp_socket_temp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)    # tcp_socket_temp.settimeout(2)    tcp_socket_temp.connect(address)    return tcp_socket_temp@get_execute_time_p1def test_accept(cnt):    print("thread launched.")    ok__ = 0    for xer34 in range(cnt):        try:            sd2342 = get_socket()            # input("enter any key to continue...")            sd2342.close()            ok__ += 1            # print(xer34, end="  ")            # if xer34 % 30 == 0:            #     print("")   # C R L F        except Exception as e:            print(e)    print("connect svr success cnt is {0}".format(ok__))@get_execute_time_p2def create_thread_to_test_accept(thread_count, con_cnt_every_thread):    for x342df in range(thread_count):        thread = threading.Thread(None, test_accept, "test_accept", (con_cnt_every_thread,))        thread.start()def print_binary(number):    for sda24 in range(32):        if number & (1 << sda24):            print(1, end="")        else:            print(0, end="")        if (sda24 + 1) % 8 == 0:            print(" ", end="")def int32_2_to_int64(id1, id2):    idx = id1    idx &= 0xffffffff    idx |= id2 << 32    returndef connect_test():    # use 4 threads and every thread executes 10000 connections test to connect svr    # test OK!    create_thread_to_test_accept(4, 50000)def send_test(skt):    data_list = {"_name": "test", "_pwd": "test", "_msg_enum": 1, "_client_version": 1}    data_json = json.dumps(data_list)    # print(data_list)    print(len(data_json), data_json)    # send    my_fmt = "i{0}s".format(len(data_json))    # print(my_fmt)    send_string = struct.pack(my_fmt, 4 + len(data_json), bytes(data_json, "utf8"))    # print(send_string, type(send_string))    # a1, a2 = struct.unpack(my_fmt, send_string)    # print(a1, a2)    skt.send(send_string)recv_cnt = 0def recv_test(skt):    # receive    # print("wait to receive some data from svr.")    receive_buf = skt.recv(32768)    # print(type(receive_buf), len(receive_buf))    # print(receive_buf)    receive_len = int.from_bytes(receive_buf[0:4], "little") - 4    my_fmt2 = "i{0}s".format(receive_len)    a3, a4 = struct.unpack(my_fmt2, receive_buf)    print(a3, a4)    # json_receive = json.loads(str(a4, "ascii"))    # print(type(json_receive), json_receive)    global recv_cnt    recv_cnt += 1    if recv_cnt % 100 == 0:        print(recv_cnt)@get_execute_time_p1def send_recv_test(con_cnt_every_thread):    for x2 in range(con_cnt_every_thread):        try:            tmp_socket = get_socket()            send_test(tmp_socket)            recv_test(tmp_socket)            # input("enter 'enter' to close socket and quit.")            # close            tmp_socket.close()        except Exception as e:            print(e)@get_execute_time_p2def create_thread_to_test_send_recv(thread_count, con_cnt_every_thread):    for x342df2 in range(thread_count):        thread = threading.Thread(None, send_recv_test, "send_recv_test", (con_cnt_every_thread,))        thread.start()# ---------------------------------------------------------------------create_thread_to_test_send_recv(1, 1)

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