
来源:互联网 发布:双子星股票交易软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 09:07


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;//三个军衔级别的命令类型//  public enum TypeOfCommands{    General,    Captain,    Soldier}public class EventManager : MonoBehaviour{    //定义一个通用代理,根据传递类型,发送消息      public delegate void CommonUse(TypeOfCommands cmd);    //定义一个事件发送三个军衔的命定      public static event CommonUse whenStep_CommonUse;    //通用指令传递事件类型//      public static void sendMessage_Common(TypeOfCommands toc)    {        whenStep_CommonUse(toc);    }}

using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class MainLogic : MonoBehaviour{    public GUIText myGuiText;//用于显示消息的ui文字        void Start()    {        EventManager.whenStep_CommonUse += whenStep;    }      //根据命令类型,执行      void whenStep(TypeOfCommands toc)    {        switch (toc)        {            case TypeOfCommands.General:                myGuiText.text = "i'm General,the captain should hear from me";                break;            case TypeOfCommands.Captain:                myGuiText.text = "i'm Captain,every soldier need to obey to me";                break;            case TypeOfCommands.Soldier:                myGuiText.text = "i'm soldier,i need to receive commands";                break;        }    }     void OnGUI()      {          if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,100,30),"General"))          {              EventManager.sendMessage_Common(TypeOfCommands.General);          }          if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0,50,100,30),"Captain"))          {              EventManager.sendMessage_Common(TypeOfCommands.Captain);          }          if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0,100,100,30),"Soldier"))          {              EventManager.sendMessage_Common(TypeOfCommands.Soldier);          }                }  }

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