SQL sever查询总结

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺怎么打造爆款 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 23:56
use master
if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name = 'CodesKeys')
drop database CodesKeys
create database CodesKeys
on primary 
name = 'CodesKeys_data',
filename = 'E:\DATASTORE\CodesKeys_data.mdf',
size = 10MB,
filegrowth = 1MB
log on
name = 'CodesKeys_log',
filename = 'E:\DATASTORE\CodesKeys_log.ldf',
size = 10MB,
filegrowth = 1MB

if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'Users')
drop table Users
create table Users
Id int identity not null,
Name varchar(10) not null,
IdCard int not null

insert Users(Name, IdCard)values('linukey', 1001)
insert Users(Name, IdCard)values('binghe',  1002)
insert Users(Name, IdCard)values('紫枫',    1003)
insert Users(Name, IdCard)values('好的',    1004)

if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'pk_Id')
alter table Users
drop constraint pk_Id
alter table Users
add constraint pk_Id primary key(Id)

select Id, Name, IdCard from Users where Id = 1 and Name = 'linukey'

select * from Users where Name like 'l%' order by IdCard ASC

select * from Users where Id between 1 and 4 and IdCard > 1002

select Name as '姓名', '身份号' = IdCard, '加密号' = Id + IdCard, 所在学校 = '天津师范大学' from Users

select * from Users where IdCard in (1001,1002)

select 总人数 = COUNT(Id) from Users

like between in
sum avg max min count

if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'Tiezi')
drop table Tiezi
create table Tiezi
Id int identity not null,
Name varchar(10) not null,
TieCount int not null

insert Tiezi(Name, TieCount)values('linukey', 10)
insert Tiezi(Name, TieCount)values('binghe',  20)
insert Tiezi(Name, TieCount)values('紫枫',    30)


select Users.Name,IdCard,TieCount from Users inner join Tiezi on Users.Name = Tiezi.Name where TieCount > 10

select Users.Name,IdCard,TieCount from Users left outer join Tiezi on Users.Name = Tiezi.Name 

select Users.Name,IdCard,TieCount from Users right outer join Tiezi on Users.Name = Tiezi.Name

group by

group by
having 条件
0 0