JavaScript - Translate Arabic Numbers to be English phrases

来源:互联网 发布:linux命令hexdump 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 23:59

<!DOCTYPE html><html><style>       td{font-size:12px}       table{hight=100px width=200px}</style><body><table> <tr>   <td>     <input id="Sub" type="button" value="翻译" onClick="Main_process();">   </td>   <td>     <input id="Clr" type="button" value="重置" onClick="Emp_prm();">   </td> </tr> <tr>   <td>     需要翻译的数字:   </td>   <td>     <input type="text" id="Ninput">   </td> </tr> <tr>   <td>     翻译的结果:   </td>   <td id="Routp">     &nbsp;   </td> </tr> <tr>   <td spancol=2, id="Msg"></td> </tr></table></body><script>//alert("coming");var Unit = new Array("hundered","thousand","million","billion");var Unit1 = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"];var Unit2 = ["ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"];var Unit3 = ["eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"];var MAXP = 100;var InputValue;var k = 0;var rList=[];Array.prototype.elementIndex = function(element){for(i=0;i<this.length;i++){if(element == this[i])return i;}}function Main_process(){//alert(1);    getValue();    if(0 == NumCheck()){         Zerotrim();         var i = InputValue.length - 1;         var p = 0;         var n1, n2;        if(InputValue.length == 1){     //for only one numbers with InputValue            n1 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));            if(n1==0) rList[k++] = new String("zero");            else      ThirdDigit(n1);        }                  if(InputValue.length == 2){     //for only two numbers with InputValue           n1 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));           n2 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));            TwoDigits(n1,n2);        }         for(;i>=2;){            if(p>=3) getWeight(p+3);           n1 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));           n2 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));            TwoDigits(n1,n2);            n1 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));            p += 3;            if(n1!=0){               getWeight(3);               ThirdDigit(n1);            }        }        if(i>=0 && InputValue.length > 3){           switch (i){                 case 1:                    getWeight(p+3);                   n1 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));                n2 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));                    TwoDigits(n1,n2);                     break;                 case 0:                    n1 = parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i--));                    getWeight(p+3);                    ThirdDigit(n1);                    break;                 default:                    break;           }                  }          writeVaule();    }    k = 0;    rList.splice(0,rList.length);}function getValue(){    InputValue = document.getElementById("Ninput").value.toString();    }function TwoDigits(n1,n2){     var n3 = n2*10 + n1;// if n3=0, means n1=0 && n2=0, no need to translate for such case     if(n3<10 && n1>0){       rList[k++] = new String(Unit1[n1-1]);     }     if(n3 == 10){        rList[k++] = new String(Unit2[0]);     }     if(n3>10 && n3<20){         rList[k++] = new String(Unit3[n2%11]);     }     if(n3>=20){        if(n1!=0){           rList[k++] = new String(Unit1[n1-1]);        }        rList[k++] = new String(Unit2[n2-1]);     }}function ThirdDigit(n1){    if (n1 != 0){       rList[k++] = new String(Unit1[n1-1]);    }}function getWeight(p){       switch(p){           case 3:               rList[k++] = new String(Unit[0]);               break;            case 6:               if(k>0 && isNaN(parseInt(rList[k-1])) &&  Unit.elementIndex(rList[k-1])<1){               rList[k-1] = new String(",");               }              rList[k++] = new String(Unit[1]);               break;           case 9:           if(k>0 && isNaN(parseInt(rList[k-1])) &&  Unit.elementIndex(rList[k-1])<2){    rList[k-1] = new String(",");               }               rList[k++] = new String(Unit[2]);               break;           case 12:           if(k>0 && isNaN(parseInt(rList[k-1])) &&  Unit.elementIndex(rList[k-1])<3){                 rList[k-1] = new String(",");               }               rList[k++] = new String(Unit[3]);               break;           default:               break;       }}function writeVaule(){   document.getElementById("Routp").innerHTML = rList.reverse().toString().replace(/\,/g," ");   }function Zerotrim(){   for(var i= 0;;){      if(parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i)) == 0)         InputValue = InputValue.substr(i+1);      if(parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i)) != 0) break;   }   if(InputValue.length == 0)      InputValue = "0";   document.getElementById("Ninput").value = InputValue;}function NumCheck(){   if(InputValue.length==0 || InputValue.length == undefined){      document.getElementById("Msg").innerHTML = "ÊäÈë²»ÄÜΪ¿Õ";      return 1;   }   for(var i=0; i<InputValue.length; i++){      if(isNaN(parseInt(InputValue.charAt(i)))){          document.getElementById("Msg").innerHTML = "²»ÄÜÊäÈë·ÇÊý×Ö";          return 1;      }   }   return 0;}function Emp_prm(){    document.getElementById("Ninput").value = "";    InputValue = 0;    k = 0;    rList.splice(0,rList.length);    document.getElementById("Routp").innerHTML = "";   }</script></html>


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